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It's can't be worse than this.

Evidence is ignored or discredited

The US government is against us.

There are secret societies running the show behind a curtain.

This place is comedy gold!!

That is the Political board in a nutshell, only add in a lot more "us vs them"


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That is the Political board in a nutshell, only add in a lot more "us vs them"
I have asked 5 times what the real story is and waiting on an answer.

So far all i hear is that ohtani must have known about the money withdrawals and that we cannot trust US Attorney Estrada. Again, no other theories have been provided.

Apparently I am a sheep because I believe the Estrada findings. If guilty, ohtani should be punished. It appears the evidence is falsified and is part of the cover-up.

Maybe Estrada was behind the Kennedy conspiracy and Roswell cover-up? He probably knows where the Lochness Monster is along with the secret Nazi base in Antartica is. With any luck, he has the real moon landing videos that the government produced to bankrupt the Soviet Union.

Estrada is the key!!

There is no way posters here believe the nonsense they are posting.


Nanook of the North
Feb 28, 2014
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Not sure where you are going with this.

Rose admitted he was gambling on others sports when the Commissioner questioned him.
After the Dowd report came out, rose refused to meet with the commissioner. He did not contest the ban from Giamatti.

Rose admitted in his book and to Prime time in 2004 that he gambled on games he played and managed in. He claims he did not bet against the Reds, however Dowd himself believes he did.

What does this have to do with Ohtani?

The Feds say there is no evidence of him gambling. The gambling evidence that was tracked and located was not on baseball.

Suppose ohtani did gamble. As long as he did not violate MLB gambling policy, he can do so.

The federal investigation proved that the interpreter committed bank fraud and was gambling. He is being charged with a federal crime.

Not one person on this thread has come up with a plausible explanation as to what has happened. What i have read is that we cannot trust federal enforcement and that MLB was somehow involved. Pete roses name had been mentioned. I have no idea why.

Dowd report nailed Rose.
A federal investigation exonerated Ohtani.

I am not seeing the connection. I will ask again, how does it go from ohtani possibly gambling to ohtani being Pete Rose?
What does Rose have to do with Ohtani? I need to explain that?

And I find it interesting how rapidly the feds rapped up their investigation when normally a federal investigation into anything takes months, if not years, It makes one think both effort and interest were minimal, and the conclusion was pre-determined.
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What does Rose have to do with Ohtani? I need to explain that?

I see zero correlation after the Estrada investigation.

Rose gambled on baseball games he played and managed in. It proven in the Dowd report and Rose confessed in 2004.

Ohtani was vindicated by Estrada and denied any gambling period.


Nanook of the North
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And Ohtani is the only one innocent. Why? Because of his Boy Scout image and the no evidence findings on the fed's five-minute investigation? LOL. Well you and shopson67 with his homer-tinted glasses see it in your biased way. I see it from a neutral perspective where the water is a lot more murky.


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And Ohtani is the only one innocent. Why? Because of his Boy Scout image and the no evidence findings on the fed's five-minute investigation? LOL. Well you and shopson67 with his homer-tinted glasses see it in your biased way. I see it from a neutral perspective where the water is a lot more murky.
Innocent of what?

There is zero correlation between ohtani and rose. None.

It's an illogical leap from ohtani to rose.

Why was the federal investigation 5 minutes?

Again, statements are needed instead of questions. You tell me...why was it 5 minutes? None of the trolls here have answered.

My guess is mirzuhara confessed and told them everything they needed to wrap up their case. Keep in mind, this has been going on since October 2023 when they raided the bookie. Mirzuhara pled guilty correct?

For the 10th time...can someone tell me what likely occurred.

This board is a joke and collection of posters who watch the Twlight Zone too much.


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
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Completely agree!

Estrada is clearly lying here about Ohtani. Ohtani was caught red handed. I am guessing Ohtani was betting on his own games as well. Apparently he used the name "John Smith" as his cover. The interpreter cooked up a story to cover for Ohtani. The US government is now involved in the cover up. Sources said that Ohtani threatened the US government to diviluge secrets about Area 51 if they did not look the other way.

Apparetly Ohtani and his interpreter were using hand signals to communicate gambling strategy, as such, there is no hard evidence. Any evidence that did exist was put in the Ark of the Covenanent.

Ohtani is a compulsive gambler no doubt and is looking to acquire the Holy Grail with his winnings. He should be thrown out of the game forever.
No one is saying Ohtani was caught red handed. Thats why it was stupid of him to change the story. If he covered his buddy “not knowing” what it is for it would’ve been a slap on the wrist.

