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Media need to stop comparing the cavs to the 2010-2011 Heat


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Apr 16, 2013
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Ethan Skolnick column explains exactly why the misinformed media need to stop comparing the starts of both teams.

The Cavaliers are enduring the effects of a lack of cohesion and an absence of confidence in each other. And, at this point, it's officially more concerning than anything that long-ago Heat team went through.

For starters, that team actually started 7-4, not 5-6 as the Cavaliers have, even though everyone only remembers that Miami slipped to 9-8 on a deflating night in Dallas. That Miami team had three blowout victories in its first five games. This Cavaliers squad has had just one, in its eighth contest, against Atlanta. That Miami team didn't lose for a third time by double digits until its 41st outing, on Jan. 13, even though it was without two of its top five projected players, Mike Miller and Udonis Haslem, for most of that time. This Cavaliers squad, which has lost one rotation guy (Matthew Dellavedova) has already lost by 19, 13 and nine, with only a Dion Waiters garbage-time jumper saving it from a double-digit defeat against Denver.

That Miami team didn't look as lethargic, and its players didn't look like they loathed each other, as this team and these players appear to at times. Things were messy, for sure, especially as the three established stars, adjusting to redefined roles, tripped over one another, but that never seemed to be from a lack of earnest effort.

This is a decidedly different situation.

In Miami, he had a coach who had NBA experience—two playoff seasons as the head man—with the organization's full commitment. Pat Riley's unconditional support gave that coach an opportunity and the space to find his footing, even in the face of intense media pressure. And a 9-8 start turned into a 21-1 stretch.

Will Blatt, who acknowledged that some of his European teams have started slowly, get the backing he needs to make his way? And to make his team believe in him?

In Miami, James had proven championship partners, starting with Dwyane Wade, to help him chart the course, players who ultimately were more concerned with collective goals, even if those ambitions came at an individual cost.

In Miami, James had teammates who made it a mission to get him the ball in the proper spots, so he could lift his percentages, and by extension, the group as well.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Great points. The Heat situation worked because you had 3 experienced star players who went in knowing what was going to be required of them for it to work. One of them, Wade, even already had experience with making room for another superstar in order to win a title. They also all had at least some playoff experience with Lebron having been to the finals. Even with that, they weren't able to capture a title in their first season together.

In Cleveland, you have 3 star players coming together and one of them has experience making room for other star players to win a title. That's where the similarities end. Love and Kyrie have zero playoff experience and zero experience with making room for other stars.

Assuming they stay together, I think they will figure it out and probably even win a title or 2. I just don't think it will be this year.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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yep. cavs big three is a better natural fit based on skills. But the mental part, and defense isn't there. This team will take at least a full year to get things figured out.

The sooner they get waiters out of there the better. He doesn't fit what they want to do with love, kyrie and lebron (too many guys who need the ball) and IMO has a worse attitude than anyone else on the team.

Wade and already won 'ships and was a perennial MVP candidate. LeBron was the best in the game, Bosh was a top 15 player. But most importantly, they all were willing to sacrifice to make it work. They had an established coach who emphasized defense and they all bought in.

Sure there were ups and downs, but IMO that was more because LeBron and Dwade's games are not a natural fit and they had to figure each other out. The cavs 3 is a much better natural fit, but the sacrifice and mindset isn't right. Dump waiters for a 3 and D guy


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Apr 17, 2013
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Great points. The Heat situation worked because you had 3 experienced star players who went in knowing what was going to be required of them for it to work. One of them, Wade, even already had experience with making room for another superstar in order to win a title. They also all had at least some playoff experience with Lebron having been to the finals. Even with that, they weren't able to capture a title in their first season together.

In Cleveland, you have 3 star players coming together and one of them has experience making room for other star players to win a title. That's where the similarities end. Love and Kyrie have zero playoff experience and zero experience with making room for other stars.

Assuming they stay together, I think they will figure it out and probably even win a title or 2. I just don't think it will be this year.

way to make the same damn point at the same damn time! :10:


Guy Who Never Responds
Apr 17, 2013
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Miami had great DEFENSIVE players in the Big 3 when they formed in 2010.

