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MBBRL C league??

Should there be a C league

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Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 11,700.00
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Hi my name is Ritzarmy and I am addict

I have strong interest in being apart of the league if you are looking for a active, competitive, smartass, trade-oholic member. I do not deflate balls to win but will tape your draft strategies to get a competitive edge. Most of you know me from the Mock Draft Thread and I have always been active and maybe to much to some guys liking. @MilkSpiller22 has hated every team I have drafted so that should give me some bonus points for nomination.

Anybody who Milk hates gets my vote.

And Ritzy, you will always be special to me bro.


RIP WLK Loving father, husband, & friend to ALL
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,145.45
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Anybody who Milk hates gets my vote.

And Ritzy, you will always be special to me bro.

Whoa whoa whoa I never said I hate Milk. I just dislike that he stopped sending me pics of him and his cat dressed alike.

Tlance = :mo:

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
Hoopla Cash
$ 1.36
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Whoa whoa whoa I never said I hate Milk. I just dislike that he stopped sending me pics of him and his cat dressed alike.

Tlance = :mo:
Ritzy doesn't hate Milk. Just the other day he was telling me that Milk and a little chocolate syrup was his favorite late night snack...


Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 89,217.00
Fav. Team #1
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Ritzy doesn't hate Milk. Just the other day he was telling me that Milk and a little chocolate syrup was his favorite late night snack...

whose this chocolate syrup you are talking about??


Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
Salt Lake City
Hoopla Cash
$ 22,700.00
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The danger of adding a C league is I will move to A in 2 years and then all parity is over as my reign as forever champion begins.


It's raw, you donkey!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I have strong interest in being apart of the league if you are looking for a active, competitive, smartass, trade-oholic member.

You had me right there, but the Milk comment is a nice added incentive. :nod:


Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I see the vote has changed again since I started this novel, but I'm posting it anyway since it was on my mind and need to get it off. .....

This whole discussion has really been an eye opener for me. The true colors of several current members have stood out (some surprisingly, other not) and the lack of real interest of others. Specifically, the seemingly disregard of the MBBRL concept on one side and the traditionalist on the other. I have no reservation with being type-cast as a traditionalist, it is my nature, I'm old, pretty set in my ways, yet I am open to things that make sense to me - so I'm good with myself.

That said, it truly disappoints me when I see that there now exists within the ranks a number of members who have absolutely no clue as to the amount of time, effort and thought that went into this 'organization' so to speak - and don't really give a crap. When I see comments like "I don't care about the MBBRL or its tradition, I'm here for the people", well it is, to say the least, very disappointing. The MBBRL is the people that formed it. Yes, some have come and gone over the years, yet their legacy should never be cast aside as unimportant. The great WilWhite devised the foundation with help from the other original 12. Quite simply, it is what it is because of them, let there never be any mistake on that. To think otherwise, only shows a lack of respect, and understanding as to its foundation and meaning.

It is also a big disappointment to see members type-cast the 'old' guard as inflexible or lacking in understanding - just because they see things differently. To you I say; more is not always better, new is not always better, bringing in buddies from other leagues is not always better. Though, I admit those things are not necessarily worse either. Yet just to change for the sake of change, bring guys just because you personally know them, or worse, just to reach some magical number, is not valid MBBRL criteria in my view.

Many of the new names, and I count 13 that have been mentioned to date, I have never seen a single post from - granted I do not wander into any forum beyond this one and others (that interest me) on fantasy football - but that is what this is about, isn't it ? Anyway, two, I have on my ignore list and would never endorse. The only candidates to date I could even remotely endorse are EHB5, RICHIG07, FEMUROV and potentially DUB. At least they have shown knowledge, interest and have taken the time to be somewhat active with advise and posts.

That is 4, not nearly enough for a new league. So, if the third league is soooo important that we, the MBBRL, are force to bring in another 8 of which may or may not work out, what are we doing to ourselves ?? If the MBBRL is even remotely important to them, then let them apply by giving us ALL some rationale why they should be included - if they are actually serious then that should not be too much to ask. To 'accept' people just to reach a number is just wrong IMO.

This has always been one of my favor leagues for many years and I would hate to see it become 'just a free league' to me. We all have to accept change, it is a way of life - I fully understand that. I'm willing to embrace this change if it occurs for the right reasons - but only if it does for the right reasons.

There you have it, the rambling of an old salt. Bring on the 'cake, 'face-palms', 'bullshit' whatever, quote pieces or part to dispute - it doesn't matter to me. I'm off this subject so chances are I won't see any of it anyway.

