Burgundy & Gold Forevah
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After all the cruddy shit goodell has done, it took Ray rice cold cocking his Girlfriend to finally put Godell on the hot seat.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal says Roger Goodell must go if allegations are true - The Washington Post
Heats gonna get hotter. This issue is only going to get more and more exposure.
Im not in any way saying Rice was in the right for what he did. But its funny how in the first takes they released they show her swinging on him and him reacting. One thing I have always told my little sisters and my daughter is, if you really love him dont swing on him. Because he may swing back, then I have to deal with it. But IF you do swing on him, also dont be shocked if he swings back.
I'm talking about a snowball rolling down hill. That's what people do, get insane about a topic, and the pendulum swings far right or left. Human nature. People want a scapegoat. Goodell may be the next one. Wouldn't surprise me, no matter it is the owners he is a puppet for.
Oh I totally agree on the Goodell thing. And it couldnt happen to a nicer guy in my opinion. I dont buy that they hadnt seen the video. And I also think depending on which team it was, it would not have taken more than an allegation for him to ban the player.
So Goodell hires some one to look into the matter of if he infact saw a video he swears he never saw. If that dont beat all. LOL
Well considering Mara has his back, my guess is the "independent" investigator will find that GODell never actually saw the video in question.
Don't forget Mr Classy, Robert Kraft...