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Mike Miller Amnestied


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Sep 26, 2011
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Draymond? Seriously? Barnes or Iggy?

Have you always hated math or is this something new?

Mike Miller would be a vet minimum player so I am not sure why he needs to be important or become important. Or even why he needs to be needed, it's really not relevant. The opportunity cost is a roster spot to add a player who isn't going to mess the bed in a big playoff game.

Miller at the minimum is a good deal for the Warriors, unfortunately, he will get a better offer from Houston (situational, not financial). They have a better chance to make the NBA finals (on paper, right now) than the Warriors, especially if the Ws or another team don't step up and keep him out of Houston.

I wouldnt say Houston has a better chance than the warriors. I still think Warriors roster is still a little better


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Jul 15, 2013
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From a fourth quarter perspective, I might prefer Miller shooting the 3 over Klay and Steph. They missed a lot in the playoffs in the fourth while Mike was making them, even with one shoe on...


Head Idiot In Charge
Sep 30, 2011
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From a fourth quarter perspective, I might prefer Miller shooting the 3 over Klay and Steph. They missed a lot in the playoffs in the fourth while Mike was making them, even with one shoe on...

How much of that was because of Steph lighting the world on fire in the 3rd? Klay also burned a lot of energy chasing down the other teams better offensive players.

Adding Iggy should cut down those responsibilities, while adding much needed rest for more of the Dub starters.

Mike Miller + bad back = No bueno


Gunner for Life
Jul 17, 2013
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Last I checked, Mike Miller is a good shooter, but he ain't no Big Shot Bob (Robert Horry), so all this talk about a fourth quarter guy in the playoffs baffles me. With two rounds of quality play-off experience under their belts, both Curry and Thompson will be well equipped for big situations this season, and when you include Iggy and a maturing and confident Barnes, there will be enough players to take those big shots.

A beast shot blocker is what they need to add to the current mix, not Miller.


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It looks he is in Memphis. It seems like Houston and Memphis were the best fits for him. Hopefully, he doesn't do what he did in the NBA Finals to the Spurs against the Ws in the playoffs.

I think Myers probably picked up the phone to gauge if there was any interest from Miller's camp in joining the Ws, but at the end of the day Miller was looking for playing time that the Ws couldn't offer.