John: 8:36
Dr. Cena recommends DB undergo possible career ending neck surgery. Got it.
First off everything Cena does in ring looks so ridiculously fake. DB @ least sells that shit and makes wrestling cool again. Cena mouth breathers are ridiculous.
I would imagine they are expecting DB to perform at Payback. I am disappointed in what's happened with him since WM. If he's been hurt, I know it's not his fault, but that combined with Brie being inserted almost every show with him...the momentum loses its steam each week for me. I'm no longer annoying my family by shouting "Yes! Yes! Yes!" when he's on.
Kind of a crazy RAW last night. The Alicia Fox meltdown was unexpected and hilarious. The Fandango/Layla makeout was bizarre. Adam Rose is growing on me. Colter had me laughing with his rant about the Bunny. What the heck was Heath Slater wearing?
Anyone else notice that Rusev mainly beats up the Black guys on the roster? Xavier Woods, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, & now Big E. All that's left is Tyson O'Neil & Mark Henry.
my little guy said something to that effect today...." dad is Brodus Clay next or is he not dark enough"... Sonovagun just turned 9.....smh
Rusev should be targetting The Real Americans! Definitely seems racist!
I like the idea of splitting up the titles. If one goes vacant, DB can still hold onto the other. If guys are still fighting for a main belt, fans will let pass a few months without the other one being in play.
Read the Smackdown spoilers. I won't give details...but wow, it sounds horrible.
Yeah, it's been pretty bad. The last few years I tend to jump in and out of wrestling based on what's going on. Right now it feels like I might jump out again for awhile.
To be honest, Raw since WMXXX has been so bad, you can't expect anything from Smackdown these days.
OK word is DB has a broken neck and will be out 6-8 weeks and should be back for Summerslam. They are still deciding what to do with the WWEWHC but here is my idea:
I say split the titles, leaving Bryan with the WWE championship or World Heavyweight championship (since they probably want more miles on the new belt). Have a tournament for the vacant belt. Then have Bryan and the new champion cash both titles in at a big summerslam press conference ( LIVE ON THE WWE NETWORK ) then unveil a new Championship with the new logo at the conference and have the two champions in the main event for the single belt.
That's so wrong! Yet hilarious
They worked too hard to combine the titles, why split them again.
HHH should waste no time vacating the title. He didnt want DB to even be in the match, let alone get a title shot, now they are gonna wait for three months?
I think the problem is that this shield feud with evolution is in the way. Reigns should have a spot in a tournament. HHH should set a ladder, have Rollins fight Ambrose, then the winner of that match fight Reigns. It would end up with HHH vs Reigns at the next pay per view. They are already lost with MIB with only one briefcase anyway unless they get cases for US and IC titles.