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National anthem protests


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Nov 11, 2015
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This just HAS to trickle down to the NBA, right? It can't not.


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Well unlike the NFL it is mandatory to stand in the NBA so will be interesting how they handle it if someone sits out the anthem


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I really really really dont care. If you look to NBA or NFL players for your morale values you are in trouble.

I'd much rather pay attention to the athletes who are actually putting their money where their mouths are by donating money or actually taking action- instead of some protest.


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I really really really dont care. If you look to NBA or NFL players for your morale values you are in trouble.

I don't care what they do either, but it'll become apart of game coverage and NBA news.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Well unlike the NFL it is mandatory to stand in the NBA so will be interesting how they handle it if someone sits out the anthem

They'll likely do what they did to Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf and fine them.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I'd expect that there may be some NBA players who will try to join in on the protest. If the league follows it's policy, those players will be fined. The league could also choose to change the policy.

What will be interesting will be to see what the league does if players choose to raise a fist or come up with another form of protest that can be done while standing. As far as I know, the rule just states that players have to stand for the national anthem. I don't know if it says they have to stand a particular way or not.

On the protest itself. I have no issue with a players right to protest. I do have a problem with protests that aren't well thought out (which this wasn't, at least not by Kaepernick who got it started). As Wiggy said, "put your money where your mouth is, take action."

Also, I think they need to find a way to protest that doesn't involve the anthem or the flag. Kaepernick (and those following his lead) may say that the flag/anthem doesn't mean the military to them, but to millions of others, that's the first they think of. Especially those who serve, have served or have had loved ones who served. It's not dissimilar to when people in the south who wanted to fly the confederate flag said that it doesn't stand for slavery to them and were reminded that to millions of others...slavery is exactly what it stands for.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Well unlike the NFL it is mandatory to stand in the NBA so will be interesting how they handle it if someone sits out the anthem

I had no idea it was mandatory. Thanks Man, excellent point.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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I'd expect that there may be some NBA players who will try to join in on the protest. If the league follows it's policy, those players will be fined. The league could also choose to change the policy.

What will be interesting will be to see what the league does if players choose to raise a fist or come up with another form of protest that can be done while standing. As far as I know, the rule just states that players have to stand for the national anthem. I don't know if it says they have to stand a particular way or not.

On the protest itself. I have no issue with a players right to protest. I do have a problem with protests that aren't well thought out (which this wasn't, at least not by Kaepernick who got it started). As Wiggy said, "put your money where your mouth is, take action."

Also, I think they need to find a way to protest that doesn't involve the anthem or the flag. Kaepernick (and those following his lead) may say that the flag/anthem doesn't mean the military to them, but to millions of others, that's the first they think of. Especially those who serve, have served or have had loved ones who served. It's not dissimilar to when people in the south who wanted to fly the confederate flag said that it doesn't stand for slavery to them and were reminded that to millions of others...slavery is exactly what it stands for.

Wow...well said.

I believe people have a right to protest.

But, not standing for the anthem is disrespectful to All Americans.

Even the Black ones.
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GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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Wow...well said.

I believe people have a right to protest.

But, not standing for the anthem is disrespectful to All Americans.

Even the Black ones.
I don't feel disrespected if they don't stand during the national anthem- and I'm both Black AND American.

I'm pretty sure most of what comes out of Trump's mouth during his rallies and every interview he's given is disrespectful to American's & women alike, yet he's allowed to run for President. If his actions aren't contrary to what being American means I don't know what is.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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I don't feel disrespected if they don't stand during the national anthem- and I'm both Black AND American.

I'm pretty sure most of what comes out of Trump's mouth during his rallies and every interview he's given is disrespectful to American's & women alike, yet he's allowed to run for President. If his actions aren't contrary to what being American means I don't know what is.

Clearly, we don't see eye to eye on this and that's ok.

I think our point of views are based on our life experiences and that makes both opinions valid.

I'm Black.

I'm American.

I'm a Veteran.

I'm formerly Law Enforcement.

I'm married to a cop.

...and I'm offended.

I get protesting, I get being anti-Trump.

What I take issue with is people lumping All Cops in with the vile vermin that are victimizing people.

Trump IS NOT America.

Boycott him don't unfairly make these situations the symbol for our Country.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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Clearly, we don't see eye to eye on this and that's ok.

I think our point of views are based on our life experiences and that makes both opinions valid.

I'm Black.

I'm American.

I'm a Veteran.

I'm formerly Law Enforcement.

I'm married to a cop.

...and I'm offended.

I get protesting, I get being anti-Trump.

What I take issue with is people lumping All Cops in with the vile vermin that are victimizing people.

Trump IS NOT America.

Boycott him don't unfairly make these situations the symbol for our Country.
I totally understand your point- and have no problem with it.

