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Band of Brothers
A Dreamer...trying to find my way home for dinner
Bud Selig can act like he is the savior of the MLB PED era all he wants but the facts say otherwise.
This whole biogenesis scandel was found out by outside sources and MLB was forced to deal with a nasty public relations blow up in their faces. Bud Selig acts like he rode in on a white horse and has saved us all from the cheating going on. He proclaims that stringent testing is going on and the clean up has begun. Maybe a few things have changed but Bud is full of bulls#it as usual.
I heard a interesting nugget from Victor Conte who was the guy from Balco that got busted. He was on CSN talking about how MLB is allowed to test around 30% of the players in the league for PED's but only tested around 5% last year which he said comes to only around 50 players.
50 freaking players tested ! What a freaking joke !
Bud Selig makes me puke and the sooner he leaves office the sooner I can keep myself from barfing my lunch all over the floor when I see his face and hear his voice.
This is what happens when the owners put a freaking used car salesman in office.

This whole biogenesis scandel was found out by outside sources and MLB was forced to deal with a nasty public relations blow up in their faces. Bud Selig acts like he rode in on a white horse and has saved us all from the cheating going on. He proclaims that stringent testing is going on and the clean up has begun. Maybe a few things have changed but Bud is full of bulls#it as usual.
I heard a interesting nugget from Victor Conte who was the guy from Balco that got busted. He was on CSN talking about how MLB is allowed to test around 30% of the players in the league for PED's but only tested around 5% last year which he said comes to only around 50 players.
50 freaking players tested ! What a freaking joke !
Bud Selig makes me puke and the sooner he leaves office the sooner I can keep myself from barfing my lunch all over the floor when I see his face and hear his voice.
This is what happens when the owners put a freaking used car salesman in office.