I am the Lizard King
" If a player says "Will do it this time", his throwing shot's at the other team " - Jim Doors Logic

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We'll do it this time. "We'll" meaning the team." If a player says "Will do it this time", his throwing shot's at the other team " - Jim Doors Logic
"Despite me being a fake Knicks & Bandwagon Lebron Boner fan with mental issues, I'm still smarted than everyone in here" - Jim Doors
Coach Pop - "I saw all the air conditioning people on my way out, and i sent them home".
Yeah, as I said before, can't bust on Lebron over the cramps. Those were extreme and unexpected conditions. He said he did his usual hydration, so he was taking care of his body as he should. By the time he got to the arena and realized what the conditions were. It was already too late.
It's the Los Angeles Lakers. Thank you!
There are no known direct, predictable causes for skeletal muscle cramps. There are however quite a few factors that contribute to the increased susceptibility to get paralyzing cramps. There are certain individuals who are susceptible to getting a mortis quality of cramps and Lebron is one of them. He stated he's had this happen in high school, college, and the pros and on at least four occassions when they were of mortis quality (meaning paralyzing as in rigor mortis).
I think there is a genetic factor that predisposes the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of some people's skeletal muscles to coagulate the proteins that comprise the SR as thereby leaking calcium uncontrollably when exertion in heat is experienced. I also think the re-sequstering enzymes that capture calcium and return it to the SR also get damaged. When Calcium leaks out of the SR and is not regulated, contraction of the sarcomere can be almost spontaneous and the muscle remains contracted in a nearly mortis quality state because calcium is not re-squestered fast enough by defective enzymes.
Lebron stated he received several IV's and was hydrating and receiving ice. I didn't see much stretching but the camera wasn't on him all the time. SO it appears Mr Lebron is one of those muscled guys who gets mortis quality cramps when he over-exerts in heat and there is little he can do when he gets them except to cease the activity and continue with fluids, electrolytes, ice, and stretching to cool is core temps down and relieve that kind of severe pain.
It is sort of pointless from a medical perspective to berate the guy for something he can't necessarily control. He is doing everything he needs to do but unfortunately the situation is beyond his control when he gets those types of cramps. Again I can't prove any of my theory unless I get a research grant. Others are working on the problem but little has been discovered. I guess Lebron is just going to have live with that reality and the rest of sort of need to get use to it as well or to each his own.
seems it's YOU being stupid. i didn't say LeClown couldn't take care of his own body, just shared some life experience....
now DO man up, take your own advice, and TRY not to keep making shit up...
I'll bet than LBJ doesn't get massages. When he was cramping, I never saw a member of the training staff helping him to stretch or massaging him. It's quite possible that he does not like to be touched in that manner.
Has anyone ever seen him stretch or get a massage while on TV?
He had been using a machine massager.
LeBron James, Kevin Durant Help Spearhead NBA Popularity of Legs Recovery System | Bleacher Report
I used to fence and would occasionally get massive cramps on my right forearm, even when I was hydrated. The coach of the kid(I had worked with him in the past and he was a friend) I was fencing once saw me in pain during a fence, walked over during a break, worked my forearm hard(hurt like hell) and the cramp went away. Massaging and stretching relaxes muscles and that's what you have to do in some cases.
Why do you get so butt hurt when I state my opinion?
Am I not entitled?
No need to keep responding or explaining, right?
And, you must not have been paying attention the several times when I said I don't even particularly care for James.
When did I ever say I liked him? Let alone care if you or anyone else does?
I've been around him at Heat events all 4 years he's been here and he's been a dick each and every time.
The only thing thing I'll say pro James( off the court) is that he has always been very aware and helpful to raise tons of dollars for whichever charity the Heat were representing.
Coach Pop - "I saw all the air conditioning people on my way out, and i sent them home".
More of your typical bullshit. You have been on here and cbs trying to defend Lebron and telling everyone else "why they really don't like Lebron or the Heat" as well as "the only acceptable reasons to dislike Lebron and the Heat" ever since the 3 amigos got together.
Your posting history shows that you care very much about why people dislike Lebron and the Heat. So answer the question: Why do you care so much about what others think of Lebron and the Heat? Or stfu.
Simply not true.
What I have repeatedly said ( aka my opinion) / " defending" is:
1. James or any FA owes their previous team nothing. Owner / player loyalty is often zero.
It works both ways. If the Cavs FO was that dense and couldn't see he most likely was gone, that's on them.
2. People have every right to not like how 'The Decision', played out ( James included) but at the end of the day much more good came out of it than bad because of all the money that went and continues to go to the kids.
As far as the bad, the only person who was hurt by it was James.
3. The uproar over the fan celebration was comical. Yesterday someone here called it a "championship celebration". A little perspective is really needed. It was a fun, fan event planned by the promotion department for obvious reasons.
I challenge you or anyone else to find any post, ever, where I said anyone should like the Heat or James.
As I said, answer the question about why you care so much about why people don't like Lebron and the Heat or stfu.
Your a dog chasing your tail on this one. You won't catch it because you can't.
I personally couldn't care any less if you or anyone else likes James/ The Heat.
How can I make it any clearer?
As usual, I'll let you get your last words of wisdom in on the topic.
It's boring.
I'm done with it.