The feds already got their guy, the bookie, so no idea why you are saying it’s a conspiracy theory. Then while investigating the John’s in order to put the dude in prison the paper trail led them to Ohtani. They weren’t investigating him as the head of some grand gambling scheme. The interrupter pled guilty. What do you think the government does? They aren’t going to reject his plea and torture him until he gives up Ohtani.

It isn’t a conspiracy theory, it is logic. No one has said Ohtani is the gambler or whatever silliness you are trying to say. But it is a fact that a dude committing a federal crime is going to look into who he is giving money to or at least knows that person has a whale. Ohtani and his interrupter weren’t the primary person the feds were investigating and no one said he was.


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And I find it interesting how rapidly the feds rapped up their investigation when normally a federal investigation into anything takes months, if not years, It makes one think both effort and interest were minimal, and the conclusion was pre-determined.

Why? What do the feds gain by covering up for a baseball player? That makes no sense at all. If anything, I'd think the feds would love to blow open a high profile case like that to make a name for themselves and get a little tv time.

While I had a hard time at first believing that Ohtani didn't know anything about it, after seeing the text messages between the interpreter and the bookie I tend to think now that Ohtani is completely innocent. The feds apparently agree.


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
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And Ohtani is the only one innocent. Why? Because of his Boy Scout image and the no evidence findings on the fed's five-minute investigation? LOL. Well you and shopson67 with his homer-tinted glasses see it in your biased way. I see it from a neutral perspective where the water is a lot more murky.
The rebuttal to that is Ty Cobb though. He wasn’t exactly the nicest guy but was allowed to retire


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
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No, I don't understand how illegal gambling works and neither do you.

Have you illegally gambled or did you simply Google it or watch a YouTube video on it? I know the rules for MLB gambling though.
Your posts clearly have no credibility and you are a trolling conspiracy theorist. It's a bad look to be honest. Just saying.

The fbi and Feds have a history of making mistakes. Why would they make a mistake here? Is the Yakuza behind it or you honestly think MLB threatened the US government if they didnt plant false evidence or turn a blind eye? You tell.me what is more plausible: ohtanis interpreter is guilty of bank fraud in order to cover a gambling habit or the Feds are corroborating with MLB to cover for ohtani?

I have no idea why his account rep didn't raise red flags.

You aren't good at this message board thing are you?
What is the conspiracy theory that MLB and the feds are working together? Who is saying the Japanese mob is behind anything? You accuse people of being a conspiracy theorists when you are just making shit up when you are arguing.

The most logic situation is his interrupter had a gambling problem and Ohtani as a friend bailed him out over the stated story of him stealing all this money from Ohtani. Ohtani has a team around him, all these athletes that get basically robbed of their wealth don’t have a team around them so that story is just dumb.


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
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maybe but probably not. He doesn't strike me as a stupid person.


Players know what is at stake when they gamble so why in the hell should they admit that they gamble? And yet, gambling addiction is a real addiction and Ohtani is as much prone to that addiction as anyone might be, regardless of how clean-cut and boy scoutish he may appear.

So, let's talk about a related case, the case of MLB vs Pete Rose. And, it is related because both are/were MLB players. The interchange below between investigators and Pete Rose is all true although somewhat streamlined.

Investigator: Pete do you gamble?
Pete: no

Investigation shows that Pete gambles.
Pete: OK, it's true. I gamble. But I don't gamble on sports.

Further Investigation shows Pete gambles on sports.
Pete: Okay, I admit, I gamble on sports but I don't gamble on baseball.

Further Investigation shows Pete gambles on baseball.
Pete: Okay, yeah, yeah, you got me, I gamble on baseball but I don't gamble on the Reds.

Still further Investigation shows Pete gambles on the Reds.
Pete: Dammit! All right!, I gambled on the Reds. But I never gambled on them to lose!

So what do you think comes next?
Can’t really compare Ohtani to Pete Rose. Pete Rose and the Reds owner were massively combative with the league. Plus Pete was lied to when he agreed to what he thought was a one year suspension. Just like you can’t compare it to the Black Sox as if they had any other owner no one would’ve known.


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Sep 15, 2013
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What is the conspiracy theory that MLB and the feds are working together? Who is saying the Japanese mob is behind anything? You accuse people of being a conspiracy theorists when you are just making shit up when you are arguing.

