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NFL Combine (Wide Receivers) - Seahawk Targets


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Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Screamin12th I agree running in shorts is different but if you watch tape on Kevin White you see that it is no fluke as he spends a great deal of time just blowing by guys in college. Obviously that won't be as much the case in the pros as guys like Sherman who might be .2 seconds slower on the 40 make up for it in technique.

And yes I realize they try to exaggerate some of those to make a point but I still think it shows that a guy with elite speed can make a huge difference and lead to some big play ability. Kevin White fits that bill. I think you are getting too hung up on the fact that they showed Sherman in the video. Sherman obviously makes up for his lack of elite speed with some of the best technique in the league at his position. He is very disciplined at his craft.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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You can easily see how fast guys are by watching them play in an actual football game. If there's anything "important" about the 40 at the combine, it's probably exposing a player that hardly anyone has seen much of -- they run a great time and now maybe teams will go back and look at the film more they may not have otherwise.

Interviews and medical exams are way more important than anything else happening at the combine that the players are doing, IMO.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Screamin12th I agree running in shorts is different but if you watch tape on Kevin White you see that it is no fluke as he spends a great deal of time just blowing by guys in college. Obviously that won't be as much the case in the pros as guys like Sherman who might be .2 seconds slower on the 40 make up for it in technique.

And yes I realize they try to exaggerate some of those to make a point but I still think it shows that a guy with elite speed can make a huge difference and lead to some big play ability. Kevin White fits that bill. I think you are getting too hung up on the fact that they showed Sherman in the video. Sherman obviously makes up for his lack of elite speed with some of the best technique in the league at his position. He is very disciplined at his craft.
Well White at 6 foot 3 running a 4.35 is exceptional but then again if speed means everything then DHB would have been a stud for the Raiders at 4.30. Now comparing these two is like apples to oranges all i am saying is don't believe the NFL networks BS hype machine. The Simulcam shows just how much BS they throw around when they show a 4.35 beating a 4.34.


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
Seattle, Washington
Hoopla Cash
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I really want to like Dorial-Green Beckham because of his unique combination of size and speed, but watching his film the only thing that stands out to me is his exceptional ability at catching jump balls. He would definitely be an incredible red-zone threat, and he could be very good at using his size to get over CBs and snag the ball in the air, but I don't see that he offers anything other than that. He would be an exceptional situational WR, i.e. deep balls and jump balls in the red zone, but I feel like you'd be wasting snaps having him out there on a down by down basis as he doesn't do anything else exceptionally. Also his pedestrian 13 reps on the bench makes me wonder if he possesses the upper body strength to beat press coverage at the NFL level.

I see Dorial-Green as a good #2 who could catch 10 or so TD passes, but never exceed 700 or 800 yards receiving. I don't see that he will be a dominant WR like many of the Calvin Johnson comparisons, but he could become one of the NFL's best red zone threats while not offering much else.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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My Boy Vince Mayle had a bad 40 time. he did well in the quickness drills but he just looked bad at the 40. Interesting to see if he improves it at pro day. I still say he has great football speed. He never got caught from behind. He reminds me alot of a Marquess Colston type guy.

But he may have really hurt his draft stock

The kid out of West Virginia intrigues me.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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My Boy Vince Mayle had a bad 40 time. he did well in the quickness drills but he just looked bad at the 40. Interesting to see if he improves it at pro day. I still say he has great football speed. He never got caught from behind. He reminds me alot of a Marquess Colston type guy.

But he may have really hurt his draft stock

The kid out of West Virginia intrigues me.

Mayle didn't help himself with that 40 time, but there's plenty of tape to show his speed. He's rated at a 5.65 on nfl.com (means they feel he could develop into a starter). Dorial Green-Beckham has a 5.68 rating.




Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't look into the 40 to much. These times are them running in shorts so meh. the difference between someone running a 4.35 and a 4.50 in the 40 is like 18 inches and in a game that means the 4.5 guy had the 4.35 guy well covered lol. Now add in all the bumping and pushing and the change of directions and you see why 40 times are not to be looked at to hard. The 3 cone drill and shuttles are a better thing to look at and they just show the ability to change directions ( good for LB when avoiding traffic and RB and for cuts by the WR. )

i would like to see them add a 10 and 20 yard dash to the combine. This would show explosion and off the line quickness that the 40 doesn't. The 40 is long enough for striders to make up for slow starts.

funny how i brought this up and then a week later we hear how they will be changing the skill tests at the combine. Almost like i read the future, to bad it wasn't the powerball numbers a few weeks ago lol.