Oh, one last thing. To the vote flip-floppers. I don't expect, nor want, this post to change anything. Vote for what you feel in your heart is right for the league and stick with it. Don't change everyday just because you can.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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I see the vote has changed again since I started this novel, but I'm posting it anyway since it was on my mind and need to get it off. .....

This whole discussion has really been an eye opener for me. The true colors of several current members have stood out (some surprisingly, other not) and the lack of real interest of others. Specifically, the seemingly disregard of the MBBRL concept on one side and the traditionalist on the other. I have no reservation with being type-cast as a traditionalist, it is my nature, I'm old, pretty set in my ways, yet I am open to things that make sense to me - so I'm good with myself.

That said, it truly disappoints me when I see that there now exists within the ranks a number of members who have absolutely no clue as to the amount of time, effort and thought that went into this 'organization' so to speak - and don't really give a crap. When I see comments like "I don't care about the MBBRL or its tradition, I'm here for the people", well it is, to say the least, very disappointing. The MBBRL is the people that formed it. Yes, some have come and gone over the years, yet their legacy should never be cast aside as unimportant. The great WilWhite devised the foundation with help from the other original 12. Quite simply, it is what it is because of them, let there never be any mistake on that. To think otherwise, only shows a lack of respect, and understanding as to its foundation and meaning.

It is also a big disappointment to see members type-cast the 'old' guard as inflexible or lacking in understanding - just because they see things differently. To you I say; more is not always better, new is not always better, bringing in buddies from other leagues is not always better. Though, I admit those things are not necessarily worse either. Yet just to change for the sake of change, bring guys just because you personally know them, or worse, just to reach some magical number, is not valid MBBRL criteria in my view.

Many of the new names, and I count 13 that have been mentioned to date, I have never seen a single post from - granted I do not wander into any forum beyond this one and others (that interest me) on fantasy football - but that is what this is about, isn't it ? Anyway, two, I have on my ignore list and would never endorse. The only candidates to date I could even remotely endorse are EHB5, RICHIG07, FEMUROV and potentially DUB. At least they have shown knowledge, interest and have taken the time to be somewhat active with advise and posts.

That is 4, not nearly enough for a new league. So, if the third league is soooo important that we, the MBBRL, are force to bring in another 8 of which may or may not work out, what are we doing to ourselves ?? If the MBBRL is even remotely important to them, then let them apply by giving us ALL some rationale why they should be included - if they are actually serious then that should not be too much to ask. To 'accept' people just to reach a number is just wrong IMO.

This has always been one of my favor leagues for many years and I would hate to see it become 'just a free league' to me. We all have to accept change, it is a way of life - I fully understand that. I'm willing to embrace this change if it occurs for the right reasons - but only if it does for the right reasons.

There you have it, the rambling of an old salt. Bring on the 'cake, 'face-palms', 'bullshit' whatever, quote pieces or part to dispute - it doesn't matter to me. I'm off this subject so chances are I won't see any of it anyway.

Oh, one last thing. To the vote flip-floppers. I don't expect, nor want, this post to change anything. Vote for what you feel in your heart is right for the league and stick with it. Don't change everyday just because you can.

Everyone in our MBBRL Baseball would agree that molsaniceman is already an MBBRL member... not football, but his dedication is not a concern. (I guess, to those not involved in baseball, that doesn't matter)

Chef, Tlance, Fuzzy, OBX, Smitty, BKS, Milk, Micro, (think I'm forgetting one... Nos, Molsan and I make 11)

I voted no, because there were four or five nominations. I also made clear that I would be for it, if there were double the amount of nominees with the same reputation. (As did many)

I changed to yes, because that is happening. I did not intend, and I hope you (or others) don't take it as a lack of respect. As I have nothing but respect. I've said before... I'm in the championship in two leagues... this one, and my money league. And I honestly do not know which one I would prefer if I could only have one. That is how much I love this league and that is how much I expect all new comers to emit.

It's not corny... if you are 0-13, we expect you to try your hardest to finish 1-13. I don't think that is too much to ask/demand.

I will also help with any commishing, recapping needed or asked of me. With OBX and Tlance offering the same, I think Treff and Bandit (and their tremendous work) can be covered.


Fantasy Football Guru--??
Apr 17, 2013
Colorado-behind enemy lines
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I see the vote has changed again since I started this novel, but I'm posting it anyway since it was on my mind and need to get it off. .....

This whole discussion has really been an eye opener for me. The true colors of several current members have stood out (some surprisingly, other not) and the lack of real interest of others. Specifically, the seemingly disregard of the MBBRL concept on one side and the traditionalist on the other. I have no reservation with being type-cast as a traditionalist, it is my nature, I'm old, pretty set in my ways, yet I am open to things that make sense to me - so I'm good with myself.