The most logic situation is his interrupter had a gambling problem and Ohtani as a friend bailed him out over the stated story of him stealing all this money from Ohtani. Ohtani has a team around him, all these athletes that get basically robbed of their wealth don’t have a team around them so that story is just dumb.
You just responded to a post regarding the alleged connection between rose and ohtani. I agree with you and see no correlation.

I made comments that were nonsensical to counter the absurd accusations that I should not trust the federal government. If you comb through some of these posts, they are beyond silly. Shoeless Joe Jackson and ohtani are connected....really?? I was told the feds hurried the case and MLB is covering for ohtani.

Some of your board mates need to lay off the Glenn beck books.

At this time, all we have are Estradas findings and the evidence of bank fraud.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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No, I don't understand how illegal gambling works and neither do you.

Have you illegally gambled or did you simply Google it or watch a YouTube video on it? I know the rules for MLB gambling though.
Your posts clearly have no credibility and you are a trolling conspiracy theorist. It's a bad look to be honest. Just saying.

The fbi and Feds have a history of making mistakes. Why would they make a mistake here? Is the Yakuza behind it or you honestly think MLB threatened the US government if they didnt plant false evidence or turn a blind eye? You tell.me what is more plausible: ohtanis interpreter is guilty of bank fraud in order to cover a gambling habit or the Feds are corroborating with MLB to cover for ohtani?

I have no idea why his account rep didn't raise red flags.

You aren't good at this message board thing are you?
You telling someone they aren't good at this message board thing while you are taking things said on particularly THIS board so seriously that you feel the need to white knight someone against Mariner fans on the Mariner team board is amusing.

How does illegal gambling work? However the book and their clients agree to. Such a weird statement to make. FWIW I worked in gaming for 20 years, 12 of it as the director of surveillance.

What you clearly don't know is the 'feds' don't typically share information about ongoing cases. I guess you've never heard the " I can neither confirm nor deny " line that hallmarks most comments by actual FBI agents and leaders. Any comments attributed to them is either a more broad statement or from someone not authorized to speak on the topic. At best it means they do not have any actionable evidence at this time.

No one can say for sure whether or not Ohtani directly made bets, had his buddy/interpreter make them on his behalf, or at a minimum, knew about his buddy making bets and if he agreed before this came out to help him out of his holes. However, no one can say for sure what the FBI has for information on this either.

You are free to disagree with the views of others, but lighten up ffs.
stripes lighten GIF


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Apr 23, 2013
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I wonder why...

On a side note, the NBA player got booted for life today. Of course he was a nobody so...
He didn't get the Jordan accommodations to go play minor league baseball for 3yrs. Threw away good money and a pension if he was able to hang around long enough.


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You telling someone they aren't good at this message board thing while you are taking things said on particularly THIS board so seriously that you feel the need to white knight someone against Mariner fans on the Mariner team board is amusing.

How does illegal gambling work? However the book and their clients agree to. Such a weird statement to make. FWIW I worked in gaming for 20 years, 12 of it as the director of surveillance.

What you clearly don't know is the 'feds' don't typically share information about ongoing cases. I guess you've never heard the " I can neither confirm nor deny " line that hallmarks most comments by actual FBI agents and leaders. Any comments attributed to them is either a more broad statement or from someone not authorized to speak on the topic. At best it means they do not have any actionable evidence at this time.

No one can say for sure whether or not Ohtani directly made bets, had his buddy/interpreter make them on his behalf, or at a minimum, knew about his buddy making bets and if he agreed before this came out to help him out of his holes. However, no one can say for sure what the FBI has for information on this either.

You are free to disagree with the views of others, but lighten up ffs.
stripes lighten GIF

So none of you guys actually read the text messages which clearly indicate the interpreter had a serious gambling problem. Additionally, why would Ohtani need to keep borrowing money from the bookie?

Seems pretty clear as day that the feds got it right.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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So none of you guys actually read the text messages which clearly indicate the interpreter had a serious gambling problem. Additionally, why would Ohtani need to keep borrowing money from the bookie?

Seems pretty clear as day that the feds got it right.
I love it when people assume they know everything based off anything other than first hand knowledge.

I made no assertion of guilt or innocence. I simply said the only two who know for sure what happened at this point are Ohtani and Mizuhara. It's certainly possible Ohtani didn't know anything and got robbed. If that's true, he's a serious stooge for being that blind IMO and that's almost more funny than getting away with covering up whatever he may otherwise have known.

