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New Detroit Lions rumor -- Trading up to #3


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Apr 19, 2013
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I didn't get to hear the entire report, as I had to go yell at Verizon employees for a few minutes. They were talking on the Sports Talk Radio here that a couple people are reporting the Lions are very interested in trading up to #3 overall with Jacksonville.

I wish I could have listened to the rest, as I didn't get to hear if they were guessing on who the Lions were interested in trading up for. I did get a good laugh at Mike Valenti commenting about the possibility of the Lions drafting a WR at #3. Needless to say -- My negative responses about the possibility of trading for a WR paled in comparison to the shots he was taking at the Lions front office if that happens.:laugh3:

Man -- I hate hearing all these rumors and the fact we have to wait another 2 days before we can get this draft started. I wish it was tonight.

Gulf of Brazil

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^^^ it just gives something else to convo about so it isn't all that bad. Most of the time I think draft analysts and sports talk radio need the "shock talk" just to keep the convo's going. The more shocking the more people tune in. Nah, they don't do that at all.. I'll be pissed if it does become true though, for a WR. Shit will be broken !! (reason; cuz I'm old as hell and tired of the fruit-loops B.S. from the FO).


Top Notch
Apr 19, 2013
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By my accounts, those rumors seem to have some truth to it.


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Apr 19, 2013
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^^^ it just gives something else to convo about so it isn't all that bad.

I agree -- they actually named the sources who were reporting this, two guys from ESPN, I believe. As you said though -- that doesn't mean a whole lot, as everyone is trying to report something to get people talking right now.


Argumentum artifex
Jul 17, 2013
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I would not be happy if this proved to be true. :L


Top Notch
Apr 19, 2013
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All top five teams have expressed some type of interest to move down, so while this may be speculation by these reporters, it may also have some truth to it. You dont believe that Mayhew has spoken to any of the top three teams?


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All top five teams have expressed some type of interest to move down, so while this may be speculation by these reporters, it may also have some truth to it. You dont believe that Mayhew has spoken to any of the top three teams?

I'm sure Detroit has talked to quite a few teams about the possibility of moving up and down. I would actually be surprised to see Detroit stay put at #10.


Top Notch
Apr 19, 2013
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I would be a little nervous if I was a fan of any of the NFC North teams if this were true.


Top Notch
Apr 19, 2013
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I expect Detroit to move down if they cant trade up and if Evans is off the board. Though, I strongly believe Ebron is in play at 10also, which would force the Lions to stay at 10.

Gulf of Brazil

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Top 5 teams are always going to look at trade down options. Especially when there isn't a QB like Luck or RGIII. JMO, not one of the QB's in this draft should be taken in the top 20. NOT A SINGLE ONE.

I am sure that Mayhew has looked into trading up. I just think it would be a mistake no matter if it was for Clowney, Watkins, Mack or Robinson.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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How about this......I will agree not to bash Millenhew without mercy if he trades up to #3 (giving up only our second rd pick) where he selects Mack. But...................he has to also trade Suh to Tenn or NYG for their first and second round picks which he uses to move up to #4 and selects Watkins.

Would people be happy that way?


Top Notch
Apr 19, 2013
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I could handle that.

Gulf of Brazil

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I expect Detroit to move down if they cant trade up and if Evans is off the board. Though, I strongly believe Ebron is in play at 10also, which would force the Lions to stay at 10.

I think Ebron goes to Tampa Bay and Evans goes to Oakland...

Hou - Clowney....should be a no-brainer
Stl - Mack... replaces OLB Jo Lon Dunbar (best front 7 anywhere + have to go up against SF, Sea, AZ)
Jax - Watkins...Blackmon indefinite suspension, another no brainer and they have Henne
Cle - ? Manziel ? this is where the guesswork begins
Oak - Evans... they just got Schaub and have a speedster in WR Denarius Moore
Atl - Robinson..Sam Baker could stay on LT until Robinson is ready.. it's a reach for Barr..they can get DE Ford, VanNoy or Attaochu in 2nd rd.
TB - Ebron.. they have McCown as a QB now.. Evans is gone.. So they take Ebron to pair with V-Jax
Min - could be first trade down right here... I truly think they target Derek Carr or draft him at #8
Buf - Matthews.... He's an upgrade over Cordy Glenn and protects EJ Manuel by having both OT's
DET - ????????????????? waiting for LionStop1

Gulf of Brazil

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Dr. Evil-er said:
How about this......I will agree not to bash Millenhew without mercy if he trades up to #3 (giving up only our second rd pick) where he selects Mack. But...................he has to also trade Suh to Tenn or NYG for their first and second round picks which he uses to move up to #4 and selects Watkins.

Would people be happy that way?

I find it extremely hard to fathom that any team would give up this years 1st and 2nd round picks for Suh even if an extension was agreed to "in principal" prior to said trade... I just don't believe he holds that type of trade value. JMO. I could go on and on and spew my points endlessly but I won't unless provoked.

I'm probably one of a handful of posters who is in your corner regarding the trade of Suh. I won't argue with you or anyone else on trade value because it would be absolutely hopeless.

What I will say is, I find it rather odd when discussing trade ups from #10 to say #3 and only giving up a 2nd rd pick (which doesn't even come close to value, yes I know what dumb fuck Oak did last year with Miami) and people will argue that the new CBA doesn't agree to Jimmy Johnson's trade value chart, but Lo and Fuckin' behold, try a trade down scenario involving our #10 to say #16 and posters want a fuckin 2nd rd pick and it's perfectly okay. Dallas went from #18 down to #31 (SF) last year for a mid 3rd round pick.

