Radical Moderate
Looked safe to me. But I am biased.
Boned by replay at home again.
Thankfully I'm not the only one who feels this way.
and to think they're paid to do this...Cano and Gamel both with errors in the 10th in a tie game.
That about sums up the first half of the season doesn't it?
I always have thought there are three stages of grief associated with being a Mariner fan. When they inevitably show their true colors and fall out of the race.
First stage is getting pissed off and angry
Second stage is just being disappointed with how things are unfolding.
Third stage is apathy.
I am slowing leaning towards Stage 3 which sucks. My main issue is this shouldn't be a mediocre team. And if they are it should be because of the rotation. The rotation has kept them in most games however it's been the offense that has been hit or miss. Whether it be Cano swinging at pitches out of the zone or Seagar popping up pitches down the middle it's just to frustrating. This isn't like the Jack Z offenses that I knew would suck. They should be better and they aren't. Not sure who should ultimately fall on the sword but it's frustrating nonetheless.
Injuries will be the main reason for failure this season. If anything next year will be the " get this team together or else" solution, which will bring another famous M's plan of tearing it down and starting fresh again.
A month ago I guess I could have bought injuries but now I'm just not sure that's main issue. They are pretty healthy right now. I think Mirandas numbers are probably simlair to what we could expect from Smyly. The one thing I do wonder is if Seagar is possbily hiding an injury. I can't think of another reason for him to be this bad.
They brag about Robbie and Nellie being the leaders in the clubhouse, I think it's time for both of them to step it up and start chewing some butt ( after they get their game back) and put it on the players....