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Mini camps are over players have free time for about 6 weeks, predict who will do dumb shit


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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No Mike

Just throwing around accusations. Something you did
Yeah, I figured them jimmies were rustled with your last rating Fudge.....

Dude, at least go after someone like Britt. :lol:

I mean, there are plenty of legit targets on every team man, just look at their history. You know, like you did with JPP, and like I did with the Seattle/Adderall history.

Your Gurley comment is akin to me accusing Wilson for doing some dumb shit.....

Just baseless, weak and wannabe. :nod:


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Aug 19, 2013
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No team has three better QBs.
Yeah, but my HS team is pretty close at this point. Luckily they don't have to pay them quite as much...


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Aug 19, 2013
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What do I win for correctly predicting the first dumb ass to screw up?
:lol:Come on...that's like predicting the sun will come up in the morning...


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a.k.a. theseeker88
May 20, 2013
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Antonio Cromartie gets a vasectomy. Roger Goodell gets arrested for domestic abuse. Pacman Jones hangs out at a brothel at 7 am


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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He is under the belief that Boykin assault charge happened during the Training camp.

Something a little reading comprehension from good ole @LambeauLegs can fix.


So this is just ANOTHER time that Lambeau said something that was totally false and expected nobody to notice...

Ok. Nothing to see here.


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Jul 26, 2013
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He is under the belief that Boykin assault charge happened during the Training camp.

Something a little reading comprehension from good ole @LambeauLegs can fix.

Well no I am well aware of that. Just most people would also affiliate T Jackson as a Seahawk as you have a thread about his deal with the gun and his wife on the Seahawk board. Most there say he has no chance to be a Seahawk again if Boykin is not good enough. But yes most would associate Jackson as a Seahawk since he has not played for anyone else since last season.


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Sep 2, 2014
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That whole bit was too funny

An officer knocked on the driver’s door window of Robinson’s car. Robinson opened his eyes and went back to sleep.

“I continued to knock on the window until the passenger woke up and rolled the window down and said, ‘What’s up,'” the officer wrote in the report, according to TMZ. “I explained that their vehicle was in a pond and that they needed to exit.”

People can be so funny when they just wake up. LOL. Glad no one was hurt.

Also, the story said it happened at 4:20. A glorious coincidence.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well no I am well aware of that. Just most people would also affiliate T Jackson as a Seahawk as you have a thread about his deal with the gun and his wife on the Seahawk board. Most there say he has no chance to be a Seahawk again if Boykin is not good enough. But yes most would associate Jackson as a Seahawk since he has not played for anyone else since last season.

Who cares how most people view him? He's not a Seahawk, no matter how much you wish he were in order to make your false statement true.

I'd bet money you were whistling a different tune when Guion got trouble last offseason about who's on a team and who's not.


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Jul 26, 2013
Madison, WI
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Who cares how most people view him? He's not a Seahawk, no matter how much you wish he were in order to make your false statement true.

I'd bet money you were whistling a different tune when Guion got trouble last offseason about who's on a team and who's not.

Ah no Actually that is why I created this thread because of morons doing stupid stuff putting at risk the futures they have in front of them. Guion was a moron along with Packer tight Quarless last year who on the 4th of July shot some gun down in FL. I know that Datone Jones was a Packer and still for when he was busted for pot a few years back. Way back when Johnny Jolly was a Packer and was then arrested and put in Jail making not technically a Packer in my eyes he was still a Packer when he got out of Jail and came back to play. We have D line Pennel this year suspended for the first 4 games for some substance abuse so he is a moron as well.

So yea I can admit who the Packers are who fuck up. Just hard to understand how they can be such morons at times. Hey there is a few weeks left before camps start up and there could be a few Packers doing stupid things yet and if there are I wont be hiding from admitting they are morons


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ah no Actually that is why I created this thread because of morons doing stupid stuff putting at risk the futures they have in front of them. Guion was a moron along with Packer tight Quarless last year who on the 4th of July shot some gun down in FL. I know that Datone Jones was a Packer and still for when he was busted for pot a few years back. Way back when Johnny Jolly was a Packer and was then arrested and put in Jail making not technically a Packer in my eyes he was still a Packer when he got out of Jail and came back to play. We have D line Pennel this year suspended for the first 4 games for some substance abuse so he is a moron as well.

So yea I can admit who the Packers are who fuck up. Just hard to understand how they can be such morons at times. Hey there is a few weeks left before camps start up and there could be a few Packers doing stupid things yet and if there are I wont be hiding from admitting they are morons

Oh, TJ is a moron for sure.

But he's also not a Seahawk.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, I figured them jimmies were rustled with your last rating Fudge.....

Dude, at least go after someone like Britt. :lol:

I mean, there are plenty of legit targets on every team man, just look at their history. You know, like you did with JPP, and like I did with the Seattle/Adderall history.

Your Gurley comment is akin to me accusing Wilson for doing some dumb shit.....

Just baseless, weak and wannabe. :nod:

.............speaking of really weak: Seahawk Adderall jokes.

You are what......4-5 years late to the party? Maybe you can make some Hanging Chad jokes, or dance the Macarena for us while you are at it.

.............and, using the totally retarded term "jimmies rustled" (What the hell does that mean anyway? Never understood why people want to use terms that make them sound semi-retarded), you certainly seem to be all "jimmy rustled up" over the fact he said Gurley. Are you some sort of "Gurley-man" or something?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2016
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Well no I am well aware of that. Just most people would also affiliate T Jackson as a Seahawk as you have a thread about his deal with the gun and his wife on the Seahawk board. Most there say he has no chance to be a Seahawk again if Boykin is not good enough. But yes most would associate Jackson as a Seahawk since he has not played for anyone else since last season.

I think most would associate him as an NFL free agent as that was his status when those things happened. A Former Seahawk, sure. I don't think anyone would call a free agent who was out of the league a current member of the Seahawks. That seems like a really odd way of viewing that to me for a guy you've parted ways with. It's like saying that your ex should still be called your wife until you remarry.

To me, when the league year is over, if he isn't on a contract with that team, he is no longer a member of that team, why do you think it's different? If Cedric Benson gets drunk again on a boat trip, he's not a Packer. He's a former Packer.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Anybody else read the story about Louis Murphy being at a museum and falling asleep to then wake up after the museum was all locked up and somehow not having a cell phone so he was trapped and had to break a window to get help?

Bucs' Louis Murphy woke up locked in museum after wedding


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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.............speaking of really weak: Seahawk Adderall jokes.
Who was joking?

Seattle is one of the NFL's highest offenders of PED violations since Pete Carrol's return to the NFL (If not the highest), and since history has a way of repeating itself, it's as fair a way as any to 'predict' another Seahawk violation.

Isn't that what this thread is all about......

Predicting who will do dumb shit?

Damn a few Seahag fans here are so sensitive!
