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Game Thread: Miami Heat Game Thread for December/January


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Adjustments have been made all season long and in games - maybe not your liking, but they have been made

Lol. Deng and Dragic well below career averages. They have not been effective.


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Jun 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Because in an NBA game you need 5 players on the court per team throughout the course of a game. And with all the injuries the Heat have, there is only so many options. Why is it so difficult for you to under the effects of an injury to the team --- especially when multiple guys injured? Multiple key guys at that? -

There is no such thing as " should have" in the NBA or pro sports in general. As our broadcasters were saying during the late moments of the game - The Heat were still trying even at that point in the game under the circumstances - that lineup was the best they had at the time.

The Deng injury was a freak injury of sorts one that should have been punishable in a great fashion than it was.

I gave you 6 players less valuable than Deng who could have been in there........that is more than 5. The wrong coach was fired this week.we were down 21.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Lol. Deng and Dragic well below career averages. They have not been effective.

In recent seasons, a lot of players who have played for the Heat have suffer through " below career averages" in various categories -- thats part of the sacrifice necessary to be made to contribute to this team. Even your off Wade has gone through it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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In recent seasons, a lot of players who have played for the Heat have suffer through " below career averages" in various categories -- thats part of the sacrifice necessary to be made to contribute to this team. Even your off Wade has gone through it.

I think sacrifice equals playing in Solestras offense.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I gave you 6 players less valuable than Deng who could have been in there........that is more than 5. The wrong coach was fired this week.we were down 21.

TJ was ineffective for most of the game - he was/is the current starting PG. Winslow finished with 40 minutes - and while he was having a decent game - it was best for him not to be out there anymore from the same reason as TJ. Richardson was basically done for the night he had been done at that point too. The same went for UD and Amare -- the only guy they you could PROBABLY make an argument to have out there was Stokes given the game situation - bit the lineup that was out there at the time was the best mix of 5 we had available.

And, yes you are right, the wrong coach was fired this week - no coach should have been fired this week - but thats the effect your other boyfriend Queen James has


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think sacrifice equals playing in Solestras offense.

Which is basically a mirror image of that of Pat Riley - very little is different. The philosophies are the same. Therefore, its not " Spo's offense" Its just the Heat offense


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well, the cheatriots just lost so that makes today a good day also


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ira, It's obviously a poor time to judge the Heat given all the current injuries, but what the heck. I believe they will make the playoffs. Getting into the second round is a reasonable goal. Nevertheless, I do see them at a crossroads, given the age and diminishing top-end potential skills of so many players. The question driving decisions is how reasonable is it to expect them to get better next year or beyond? When I look at the current roster, I see at least six players, conservatively, who simply will not get better, including Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade. The real crossroad issue is what is the core to build around? This team plus a max player in addition to Hassan Whiteside? Or to look to build the next core group? As a Patriots fan, Bill Belichick sets the standard for players' longevities. He is always ready to trade virtually anyone with a year or so left on that player's career. And while Pat Riley seems to be more loyal to Heat players than Belichick is to his, it's impossible to not have faith that he will make the moves "in the best interest of the team." -- Dick, Rhode Island.
A: But the very "loyalty" aspect you mention is a big deal, considering how the Heat cast themselves as familial and different than other franchises. It is among the reasons I can't see them dealing Goran Dragic after the embrace they gave at his acquisition. As for Wade and Bosh, both are still close enough to All-Star level that they can't just be cast aside. The difference is Belichick always finds a way to make his roster work, constantly changing approaches to suit his talent. That is where I believe the Heat have to move. I still find it difficult to comprehend that there's not a more efficient way to utilize these players, this roster, before necessarily moving on to something else.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ira, It's obviously a poor time to judge the Heat given all the current injuries, but what the heck. I believe they will make the playoffs.

I wanted to post this question first and highlight it four our very special friend, Andres -- Here it is Andres -- something you need to learn - you are kind late to the party but better late than never - so get with it.

Just about everyone following the team is obviously realizes this is not the best of times to judge the team given their injury situation. Perspective is very important


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Q: Dwyane Wade says he misses Goran Dragic, but when they are both on the floor he "hogs" the ball and does not allow the point guard to set the offense. If he does not get the ball, his body language says it all. The Heat will go as far as Wade allows them to go. He has to adjust and pick his spots, especially when most of the starters are playing. -- Leon, Miami
A: Which is why it will be interesting to see how the Wade/Goran dynamic re-plays out when Dragic returns. This can't just be lip service from Chris Bosh and Wade about how much they have missed Goran. There has to be a tangible change and increase in the respect for what Dragic can accomplish when given the keys to the offense. Eventually the health will return. That's when the words have to turn into actions.

A great one here by a fellow Heat fan -- You criticize this team/coaching staff about how they are too slow to get into the offense -- Yet you don't seem to understand the purposes of this offense under Riles or Spo has EVER been to be a fast-paced team. And have criticized Goran as well -- But, here you see -- another fan who sees what I see and what a lot of others see but are probably too afraid to hurt Wades' feelings to admit - he hogs the ball way too much for the PG to ever set the offense -- maybe that is why our PGs have never lived up to even close to what they are capable of in their careers as Miami Heat members because the offense is too Wade-centric and was too Wade-Queen James-centric. Lets see if when Goran returns if Wade is willing to differ to help the offense pick up the pace -- although, maybe lineups involving Wade may not be the best of times to run given he would probably be the only one not actually running with pace given how slow he is to begin with and how banged up he is -- but we shall see.

Q: Not only should Erik Spoelstra be on the clock for his job, but Pat Riley, as well. Both have failed at their jobs. -- Stevan.

A: And now exhale. What is needed is perspective, level-headed perspective. What were the realistic expectations for this team entering the season? I said second round of the playoffs. Anyone who said championship or even beating out LeBron James' Cavaliers was deluding themselves. So can this team still realize that goal of advancing beyond the first round? If that's accepted, then you move on with what you have, because any dramatic change at this point only sets you back to Point A, without much time to reset the table. The offseason is the best time to truly take stock.

Another one for you, Andres -- Perspective. No ones job is on the line nor should it be - Clearly, the expectations aren't the same as seasons past this year. Our expectations for this season are still within reach and will be reached. Life after Wade, Riley, Spo is something we have to think about and address at some point but not for a longer while.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Bulls dealing with their own issues: No Noah, Dunleavy, Hinrich and E'Twaun Moore.
Ira Winderman added,
K.C. Johnson @KCJHoop
Moore out vs. Heat. Lot of Aaron Brooks tonight. Hinrich out but will travel on trip.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So Deng and Udriih back but still no Hassan or Dragic , which in his case is expected for at least another couple games. I really thought with Hassan it would be a GTD until closer to game time and hopefully there is still a chance. But at least we get Deng back and Udrih so maybe a little less TJ and/or J-RIch tonight - Bulls also banged up so it helps some.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The great coaching by the Heat extending into the D-League


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So, with a few guys back - what do you say about our chances tonight? The bulls will be without some guys too