Bill Bergen for HoF!
How old are you? Maybe Mario made you a Pens fan???
Oh, I loved Mario Lemieux and he was definitely on the team when I started liking them. It's funny, I am a fan of teams that are local to me, except there wasn't a NW hockey team when I was a kid. It's sad that I can't even remember when/why I first started liking them, but it was BEFORE the Van Damme movie "Sudden Death" came out (don't wanna be accused of being that shallow). It may be that I already had favorites in the big 3 (Seahawks, Mariners & Sonics) and my mother got a used pens shirt from Goodwill (I remember the shirt), that was somewhere around 1986/87 (I was 5 or 6).
It was very hard to get into hockey as a kid, since it was never on in my area, except for the Olympics. I still try to catch Pens games when they're on a local channel, but not much else.