Still, someone going on the attack up here claiming others don't get how boards work when conspiracy and trolling are the norm, not the exception, was really the point. How can you spend any time on either hoop and not get how it works? lol


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Do you know why he was banned for life?

Porter was giving inside info to bettors, and gambling on nba games.

Did ohtani do any of those?

So now Pete Rose, Porter, and ohtani are all in the same boat?
Didn't say I was a hero. I just said I knew the MLB rules.

So because I wanted the facts to come out and for federal law enforcement to do their job, I am Ohtanis #1 fan?

Funny how you say I am Ohtani's #1 fan yet you have never met me.

For the 2nd time, no, I have no clue why his representative didn't say anything about it. I didn't know he had a personal representative. You see know a lot about the case Sherlock.

To clarify, what do you think happened here. What do you know that federal law enforcement doesn't know?

Was Ohtani gambling?
Was Ohtani gambling illegally if he was gambling?
What Ohtani gambling on baseball?
Was ohtani gambling on baseball games he played in?

Let's start there before we break out conspiracy theories. We have some of the answers above already...just a hint.

Instead of trying to be the smartest one in the room, why do you just tell everyone here at home what actually happened.

The floor is yours.
Again, 7yr olds know MLB rules. You're correct, you're no hero.

You came rushing onto this team board trying to be all high and mighty cause you're the so called message board king so you must be his #1 fan.

Rub those 2 brain cells together and try again to figure out why his financial advisor said nothing. You might be dumber than GiGi but we'll give you another crack at it.

1. Ohtani gambling? Probably not but we don't have the ledger for full confirmation just his good friend quickly changing stories.
2. If he gambled, yes it would be illegal hence the bookie.
3. Again, no ledger for proof
4. There are rumors when he pitched.

Never claimed to be smartest in the room but you seem to play that roll perfectly. I also have never stated Ohtani was a full fledged gambler but when 16mil gets wired from the club house (in a state that is still illegal to place bets) to a good friend of his for years makes you wonder.

Go ahead with your response genius.


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You telling someone they aren't good at this message board thing while you are taking things said on particularly THIS board so seriously that you feel the need to white knight someone against Mariner fans on the Mariner team board is amusing.

How does illegal gambling work? However the book and their clients agree to. Such a weird statement to make. FWIW I worked in gaming for 20 years, 12 of it as the director of surveillance.

What you clearly don't know is the 'feds' don't typically share information about ongoing cases. I guess you've never heard the " I can neither confirm nor deny " line that hallmarks most comments by actual FBI agents and leaders. Any comments attributed to them is either a more broad statement or from someone not authorized to speak on the topic. At best it means they do not have any actionable evidence at this time.

No one can say for sure whether or not Ohtani directly made bets, had his buddy/interpreter make them on his behalf, or at a minimum, knew about his buddy making bets and if he agreed before this came out to help him out of his holes. However, no one can say for sure what the FBI has for information on this either.

You are free to disagree with the views of others, but lighten up ffs.
stripes lighten GIF
You get points for a "Stripes" reference. Hats off to you...


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Again, 7yr olds know MLB rules. You're correct, you're no hero.

You came rushing onto this team board trying to be all high and mighty cause you're the so called message board king so you must be his #1 fan.

Rub those 2 brain cells together and try again to figure out why his financial advisor said nothing. You might be dumber than GiGi but we'll give you another crack at it.

1. Ohtani gambling? Probably not but we don't have the ledger for full confirmation just his good friend quickly changing stories.
2. If he gambled, yes it would be illegal hence the bookie.
3. Again, no ledger for proof
4. There are rumors when he pitched.

Never claimed to be smartest in the room but you seem to play that roll perfectly. I also have never stated Ohtani was a full fledged gambler but when 16mil gets wired from the club house (in a state that is still illegal to place bets) to a good friend of his for years makes you wonder.

Go ahead with your response genius.
Wired to a good friend?

If this is true, why was Mitzuhara charged with bank fraud?

So the feds got it all wrong?
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Apr 23, 2013
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It's can't be worse than this.

Evidence is ignored or discredited

The US government is against us.

There are secret societies running the show behind a curtain.

This place is comedy gold!!
Do you need a tissue because people are giving you different ideas and not fully on board with you? You are our comedy gold cause you think your shit don't stink because you've been on message boards for over a decade.

You have little man syndrome