Lefty 99
We are already in the clean-up phase of this little barometric anomaly.
Huskers is a fucking tool. That's why he got banned.
We are already in the clean-up phase of this little barometric anomaly.
Huskers is a fucking tool. That's why he got banned.
Did he get banned, or is it his self-given title, like "Sarcastic F-wad" or "Lefty 99"
I just checked. He is NOT actually banned...
huh. my bad.
how did you check?
I am more powerful than you... [EVIL LAUGH] haha [/EVIL LAUGH]
I'd rather never see Melky in a Giants' uniform ever again.
Why in the hell was he still eligible for the batting title in the first place? He cheated and got caught for Christ sake. It looks like that'd be enough to disqualify him. Crazy.
I'd rather never see Melky in a Giants' uniform ever again.
Agreed, with some reservations. I'm all about second chances, having been the receiver of more than a few myself.
But we have done so well without him and it would jeopardize the chemistry we have built up.
However, I don't know all the inside stories. If they do bring him back, I trust their judgment at this point.
OTOH, someone would have to take a huge political risk. If they brought him back, and he failed, and we lost, the person's ass who approved that decision would be grass. It wouldn't be a risk worth taking. So I would have to believe he ain't coming back this year.
I may have a more open mind to 2013, depending on what transpires in the off-season. If he was truly remorseful, and wanted to come back on a heavily discounted, incentive-laden, open-kimono-testing contract where he does some serious community involvement against drugs, I would be willing to listen, but not necessarily commit.
Does an AndroGel 1.62% commercial count?
Are they giving that away in schools today now, too?
What I'm a little surprised about is that management never really did anything about replacing him in LF after the suspension was handed out. I personally would have tried Belt in left, Arias in left or some combination to cover some of the offense loss. Makes me wonder what their plan was or if they ever had one. Maybe we played much better than they thought we would and they just backed away and let the cards play themselves out. I just can't see a plan that deals with him returning in the NCLS. Just doesn't make sense. If you got that far without him I'm not sure why you'd want to mess with a winning formula. Even a strange one! It is working.
Because there was no rule about it. Hopefully, they will address that this coming off-season.
"Any player testing positive for a substance banned by MLB and suspended during the season or post-season shall not be eligible for any award in any season in which a suspension was served."
I think that should do it. That may actually do more to stop use of PEDs than many of the other "punishments".
Nope, that WOULDN'T do it. The batting title isn't an "award." You'd need looser language than that.
"Any player testing positive for a substance banned by MLB and suspended during the season or post-season shall be at the mercy of tzill, and any player's fate under any circumstance before, during, or after his baseball career, shall be at the sole discretion of tzill, who was and is and is to come, peace be upon him".