Fantasy Football Guru--??
Come on Baltimore, it's Scott friggin Kazmir for christ's sake! ! Just a couple runs is all I ask. . Preferably scored by and driven in by Machado and Cruz.
I prefer this one
Mecha Lecha Hi Mecca Hiney Ho
Yea, I'll go with that
Come on Baltimore, it's Scott friggin Kazmir for christ's sake! ! Just a couple runs is all I ask. . Preferably scored by and driven in by Machado and Cruz.
Lol................I already have enough average OF's and seems like any pitcher that ends up on my team doesn't work anymore once they get here..........I need to start keeping my receipts!
Maybe you just need to start trading for pitchers who are already broken. Verlander seems like an excellent start.
Maybe you just need to start trading for pitchers who are already broken. Verlander seems like an excellent start.
Rev, looks like you have a 10-0 ass whipping pretty much in the bag...congrats! Ah well, it's always darkest before the dawn...:rollseyes:
You got enough points with your hitting today.....Damn, that's some pretty good pitching you got there, Rev. If it had rained on Kershaw an inning or two earlier, I might have at least gotten Ks.
Hmm, maybe you're on to something................maybe I should pick up that Tillman guy...........after all, I broke him. BTW, WTF is up with 2 grand slams in one freaking game Paul? I was looking fairly good for a 6-4 win this week and now I'll be happier than a pig in shit with a 5-5 split!
Nice game DUB- You were able snag a couple points Sunday to make it respectable. And good luck this week Ram.