Todd Haley's RZ playcalling...

Never been a fan. It's of my opinion that he has been riding Ben's coattails ever since he was hired in Pittsburgh.
Guy works so hard too. Working out at 4am , after the KC game? I have a hard time scratching my balls at 4am. Saw him doing an interview the other day and he says he spend 350k a year on staying so fit. Damnnnnn!!! Plus he has a big chip because of the bs Al Jeezar report saying he was juicing, and him testing for NFL. Guy is a beast and earns it
Plus he hates Goodell more than I do - nothing but respect for that man.
The Endzone Militia say they go through about 3/4 to a 1lb of gun powder per home game.
I'm thinking they should go ahead and bring an extra lb or two.
Lloyd... a true legendtrue guys like him and Greg LLoyd always had the utmost respect, they walked the walk and never talked the talk . Then you have the Joey Porters who cant shut their mouths and are punks
Lloyd... a true legend
The saying "Avoid Lloyd" came about for a damn good reasonPlus one bad bad bad man , jacked plus like a 6th degree blackbelt, loved that guy
The saying "Avoid Lloyd" came about for a damn good reason
Kirkland was another LB, but yea he wore #99.Never heard that but was fun watching him and Kevin Greene lightening up the line and QB. Who was that big mofo at nose tackle #99 Kirkland?
Never heard that but was fun watching him and Kevin Greene lightening up the line and QB. Who was that big mofo at nose tackle #99 Kirkland?
Kirkland was another LB, but yea he wore #99.
Yeah he was just a middle LB. A 300# MLB, but a linebacker.