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Mayhew should of known


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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Teams don't even necessarily need to be 8-8 or better to make the playoffs. Seattle made it in one year with a 7-9 record. So it CAN be done.

I'm not saying this is the norm so don't go misinterpreting that, but 8-8 is hardly a failure of a season. You would've thought a Seahwaks fan like muzz would've understood that.

"Zactly. 8-8 isn't gloom and doom, it's "what do we need to do to win two more games this season?"


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Apr 18, 2013
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Teams don't even necessarily need to be 8-8 or better to make the playoffs. Seattle made it in one year with a 7-9 record. So it CAN be done.

I'm not saying this is the norm so don't go misinterpreting that, but 8-8 is hardly a failure of a season. You would've thought a Seahwaks fan like muzz would've understood that.

I think Seattle a few years ago was the first and only team to go to the playoffs with a 7-9 record. Nevertheless they didn't go far, they beat N.O. on a lucky play but were still a C team that year... But hey they made the playoffs.....Not good enough.....


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Apr 18, 2013
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Technically, on a typical grading scale, not even .500 ball would get you more than an F.

:10: The next generation grading scales and curves ect.....Give kids shit they don't deserve


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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I see how it is- you want ideas on how to improve, but when I offer up an idea to improve the defense in practice you're all like "No! Pryor is a piece of shit!" Never mind that he'd be a great tool for the defense (hard to justify a roster spot for a guy whose only job is practice fodder for the starting D though, this I realize)...


TPaul your 52 ideas of kicking the tires is bound to make me say someone is a POS. Great tools for our defense would be 3 extra CJ's to better the secondary. We have Franklin we can put on PS if we need shifty scout kid.

Let alone he is a POS player why take Moore or another kid who may make a impact one day. PS is to develope and he has peaked IMO.

I just wanted a couple ideas from Muzz... you are a teacher. read between all my babble last couple days and you might have got a compliment or two. Go fucking argue and call someone else a douche with them soft feelers.


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Apr 18, 2013
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TPaul your 52 ideas of kicking the tires is bound to make me say someone is a POS. Great tools for our defense would be 3 extra CJ's to better the secondary. We have Franklin we can put on PS if we need shifty scout kid.

Let alone he is a POS player why take Moore or another kid who may make a impact one day. PS is to develope and he has peaked IMO.

I just wanted a couple ideas from Muzz... you are a teacher. read between all my babble last couple days and you might have got a compliment or two. Go fucking argue and call someone else a douche with them soft feelers.

I have one idea, but I know the Lions won't do it. Our secondary is horrendous. So if you give any and I mean any NFL QB 3 seconds he will shred it......So here's the idea.....Blitz!!!!!!! Blitz!!!!!! like theres no tomorrow......Give the QB 2 seconds instead of 3....

They won't do that, they will play off and get picked apart.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
Hoopla Cash
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Well, we know I'm a realist.

But you said it yourself....." What were stuck with" Can't undo what's done....Free Agency is done, Drafting is done.....So here we are.

The team is what it is......Where do you stand? I'm on record as 8-8......I can't change what I think a unbias view is.

I have them at 9-7 tied with Bears and sitting at home.
NYG - win
@ Carolina - win
Green Bay - loss
@NYJ - win
Buffalo - win
@Minnesota - win
New Orleans - loss
@Atlanta - win
Miami - loss
@Arizona - loss
@NE - loss
Chicago - win
Tampa Bay - win
Minnesota - win
@ Chicago - loss
@ GB - loss

9-7 same record as Bears. Bears get tie break.

I can see 8-8 or 10-6... if Mayhew would have to pack the clown car for losing I would cheer a 6-10 season on.

More blitzing whether the corners suck or not. Pressure will help, sitting vanilla style hurts CB's more when they cover 4-5 seconds. Seems Austin has multiple schemes and more to come in reg season. Sure the DB will get burned here and there with blitzing. Was going to happen without blitzing right?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I have them at 9-7 tied with Bears and sitting at home.

I can see 8-8 or 10-6... if Mayhew would have to pack the clown car for losing I would cheer a 6-10 season on.

More blitzing whether the corners suck or not. Pressure will help, sitting vanilla style hurts CB's more when they cover 4-5 seconds. Seems Austin has multiple schemes and more to come in reg season. Sure the DB will get burned here and there with blitzing. Was going to happen without blitzing right?

:10: Now let's just sit back and watch what Austin does, the past decade will tell you the DBs will be off 10 yards....If you want to impress me do what Seattle does and play 6 inches from the WR and Blitz! that sets a tone.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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:10: The next generation grading scales and curves ect.....Give kids shit they don't deserve

You old farts crack me up with your convenient loss of certain memories. The basic grading curve has been in use since long before you were in school. It gives a far more accurate assessment in certain than grading on a straight 100% scale does. Other classes the 100% scale is the way to go.

Neither are anything new, though. If you want to find the source of the problem with today's kids look no farther than the parenting. There's a very warped sense of what constitutes "discipline" in today's household- kid's feelings get far too much consideration, imo...


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
Hoopla Cash
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TPaul your 52 ideas of kicking the tires is bound to make me say someone is a POS. Great tools for our defense would be 3 extra CJ's to better the secondary. We have Franklin we can put on PS if we need shifty scout kid.

