Trade all your rentals to get some prospects and go into 2020 with deGrom, Thor, Stroman and Matz.
Replace 2020 with 2019 and Replace Strowman with Wheeler and Mets fans said this exact same thing last year.
Trade all your rentals to get some prospects and go into 2020 with deGrom, Thor, Stroman and Matz.
its easy to knock on the mets for this trade, because they SHOULD be sellers and they don't need pitching, and Stroman has only one year left(after this season)... But they didn't give anything up...
We should be bashing Toronto for this awful trade... How can you trade the top Pitcher expected to be traded this deadline?? and only get THAT?? That's a baseball crime!!!
good job mets for highway robbery, even if the context makes no sense...
Agreed, that was a horrible trade for Toronto. The trade may have been made in anticipation of contending in 2020.
Yeah, the rumor was that Thor was next out the door after this trade.
THAT made no sense.
Trading Wheeler and Vargas (especially Wheeler cause he has some real value) to replenish and get some prospects (albeit lesser) at least makes sense.
Next they need a real CF. Lagares is toast.
Trading Syndergaard would be incredibly stupid.
ive figured it out....mets acquired stroman to drive up the pitcher market for trading thor and degrom.