Banned in Europe
I used to when i was at CBS... But then i stopped... Just didnt like the whole voting aspect and how there was no difinitive answer, only whoever wanted to vote... and people never wanted to vote or vote correctly becuase nobody wanted to look to much into it... I am pretty sure I told nos, to stop asking me at one point at CBS...
For me it's a little like the sand art thingees that Tibetan Monks do. Countless, meticulous hours of hard work and dedication, only to wipe it away when the party's over. It's not about winning, it's about discovering things like Brooks Robinson played until 1977. Mickey Lolich played in '76 and '78 but not 1977. Connie Hawkins, while a Globetrotter, isn't widely known for awesomeness.

Things like that. (I've also never won one.)