I'm not a Vet so the protest isn't as personal to me as it is to you & many that have walked the same path as you.
I'm definitely not-nor ever will be- ANY part of Law Enforcement.

But, on the flip side my son is Black, he is American & I think most importantly he's a BLACK MALE which seems to be the target of those vile vermins you speak about. My father who is black, my uncles who are black and my son have all been victims of racial profiling. I myself have also been a victim of racial profiling.

I don't lump all cops with that group- but I do find it hard to understand how most cops that know these things are going on in their departments are able to stand by and stay silent.

IMO speaking up is just as much a part of protecting & serving the public-which is what they signed up to do- as arresting offenders of the law. If it doesn't begin with those closest to the problem how does the problem ever get fixed? Staying silent & "sticking together" is what leaves the general public to believe police departments to be akin to cults or gangs- which diminishes trust.

Now please don't misunderstand- I know there are plenty of black males that ARE out there breaking the law. But there are also non-black people breaking those same laws yet they're living to see another day.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Clearly, we don't see eye to eye on this and that's ok.

I think our point of views are based on our life experiences and that makes both opinions valid.

I'm Black.

I'm American.

I'm a Veteran.

I'm formerly Law Enforcement.

I'm married to a cop.

...and I'm offended.

I get protesting, I get being anti-Trump.

What I take issue with is people lumping All Cops in with the vile vermin that are victimizing people.

Trump IS NOT America.

Boycott him don't unfairly make these situations the symbol for our Country.

You're also a moocher.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I totally understand your point- and have no problem with it.

I'm not a Vet so the protest isn't as personal to me as it is to you & many that have walked the same path as you.
I'm definitely not-nor ever will be- ANY part of Law Enforcement.

But, on the flip side my son is Black, he is American & I think most importantly he's a BLACK MALE which seems to be the target of those vile vermins you speak about. My father who is black, my uncles who are black and my son have all been victims of racial profiling. I myself have also been a victim of racial profiling.

I don't lump all cops with that group- but I do find it hard to understand how most cops that know these things are going on in their departments are able to stand by and stay silent.

IMO speaking up is just as much a part of protecting & serving the public-which is what they signed up to do- as arresting offenders of the law. If it doesn't begin with those closest to the problem how does the problem ever get fixed? Staying silent & "sticking together" is what leaves the general public to believe police departments to be akin to cults or gangs- which diminishes trust.

Now please don't misunderstand- I know there are plenty of black males that ARE out there breaking the law. But there are also non-black people breaking those same laws yet they're living to see another day.

Kobina Smushelle gets cuter every day LAD!

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I totally understand your point- and have no problem with it.

I'm not a Vet so the protest isn't as personal to me as it is to you & many that have walked the same path as you.
I'm definitely not-nor ever will be- ANY part of Law Enforcement.

But, on the flip side my son is Black, he is American & I think most importantly he's a BLACK MALE which seems to be the target of those vile vermins you speak about. My father who is black, my uncles who are black and my son have all been victims of racial profiling. I myself have also been a victim of racial profiling.

I don't lump all cops with that group- but I do find it hard to understand how most cops that know these things are going on in their departments are able to stand by and stay silent.

IMO speaking up is just as much a part of protecting & serving the public-which is what they signed up to do- as arresting offenders of the law. If it doesn't begin with those closest to the problem how does the problem ever get fixed? Staying silent & "sticking together" is what leaves the general public to believe police departments to be akin to cults or gangs- which diminishes trust.

Now please don't misunderstand- I know there are plenty of black males that ARE out there breaking the law. But there are also non-black people breaking those same laws yet they're living to see another day.


Law Enforcement and the Military have this ridiculous code of dishonor about snitching.

It is frowned upon to the point where it's professional suicide to go against the grain.

I just hope people are mindful that for every shitbird cop, there are 200 more that do their jobs honoralbly and that are not ethically compromised.
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Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Thanks JC!

She's gonna be a heart breaker!

I'll see you ladies once the season starts and I can start complaining about my Knicks.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Law Enforcement and the Military have this ridiculous code of dishonor about snitching.

It is frowned upon to the point where it's professional suicide to go against the grain.

Which is so contrary to what they expect from "witnesses" of crimes. When they need a snitch to help them solve crimes they don't care about the suicidal consequences those actions carry.

Irony is as police officers they've taken an oath to PROTECT. Yet, by staying silent they're doing the exact opposite yet expecting the average citizen to have the balls they themselves can't muster up.



GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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She's gonna be a heart breaker!

I'll see you ladies once the season starts and I can start complaining about my Knicks.
Thank you sir!

Looking forward to the new season!


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Thank you sir!

Looking forward to the new season!

Me too. Anxious to see what Porzingus can do in year two Hell, I might even learn to spell his name properly. Met Phil Jackson last night. He attended an event in my facility. Only about 100 people there so he really stood out. Still can't forgive him for the Bulls though.