Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Lativa's (
) goalie is second string on Tbays AHL team
dont we need a goalie when we trade LUONGO there ????

dont we need a goalie when we trade LUONGO there ????
Fucking Yzmerman.
Did the image not go through... or the joke?
Possible MULTIPLE ligaments damaged to Tavare's knee.
I'm not in a joking mood. Bob MacKenzie says it's serious. It doesn't look good. Fuck Yzerman. I hope the Lightning never win a cup as long as he's their.
oh fuck that. fuck yzerman? for giving that kid a shot at a dream that millions will never have a chance at. he could have said no you know. so maybe fuck tavares for saying yes, fuck tavares for getting hurt.
Oh, shit, didn't realize he was hurt. That sucks; he's the best thing the Islanders have, and that may or may not be true even if he can't skate.
Condolences, sir.
Good luck to him in the Semi's. Hopefully Team USA gets more shots against him than they did in 2010.
On a serious note, though, I hope JT has a quick recovery, it's terrible news for the Isles (and also Team Canada).
I've said all along I didn't want Tavares on Team Canada. I don't think the NHL should be involved in the Olympics. My teams best player is quite possibly seriously injured. He didn't get hurt during an NHL game in which he's being paid Millions of dollars. He got hurt playing in a tournament. It might mean a lot to him, you and others, but to me the Olympics are for amatuers not pros. The Olympic ideal has been lost. The media only cares about one thing, the medal count. Nothing else matters to them. Nothing else ever will.
I think the only way that happens if is Dustin Brown accidently on purpose runs over Carey Price.
Getting hurt is a risk you take playing a tournament or regular season. It sucks for your team, but it is a part of sports.
Lativa's () goalie is second string on Tbays AHL team
dont we need a goalie when we trade LUONGO there ????
I realize it's part of the game. I'd probably feel better about it if it was during an NHL game. I've just completely lost my Olympic spirit. The coverage here in the States is in a word AWFUL. The fact I don't believe professional athletes should be in the Olympics is another factor.