Dude how much is Bud paying you to defend him. Did he give you a deal on a used car? Wow
Thank you very little for your feelings about this. If you want to come up with some facts, I'd love to see them.
Dude how much is Bud paying you to defend him. Did he give you a deal on a used car? Wow
I didn't even get into the marketing aspect, about which he's an abject failure and has pretty much lost the younger generation. Look at how the NBA and the NFL market their stars. Yet the best baseball can come up with is a Pooholes commercial. He had a distinct hand in the strike which drove millions away from the sport and THEN buried his head in the sand wrt PED use when Mac and Sosa were bringing people back.
When I was little, the baseball season began in April, sometime around my birthday, and ended in October, and that was it. Now, it goes into November, when people are done with baseball and are already embroiled in football. The only reason I can see that Selig did this was to increase the ratings, and that just isn’t right. People already don’t care about baseball in November, because most of their favorite football teams are mired in a playoff race.
Houston has been a National League town for 90 years.The latest assault on the Astros is a travesty. It is deliberate, it is overt and it stands to remove any credibility Selig had left. First, he allowed Jim Crane's name to be dragged publicly through the mud by considering a group of charges that included just about everything except child abuse and the Kennedy assassination. Then, he came back and said he would be willing to overlook all of that if Crane will just sign off on a move to the American League. So, Bud seems to think he is a horrible person but that doesn't matter as long as Crane does what Selig wants.
Second, he was willing to overlook that 90 years of history to push a five-team playoff system in each league. His Brewers have less than 20 years in the NL and even if we count the Braves, Milwaukee has been an American League city almost as long. The Diamondbacks have been in the NL all of 13 minutes, but that doesn't matter either. Of course, none of this matters when you have a great playoff system that makes Bud look like a genius. He is such a genius because no other professional, amateur or intramural sport uses it. Everyone over the age of four knows you have to have even numbers to make a playoff system work. Well, everyone except Bud.
Finally, we have the issue of payment. I've seen money from drug dealers that's going to be cleaner than the money he made from moving the Astros to the AL. So, let me get this straight, he is willing to admit that Jim Crane and his ownership team are going to take a hit, but still thinks it is okay to coerce him into making the move. I could just see him in the old days at the car dealership saying, "I know this Ford Pinto is worse than the Mustang you bought, but maybe if I throw in $500 that would be enough to make you forget you are getting an inferior car."
I'll say this about the Astros: they have a total player annual payroll of about $18 million, about 1/2 the next lowest team payroll, the hapless Miami Marlins, and about 1/10 of the competitive elite average.
So maybe if the esteemed Mr. Crane had the first, faintest, foggiest notion as to how to own and run a baseball team in the first place, he wouldn't have to be publicly humiliated about it, which he brought about solely by himself.
And, oh yeah, those poor, exploited proletariat working heroes - how they have suffered under the bumbling Mr. Selig:
Major League Baseball Salaries by Baseball Almanac
Oh, yes, how does it go? "Every dollar of owner profit is a dollar stolen from a worker's paycheck."
You're just all over the map here, Mays. I'm just going to assume you're not interested in engaging in a substantive discussion. You think Bud is great; I (and the rest of the baseball world it seems) do not.
You're the one who sidestepped all the issues to begin with by bringing up the Houston Astros out of left field (pun intended) on God-knows-what point you were poorly trying to make.
You all are trying to point out what a monster Selig is. I have simply dispelled each and every one of these notions to your dislike (eg, not reversing Joyce's call - good grief how weak and misguided!), and further proved that baseball and the players have done just fine under his tenure, thank you very much.
As for your opinion of the bolded, it is certainly not the first time that I was the only one in a forum that was right and stuck by it, while everyone else was wrong and was too afraid to admit it. And it won't be the last.
You're misguided here. I didn't sidestep anything. I laid out half a dozen blunders Selig is responsible for. There are many more. You didn't "dispell" anything. Instead of responding to what a moral relativist Selig showed himself to be in the Astros deal, you instead cite the Astro's payroll which HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ORIGINAL POINT.
Honestly, I'm done with this conversation. You've demonstrated that you have an opinion and you're not open to new information. That's fine, and that's your right. I'm not going to engage any more; I tried and you aren't interested. Feel free to have the last word.
You're the one who sidestepped all the issues to begin with by bringing up the Houston Astros out of left field (pun intended) on God-knows-what point you were poorly trying to make.
You all are trying to point out what a monster Selig is. I have simply dispelled each and every one of these notions to your dislike (eg, not reversing Joyce's call - good grief how weak and misguided!), and further proved that baseball and the players have done just fine under his tenure, thank you very much.
As for your opinion of the bolded, it is certainly not the first time that I was the only one in a forum that was right and stuck by it, while everyone else was wrong and was too afraid to admit it. And it won't be the last.
TrueNiners, is that you?
yes I get his is the commish but everything he will do will most likely get challenged by the union. heck look at this stupid suspension of A-rod... He gets suspended but since he is appealing he can play... That's not Bud. That's the union
I'll say this about the Astros: they have a total player annual payroll of about $18 million, about 1/2 the next lowest team payroll, the hapless Miami Marlins, and about 1/10 of the competitive elite average.
So maybe if the esteemed Mr. Crane had the first, faintest, foggiest notion as to how to own and run a baseball team in the first place, he wouldn't have to be publicly humiliated about it, which he brought about solely by himself.
Counterpoint - the Astros' salary plummeted AFTER the move to the AL was decided.
2013 salary taken from : San Francisco Giants 2013 Player Salaries and Team Payroll - ESPN )
Salary 2013 : $21M
Salary 2012 : $60M
Secondly, rebuilding your lineup/team by trading away your best players for prospects, sucking for a couple of years and getting super-top draft picks, and then spending money to rebuild around your young stars is a very valid strategy. It's working quite well for Pittsburgh and Washington.
Selig is a complete mess.
Go hang out at the Regal Beagle,'s time.
That guy has the 1970s just dripping off him, don't he?