I'm not trying to be an a**hole. Just pointing out the obvious one-way street Lions posters have. This does not include you specifically, DR. Evil-er, by any means.. There's plenty of proof in other threads by many a Lions fan SportsHoopla posters.
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Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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I could handle that.

I was kidding bro. :suds:

I want to trade down. I was not kidding about trading Suh though.

My dream........Lions trade Suh to NYG for #12 and their 2nd rd pick. We take Clinton-Dix at #10. Trade #12 to the NYJ who take Ebron (he will be there) for their 2nd rd pick. We take Zack Martin at #18. Now we have three 2nd rd picks. Van Noy will certainly be one of them. I'll pick up DT Jerrigan in there as well since he is poised to fall and BPA the next.

I'm sorry Smitty but I think there is a chance WR M. Lee could fall into the 2nd rd. I would use one of those 2nd rd picks plus our third to move up and grab him if he does fall.

I think a draft of Clinton-Dix, Martin, Lee, Van Noy, and Jerrigan will do just fine. With the exception of DT we just got substantially better at 4 spots. Clinton-Dix over the Baltimore guy I am not even go to try and spell, Martin over Sims, Lee over Durham/Broyles/Olgetree, and Van Noy over Palmer. Jerrigan was a top 10 pick in some of the early mocks so he isnt some garbage fill in for losing Suh.

I cant see how we arent a much better team with that draft than the pubic hairball that Millenhew is going to barf up on Thursday will do for us.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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What I will say is, I find it rather odd when discussing trade ups from #10 to say #3 and only giving up a 2nd rd pick (which doesn't even come close to value, yes I know what dumb fuck Oak did last year with Miami) and people will argue that the new CBA doesn't agree to Jimmy Johnson's trade value chart, but Lo and Fuckin' behold, try a trade down scenario involving our #10 to say #16 and posters want a fuckin 2nd rd pick and it's perfectly okay. Dallas went from #18 down to #31 (SF) last year for a mid 3rd round pick.

I'm not trying to be an a**hole. Just pointing out the obvious one-way street Lions posters have. This does not include you specifically, DR. Evil-er, by any means.. There's plenty of proof in other threads by many a Lions fan SportsHoopla posters.

If you were trying to be an asshole I would hope you have enough respect for me to just call me an asshole. It's much easier to interpret the tone of what you are saying that way. :suds:

Values are always going to be wildly different based on the teams actual desire to move up and get their guy. Oakland simply wanted to move back because they were certain their guy would be there so they took what they could get.

I recall you offering up solid demonstrative proof some time ago that many trades have continued to follow along the lines of the value chart. While #10 to #16 does fall short of value on a second rd pick it is in excess of the value of a third rd pick. Now its up to the value of your GM to swing that extra value to our side.

With Millenhew that isnt going to happen so I dont know why I am offering up a counter arguement because thats just stupid on my part. Sorry, my bad, this was a waste of time to type and for those of you who read it. He's going to trade away all of our picks, not gather us more.


Top Notch
Apr 19, 2013
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They are reporting everywhere that the Lions are trying to get up to get Watkins.


Top Notch
Apr 19, 2013
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Big Blue, you have some of the same thinking as me with the mock up you did.

Lionstop1's official mock, Wednesday at Noon.

Gulf of Brazil

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Dr. Evil-er said:
If you were trying to be an asshole I would hope you have enough respect for me to just call me an asshole. It's much easier to interpret the tone of what you are saying that way. :suds:

BB_72.. I would never consider you as an a**hole.... NEVER.. I've learned a lot from your cap savvy.

Values are always going to be wildly different based on the teams actual desire to move up and get their guy. Oakland simply wanted to move back because they were certain their guy would be there so they took what they could get.

BB_72.. This is very true to point... I stressed their desire for CB DJ Hayden plus the fact they were without a 2nd rd pick last year for the Carson Palmer trade 2 years prior.

I recall you offering up solid demonstrative proof some time ago that many trades have continued to follow along the lines of the value chart. While #10 to #16 does fall short of value on a second rd pick it is in excess of the value of a third rd pick. Now its up to the value of your GM to swing that extra value to our side.

BB_72.. That is a valid point... I simply look to last years trade between Buf at #8 and Stl at #16. The value at the end of that trade gave Buf 5 points extra, 1640 pts (Buf) to 1635 pts. (Stl)... Buf got STL #16, #46 and #78... Stl got Buf #8 and #71...

With Millenhew that isnt going to happen so I dont know why I am offering up a counter arguement because thats just stupid on my part. Sorry, my bad, this was a waste of time to type and for those of you who read it. He's going to trade away all of our picks, not gather us more.

I do NOT find any of your posts a waste of time. Just wait until this team needs that one player in 2015 or 2016 and because they kept Suh, extended Staff for 51 mil, and the ridiculous amount extended to CJ, They will not be able to get that FA who could help them get to the top... We are on the same boat ride together, I just suck at taking my thoughts from mind and placing them to paper.... :suds:


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Apr 19, 2013
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They are reporting everywhere that the Lions are trying to get up to get Watkins.

As long as they are talking about Watkins brother and it is the 3rd or 4th round they are trading up to take him -- I'm fine with that.