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Miami Game Thread for the rest of the month of February


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Jun 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The idea that Wade can't rehab while at the all-star break is absurd. Also with the money he and his wife have, they don't ever have to be apart as a family (kids included).

I trust the greatest Heat player in history to do the right thing for the franchise, as he has done his entire career. Wade carried us in the finals in 06. Endured the dark years and actually provided us fans with a reason to watch this team for several years including being the only Miami Heat player to lead the league in scoring. Then he went out and recruited 2 future hall of famers to come to Miami and then took a back seat so the team could reach the ultimate goal twice. No player is above criticism but the level of venom being spewed towards Wade by one fan on this board is beyond ridiculous and just plain stupid. No real Miami Heat fan doubts DWade's heart. That's all this guy is. When it matters most...even this year... we will rise or fall with DWade. 3 titles later, I got to say it's been the best ride any player has ever provided me in my 30+ years as a South Florida sports fan.

:agree::agree:Well said!! Plus one my friend. He has truly been a joy to watch. Now as far as winning percentage in terms of a championship, then you would have to go with Shane Battier!:lol:


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Apr 16, 2013
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Predictions for the 2nd half?

I heard somewhere that we have the easiest schedule in the league or east for the rest of the way.

With that being said IF we stay healthy I think we can go 17-13 or 18-12.



Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Put me down for 18-12. I think at some point we will rally off a solid run...maybe 8-2 or 9-3 run. We make playoffs. No home court. Whatever happens, I want the Cavs in the playoffs.


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Jun 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Put me down for 18-12. I think at some point we will rally off a solid run...maybe 8-2 or 9-3 run. We make playoffs. No home court. Whatever happens, I want the Cavs in the playoffs.

Given the way that we have played, the more realistic goal may be 16-14. Expect more but 500 or 14-16 also not unrealistic. Really depends on the health of this ball club.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Predictions for the 2nd half?

My prediction is - 30 games will be played and Diva Wade will probably miss at the very LEAST half of them SITTING OUT games for no reason as he has for most of the season


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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DWade's heart. That's all this guy is. When it matters most

A pussy with heart who crumbles, especially with his attitude - when it matters most - would be most accurate to say.

I will leave it to you to always give the pussy a free pass

I will say this, though. Even under his circumstances of SITTING OUT games for no reason I dont expect much from him over the final 30 games - As has been the case this entire season. I expect him to SIT OUT at least half of the games left - thats the most likely scenario.

But I will cut him some slack and say I hope he plays well - I just dont have the same high, unrealistic expectations of everyone else


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Chris Bosh, our lone All-Star - our most deserving as opposed to Diva just won the shooting stars challenge at the all-star festivities. There is one 3-peat for the heat, and scrub battier had nothing to do with this one either


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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A pussy with heart who crumbles, especially with his attitude - when it matters most - would be most accurate to say.

I will leave it to you to always give the pussy a free pass

I will say this, though. Even under his circumstances of SITTING OUT games for no reason I dont expect much from him over the final 30 games - As has been the case this entire season. I expect him to SIT OUT at least half of the games left - thats the most likely scenario.

But I will cut him some slack and say I hope he plays well - I just dont have the same high, unrealistic expectations of everyone else

Free pass for what? Being injured? Letting him and the medical doctors determine what the best route of recovery for him and the team are? Sorry. I know you love to post that crap about him being able to play... of course you have nothing to back you up other than the fantasies that play out in your head. I need a little more proof than that. I have criticized DWade's play and attitude throughout his career several times. But I have never doubted the man's heart to win. When DWade has a bad game or stretch of games..criticize. But the constant references to him in 90% of your posts and using the terms "Diva" and some form of "vagina" is getting old. Dude, get new material.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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There goes Diva Wade at the ASG eating shit when he should be rehabbing his vaginal and ovarian aches.

There is nothing absurd about the idea that Diva cant rehab while at the AS game - why? because he isnt rehabbing there - he has been eating shit their since day 1. If he is so injured that he cant be out there playing with his teammates in previous games because his so called injury is so real, he should be trying to use this time to rehab his so called injury that wont allow him to play in in a little game of basketball... Boy what a hard life he leads.

And again, I dont hate Wade and I most certainly am thankful for what he did for this organization in his early years and what he does for the community of the court - but since his first ring, and since spending time as teammates with Queen James, he has become the biggest Diva in all sports. He has become a self-centered, too big for everyone else punk - and I am not apperciative at all for that. Never will be.

There will be no excuse for him if when he comes back he is rusty, even from the start - Because he has spent so much time rehabbing this so called injury eating shit instead of doing what he has to do for the better of his health and his team. Then again, I wouldnt be surprised if when they get back to playing a game on friday that he is still SITTING OUT games with BS injuries.

30 games left in the season. I would be suprised if he even plays half.

Oh, btw, I dont need new material. My current material is on point and will be all season long.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Free pass for what? Being injured? Letting him and the medical doctors determine what the best route of recovery for him and the team are? Sorry.

The NBA is a business , much like many others out there - they have a PR department that often handles relating information to the media. They often say what is politically correct, as opposed to what may factually correct for the sake of not adding fuel to the fire and create negative vibes.

Point is, the media may be told that the decision for him to SIT OUT games is agreed upon by the coaches and training staff but knowing the ultimate DIVA that he is, I am pretty sure they have cleared him and given him the green light to play but he just doesnt want to given all the adversity facing the team right now - of course, created by him SITTING OUT games for no reason.

Maybe if he goes back to his pre-championship attitude and hunger I wouldnt have to be so critical... but that wont happen... so you will just have to deal with my material... or ignore me cuz aint nothing going to change from me


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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oh btw, i obviously want the east to win , but if it means that will lead to Queen James adding another MVP award - then I guess we should root for the west to win


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Chris Bosh, our lone All-Star - our most deserving as opposed to Diva just won the shooting stars challenge at the all-star festivities. There is one 3-peat for the heat, and scrub battier had nothing to do with this one either

LOL. He is really showing up tonight. Wade is our true all-star. Always was and will be while he wears a Heat uniform.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Amare just bought out by Knicks . Any interest ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Miami Heat Eastern Conference breakdown for NBA playoffs - Sun Sentinel