That said, it truly disappoints me when I see that there now exists within the ranks a number of members who have absolutely no clue as to the amount of time, effort and thought that went into this 'organization' so to speak - and don't really give a crap. When I see comments like "I don't care about the MBBRL or its tradition, I'm here for the people", well it is, to say the least, very disappointing. The MBBRL is the people that formed it. Yes, some have come and gone over the years, yet their legacy should never be cast aside as unimportant. The great WilWhite devised the foundation with help from the other original 12. Quite simply, it is what it is because of them, let there never be any mistake on that. To think otherwise, only shows a lack of respect, and understanding as to its foundation and meaning.

It is also a big disappointment to see members type-cast the 'old' guard as inflexible or lacking in understanding - just because they see things differently. To you I say; more is not always better, new is not always better, bringing in buddies from other leagues is not always better. Though, I admit those things are not necessarily worse either. Yet just to change for the sake of change, bring guys just because you personally know them, or worse, just to reach some magical number, is not valid MBBRL criteria in my view.

Many of the new names, and I count 13 that have been mentioned to date, I have never seen a single post from - granted I do not wander into any forum beyond this one and others (that interest me) on fantasy football - but that is what this is about, isn't it ? Anyway, two, I have on my ignore list and would never endorse. The only candidates to date I could even remotely endorse are EHB5, RICHIG07, FEMUROV and potentially DUB. At least they have shown knowledge, interest and have taken the time to be somewhat active with advise and posts.

That is 4, not nearly enough for a new league. So, if the third league is soooo important that we, the MBBRL, are force to bring in another 8 of which may or may not work out, what are we doing to ourselves ?? If the MBBRL is even remotely important to them, then let them apply by giving us ALL some rationale why they should be included - if they are actually serious then that should not be too much to ask. To 'accept' people just to reach a number is just wrong IMO.

This has always been one of my favor leagues for many years and I would hate to see it become 'just a free league' to me. We all have to accept change, it is a way of life - I fully understand that. I'm willing to embrace this change if it occurs for the right reasons - but only if it does for the right reasons.

There you have it, the rambling of an old salt. Bring on the 'cake, 'face-palms', 'bullshit' whatever, quote pieces or part to dispute - it doesn't matter to me. I'm off this subject so chances are I won't see any of it anyway.

Oh, one last thing. To the vote flip-floppers. I don't expect, nor want, this post to change anything. Vote for what you feel in your heart is right for the league and stick with it. Don't change everyday just because you can.
Lefty is a much more diplomatic wordsmith than I..but this is exactly my sentiments as well


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 11,700.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I see the vote has changed again since I started this novel, but I'm posting it anyway since it was on my mind and need to get it off. .....

This whole discussion has really been an eye opener for me. The true colors of several current members have stood out (some surprisingly, other not) and the lack of real interest of others. Specifically, the seemingly disregard of the MBBRL concept on one side and the traditionalist on the other. I have no reservation with being type-cast as a traditionalist, it is my nature, I'm old, pretty set in my ways, yet I am open to things that make sense to me - so I'm good with myself.

That said, it truly disappoints me when I see that there now exists within the ranks a number of members who have absolutely no clue as to the amount of time, effort and thought that went into this 'organization' so to speak - and don't really give a crap. When I see comments like "I don't care about the MBBRL or its tradition, I'm here for the people", well it is, to say the least, very disappointing. The MBBRL is the people that formed it. Yes, some have come and gone over the years, yet their legacy should never be cast aside as unimportant. The great WilWhite devised the foundation with help from the other original 12. Quite simply, it is what it is because of them, let there never be any mistake on that. To think otherwise, only shows a lack of respect, and understanding as to its foundation and meaning.

It is also a big disappointment to see members type-cast the 'old' guard as inflexible or lacking in understanding - just because they see things differently. To you I say; more is not always better, new is not always better, bringing in buddies from other leagues is not always better. Though, I admit those things are not necessarily worse either. Yet just to change for the sake of change, bring guys just because you personally know them, or worse, just to reach some magical number, is not valid MBBRL criteria in my view.

Many of the new names, and I count 13 that have been mentioned to date, I have never seen a single post from - granted I do not wander into any forum beyond this one and others (that interest me) on fantasy football - but that is what this is about, isn't it ? Anyway, two, I have on my ignore list and would never endorse. The only candidates to date I could even remotely endorse are EHB5, RICHIG07, FEMUROV and potentially DUB. At least they have shown knowledge, interest and have taken the time to be somewhat active with advise and posts.