2010 Wade was a decent defender. (obviously he is marginal now, but very good in 2010)
2010 Bosh was a great defender and still is a very good today.
2010 James was maybe the best in the league.
They could lean on their defense to stay competitive and win games until they figured out their offensive roles.

The Cavaliers have the exact opposite team.
Irving is god awful at defense and doesn't even try.
LOVE might be the worst defender in the history of the game. It is ungodly bad...but at least he tries.
2014 James is still an elite defender, but has slowed a tiny bit from his athletic 26 year old defense.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Miami had great DEFENSIVE players in the Big 3 when they formed in 2010.

2010 Wade was a decent defender. (obviously he is marginal now, but very good in 2010)
2010 Bosh was a great defender and still is a very good today.
2010 James was maybe the best in the league.
They could lean on their defense to stay competitive and win games until they figured out their offensive roles.

The Cavaliers have the exact opposite team.
Irving is god awful at defense and doesn't even try.
LOVE might be the worst defender in the history of the game. It is ungodly bad...but at least he tries.
2014 James is still an elite defender, but has slowed a tiny bit from his athletic 26 year old defense.

Another great point re: the defense. As for Love being the worst defender in history, as much as I love him, I think Nash has that title wrapped up. Although Harden seems intent on making a serious run for the title.


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Sep 26, 2011
Sevs or quick chek
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Miami had great DEFENSIVE players in the Big 3 when they formed in 2010.

2010 Wade was a decent defender. (obviously he is marginal now, but very good in 2010)
2010 Bosh was a great defender and still is a very good today.
2010 James was maybe the best in the league.
They could lean on their defense to stay competitive and win games until they figured out their offensive roles.

The Cavaliers have the exact opposite team.
Irving is god awful at defense and doesn't even try.
LOVE might be the worst defender in the history of the game. It is ungodly bad...but at least he tries.
2014 James is still an elite defender, but has slowed a tiny bit from his athletic 26 year old defense.

Lebron isn't a elite defender since the 2012-13 season


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Sep 4, 2011
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You know, I was thinking about it and this Cavs team is a lot like the Heat when they first came together...


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Apr 16, 2013
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You know, I was thinking about it and this Cavs team is a lot like the Heat when they first came together...

Offensively? Maybe but the compairsons end there.


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Cavs being outscored by 36 since being up 24-6 in the 1st


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Apr 16, 2013
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Don't get how the cavs bench is this bad with Waiters & Tristan coming off the bench


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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They actually should be better. Time will tell. Klove needs to watch some film of the brow and decide if he could ever be at that level


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Maybe they don't play enough minutes.

blatt seems to have no clue how to put rotations together.

or what kind of lineups he needs on the floor. The varejao, thompson, marion, lebron kyrie lineup is just a cluster on offense


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Apr 16, 2013
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blatt seems to have no clue how to put rotations together.

or what kind of lineups he needs on the floor. The varejao, thompson, marion, lebron kyrie lineup is just a cluster on offense

He's supposedly going to change the lineup again & rotations


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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blatt seems to have no clue how to put rotations together.

or what kind of lineups he needs on the floor. The varejao, thompson, marion, lebron kyrie lineup is just a cluster on offense

Only so many ways to mix and match basically 8 players.
James thinking he needed Miller/Jones on this roster is proving to be laughable.
They already lacked good defensive players and overall depth.
They have decent 3 pt shooting in their starting lineup between James, Love, Irving.

Their bench should be constructed of the best defensive players they could have found to just buy some minutes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Sevs or quick chek
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But.. But.. According to wiggy Russ they're supposed to win 65 games!!:pound:


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I am with Horns.. it's the defense. Wade/Bosh/Lebron all in their primes were great defenders. Well bosh was very good and wade and lebron were elite level. Love and Irving just suck on D. It's half the damn game and they are both liabilities

Bad defensive teams usually dont win titles. Let alone multiple titles. Go back to the dynasty teams through history... all had defensive players. I dont like the way this Cleveland team is built. I dont. They need better defenders. Those western conference teams can score.