Let alone he is a POS player why take Moore or another kid who may make a impact one day. PS is to develope and he has peaked IMO.

I just wanted a couple ideas from Muzz... you are a teacher. read between all my babble last couple days and you might have got a compliment or two. Go fucking argue and call someone else a douche with them soft feelers.
Might want to take some of your own advice on this one. That post you're quoting of mine was pretty obviously light-hearted in nature. I even put a smiley guy thing on there and admitted that it would be hard to justify a roster spot for a guy who won't be contributing on Sundays.

No hurt feelers there, just joking around, or, at least, trying to...


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,164.87
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There's nothing to figure out. I predicted 8-8. In the NFL 8-8 is a failure not a C+ or a B-.......8-8 is just as good as 0-16....The only difference is where you draft the next year.

I agree and disagree... that is more powerhouse college football theory IMO.

Bama and others LSU OSU and such feel a season is a failure with no Natty. You can put 3 or 4 pro teams in this theory every year. the pro powerhouses will ebb & flow through the years.

Some franchises need babysteps to get to that status. look how Seattle went with PC as coach. babysteps and now are expected by fans to repeat. Lions needed to follow up the playoff season with a same result and build on it. So I can not always look at 8-8 as failure. Hell 7-9 was a playoff success and momentum builder for your hawks.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
Hoopla Cash
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I have one idea, but I know the Lions won't do it. Our secondary is horrendous. So if you give any and I mean any NFL QB 3 seconds he will shred it......So here's the idea.....Blitz!!!!!!! Blitz!!!!!! like theres no tomorrow......Give the QB 2 seconds instead of 3....

They won't do that, they will play off and get picked apart.

Umm... where you been all spring, man? That's what our new DC is all about- blitzing. Bringing presure from every angle imaginable.

Seriously guy, there's been like 10,000 articles on that. Get up to speed already, lol.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
Hoopla Cash
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The difference is that you had a team and coaching staff capable of winning half their games. Winning one or two more, at that point, gets you into the playoffs. So a few more adjustments- a good draft, young players stepping up, signing a couple of key free agents- can put you over the hump.

That's a big difference compared to winning two or three games and needing a total overhaul in order to simply be a competitive team.

If you really think the only difference right now between the Lions and the Raiders or the Texans is draft position, then I'd get just as far debating this issue with a baked potato...

Is this baked potato a loaded one? I like extra butter.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
Hoopla Cash
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:10: Now let's just sit back and watch what Austin does, the past decade will tell you the DBs will be off 10 yards....If you want to impress me do what Seattle does and play 6 inches from the WR and Blitz! that sets a tone.

That doesn't even make sense, Muzz. The coaches in charge from the last 10 seasons aren't here anymore. There's not an organization-wide directive not to blitz, Schwartz just didn't believe in blitzing was all. In his head it was better to get pressure with just four pass rushers, and he stuck to that philosophy results be damned.

We went out and signed a new DC specifically to dial up the blitz. I promise this isn't all some media concoction just to fuck with us. There's nothing about the past decade that tells us our DBs will be ten yards off...


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That doesn't even make sense, Muzz. The coaches in charge from the last 10 seasons aren't here anymore. There's not an organization-wide directive not to blitz, Schwartz just didn't believe in blitzing was all. In his head it was better to get pressure with just four pass rushers, and he stuck to that philosophy results be damned.

We went out and signed a new DC specifically to dial up the blitz. I promise this isn't all some media concoction just to fuck with us. There's nothing about the past decade that tells us our DBs will be ten yards off...

Our DBs will have to play off 10 yards simply because they suck. So I will blame Austin when they do, but in reality Austin has to have them playing off 10 yards because they suck.

If our DBs were good they would be on the line pressing, bumping, shoving, anything.....


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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It's not that simple. They might play 10 yards back in off-man, or zone, but Austin's scheme relies on press-man to disrupt the WRs at the line. I won't promise that it's going to work with our DBs, but they're also better suited to this style than they were for the off man that Schwartz favored.

I will promise that it's not a ruse, though. They haven't been practicing that way and playing that way in the preseason to suddenly stop doing it as soon as the regular season starts.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
Hoopla Cash
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Gaddamn my man! The things you're bitching about them not doing happen to be the exact things they went out of their way to do this offseason- blitzing and playing press coverage.

Give the fuckers a chance to actually do it in some games before just automatically assuming they won't.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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Gaddamn my man! The things you're bitching about them not doing happen to be the exact things they went out of their way to do this offseason- blitzing and playing press coverage.

Give the fuckers a chance to actually do it in some games before just automatically assuming they won't.

Some people don't want to give anything a chance. They'd rather bitch about past experiences and what DIDNT work rather than to look forward to what could potentially work.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Gaddamn my man! The things you're bitching about them not doing happen to be the exact things they went out of their way to do this offseason- blitzing and playing press coverage.

Give the fuckers a chance to actually do it in some games before just automatically assuming they won't.

Oh, I awlays give them a chance, and they just prove to me year in and year out why I bitch about it. This year will be no different.

I'm mostly bitching because it won't matter if they blitz or drop back in coverage, the DBs we have can't handle either job.