That is 4, not nearly enough for a new league. So, if the third league is soooo important that we, the MBBRL, are force to bring in another 8 of which may or may not work out, what are we doing to ourselves ?? If the MBBRL is even remotely important to them, then let them apply by giving us ALL some rationale why they should be included - if they are actually serious then that should not be too much to ask. To 'accept' people just to reach a number is just wrong IMO.

This has always been one of my favor leagues for many years and I would hate to see it become 'just a free league' to me. We all have to accept change, it is a way of life - I fully understand that. I'm willing to embrace this change if it occurs for the right reasons - but only if it does for the right reasons.

There you have it, the rambling of an old salt. Bring on the 'cake, 'face-palms', 'bullshit' whatever, quote pieces or part to dispute - it doesn't matter to me. I'm off this subject so chances are I won't see any of it anyway.

Oh, one last thing. To the vote flip-floppers. I don't expect, nor want, this post to change anything. Vote for what you feel in your heart is right for the league and stick with it. Don't change everyday just because you can.


I agree with your sentiment here. That is precisely why I donot want to rush a vote on this. The guys from the mock draft forum are a tight knit bunch just like ours. It would be a very natural marriage IMO. Have all of the posted here before, no. But that is why I am encouraging them to come on here are introduce themselves. The reality is that most in their group know as much about us as we do about them. We travel in separate parts of the hoop, but I believe from my experience in a few drafts with them, that they would fit with us extremely well.

But, let's give this some time and see what happens. Rushing to vote on either side is a mistake. But also, this group has always been accepting and given chances to people like Chef (who was unsure if he wanted to join initially by the way) and Barilko and me. There are far more success stories in our storied history than there are failures.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 102,675.00
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This is honestly the first time I've ventured in this section of the forum after being tagged by TLance. Hell I only found out there was a mock draft section a few months back after being on Hoop for a few years.

I wish I would have stumbled on to this a few years ago, because its sounds extremely fun and competitive. That said, I won't be able to commit the time and effort this year and from the sound of it, there seems to be a pretty extensive application process which I may not have passed anyways.

Hopefully I can possibly see about competing in future years. :suds:


It's raw, you donkey!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
@leftypower, that is a very well thought out and reasonable post, and I agree with much of your sentiment as well. I'll admit I was swayed to vote 'yes' by a few factors, one being intrigued about the possibilities. Hopefully, you understand how much I appreciate the MBBRL, my snarkiness aside. The amount of knowledge and competitive spirit in these leagues is incredible.

And ALWAYS remember: cake is good. ;)


RIP WLK Loving father, husband, & friend to ALL
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,145.45
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
This is honestly the first time I've ventured in this section of the forum after being tagged by TLance. Hell I only found out there was a mock draft section a few months back after being on Hoop for a few years.

I wish I would have stumbled on to this a few years ago, because its sounds extremely fun and competitive. That said, I won't be able to commit the time and effort this year and from the sound of it, there seems to be a pretty extensive application process which I may not have passed anyways.

Hopefully I can possibly see about competing in future years. :suds:

I'm still trying to find the asshole who showed you the mock draft thread. Jesus you show and start putting together great teams from the start. You could have tried to ease into at first but noooo. :suds:


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,206.54
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I will send PMs out to all the possible candidates tomorrow to see what we really have.

If we can get 10 strong right now, would that be enough to sway some of you guys? Worst case we would have 2 drones.
Get Treff and Bandit to sign off, and my vote is a tag along. (Which is an excellent cookie btw.)


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,206.54
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I'm still trying to find the asshole who showed you the mock draft thread. Jesus you show and start putting together great teams from the start. You could have tried to ease into at first but noooo. :suds:
I want Dave Steib back.

And my Willie.

Why'd you have to take my Willie?

Wait, where am I?


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,206.54
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
If you guys don't know Josh Ritz, you should.

Make it a New Years Resolution if you have to.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,206.54
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
After reading a little bit, I'm withdrawing my NO vote.

And going back into the Basket of Undecidedables.


RIP WLK Loving father, husband, & friend to ALL
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,145.45
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I want Dave Steib back.

And my Willie.

Why'd you have to take my Willie?

Wait, where am I?

I am willing to listen to trade offers for your Willie. My wife said it just isn't working like she is used to so I have no problem returning it used.


RIP WLK Loving father, husband, & friend to ALL
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,145.45
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
If you guys don't know Josh Ritz, you should.

Make it a New Years Resolution if you have to.

Smitty don't think they will be getting pics of me in a ELF costume that was only for you, Nos, UK Cowboy, WLK, oh wait I guess I guess I have no standards. Should have sent it to @ehb5