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Looks like LA is a go...


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Can you post the San diego and Oakland's proposal for a new Stadium?? No you can't because they don't have one lol. btw the NFL deadline for the proposal is today. St. Louis turned it in a day early…

St.Louis is also asking for $300 million from the NFL. That's $100 million more than the G4 loans the NFL gives for new stadiums. I think both Stan and the NFL are going to say no to the proposal. It might be the only offer (and best) from the 3 cities, but that doesn't mean it's attractive.


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That would be wild but I doubt it happens.

yeah i just think thats a pipe dream. if they couldn't get support to get a new stadium when they had a team over the last 12 years ….it will be way harder to get the financing support in place without a team there.


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St.Louis is also asking for $300 million from the NFL. That's $100 million more than the G4 loans the NFL gives for new stadiums. I think both Stan and the NFL are going to say no to the proposal. It might be the only offer (and best) from the 3 cities, but that doesn't mean it's attractive.

not exactly true. st louis didn't ask for anything. that extra 100m was offered by the LA owners committee. they are behind the STL project. but Roger is in with Stan i believe. so the NFL has this power struggle going on. the crazy thing is the NFL put together this LA owners committee which is 6 owners i believe and told them to take care and make all the decisions but Roger is now trying to step in a screw it up like usually.
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St. Louis submits stadium proposal to keep the Rams
Posted by Mike Florio on December 29, 2015, 12:51 PM EST
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At a time when Oakland won’t be submitting one at all, St. Louis has submitted one a day early.

Via Sam Farmer of the Los Angeles Times, St. Louis has filed its final offer with the NFL’s Committee on Los Angeles Opportunities. The deadline for the three cities who are faced with losing their NFL teams arrives on December 30.

The proposal likely will reflect the terms approved earlier this month by the St. Louis Board of Alderman, a package that includes $150 million in money from the city, more from the state, and an extra $100 million from the league that was wink-nod promised by two members of the league’s L.A. Committee.

The league has bristled at the presumption that another $100 million will come from private contributions, but if the owners are going to keep the Rams in St. Louis, someone will have to come up with the extra cash. Unless 24 owners vote to allow owner Stan Kroenke to move the team, that’s what will have to happen, if a new stadium is going to be built in St. Louis.

A vote (or, more likely, a series of them) on potential relocation is expected on January 13. No one knows what will happen, but future efforts to build stadiums with public money will be undermined if the NFL refuses to move forward with the proposal St. Louis has provided, since St. Louis is willing to make a major contribution of taxpayer funds at a time when few communities are inclined to do it.

Other communities will be even less inclined to do it if the NFL tells St. Louis politicians, “Thanks for trying. It’s not good enough. See ya.”

Farmer is one of the most credible NFL beat reporter's.


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Farmer is one of the most credible NFL beat reporter's.

yes he is but its just a story. if it did somehow happen your taking years down the road. but the Raiders are partners with the Chargers and they want to be in LA.


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Jul 18, 2013
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not exactly true. st louis didn't ask for anything. that extra 100m was offered by the LA owners committee. they are behind the STL project. but Roger is in with Stan i believe. so the NFL has this power struggle going on. the crazy thing is the NFL put together this LA owners committee which is 6 owners i believe and told them to take care and make all the decisions but Roger is now trying to step in a screw it up like usually.

The problem is...The extra 100mil was promised illegally by two memembers on what is supposed to be an "impartial" committee. Stan has such a strong lawsuit here that its not even funny. Even hear of collusion? The "wink and nod" from the two members is 100% collusion. Based on this info, Stan could sue the NFL for so much money, he won't just own the Rams, he'll own the whole damn league. At this point, the NFL better bend over backwards for EVERYTHING Stan wants otherwise, there will be BIG problems for the NFL...


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
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The problem is...The extra 100mil was promised illegally by two memembers on what is supposed to be an "impartial" committee. Stan has such a strong lawsuit here that its not even funny. Even hear of collusion? The "wink and nod" from the two members is 100% collusion. Based on this info, Stan could sue the NFL for so much money, he won't just own the Rams, he'll own the whole damn league. At this point, the NFL better bend over backwards for EVERYTHING Stan wants otherwise, there will be BIG problems for the NFL...
They might want to be careful with the whole collusion thing. Goodsmell has pretty much handed Stan LA while giving him a reach around at the same time. From the start.


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They might want to be careful with the whole collusion thing. Goodsmell has pretty much handed Stan LA while giving him a reach around at the same time. From the start.

You are 100% right, they better be VERY careful!!! I didn't even mention Jerry Richardson bringing Bob Iger into the mix, also illegal and could be considered collusion...


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Jul 11, 2013
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yes he is but its just a story. if it did somehow happen your taking years down the road. but the Raiders are partners with the Chargers and they want to be in LA.

Dam Coog
You could very well end up getting the double whammy here! First you lose your golden boy, now you could possibly lose your football team!


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
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You are 100% right, they better be VERY careful!!! I didn't even mention Jerry Richardson bringing Bob Iger into the mix, also illegal and could be considered collusion...
It seems to me Goodsmell wanted Stan to have LA. But he underestimated the city of ST. Louis and the overall dislike of Stan among the owners. Now we have a real mess.


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It seems to me Goodsmell wanted Stan to have LA. But he underestimated the city of ST. Louis and the overall dislike of Stan among the owners. Now we have a real mess.

Oh yeah, and this is just the beginning!!! I have the feeling this is going to get VERY ugly by the time its over.


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
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Oh yeah, and this is just the beginning!!! I have the feeling this is going to get VERY ugly by the time its over.
You have hit on some great points. Could drag on for years. NFL my regret ever letting Stan in.


Well-Known Member
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You have hit on some great points. Could drag on for years. NFL my regret ever letting Stan in.

They probably already regret it lol... When it comes to business, Stan is a bad MF'er, not sure any of these guys really want to take him on. He's not only smart, but he has the money to back up anything he wants to fight for... From what I understand, he is/the Rams are using the EJD rent free until they move to another stadium or city. A long fight won't hurt Stan one bit...


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
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They probably already regret it lol... When it comes to business, Stan is a bad MF'er, not sure any of these guys really want to take him on. He's not only smart, but he has the money to back up anything he wants to fight for... From what I understand, he is/the Rams are using the EJD rent free until they move to another stadium or city. A long fight won't hurt Stan one bit...
Rent free! Seems odd.


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Rent free! Seems odd.

I'm trying to find something with the terms...It might not be completely free, but I believe it is a sweetheart deal... I do remember the terms were changed a few years ago because the stadium wasn't kept in the top 25% like the lease specified.


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The problem is...The extra 100mil was promised illegally by two memembers on what is supposed to be an "impartial" committee. Stan has such a strong lawsuit here that its not even funny. Even hear of collusion? The "wink and nod" from the two members is 100% collusion. Based on this info, Stan could sue the NFL for so much money, he won't just own the Rams, he'll own the whole damn league. At this point, the NFL better bend over backwards for EVERYTHING Stan wants otherwise, there will be BIG problems for the NFL...

you don't think st louis is going to sue the crap out of someone. they have done everything the NFL has told them to do. think about it two of the three teams have no stadium plan in place. it shouldn't even be a question which 2 teams are moving unless the total FIX is in.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
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you don't think st louis is going to sue the crap out of someone. they have done everything the NFL has told them to do. think about it two of the three teams have no stadium plan in place. it shouldn't even be a question which 2 teams are moving unless the total FIX is in.

St. Louis can sue all they want. They know the terms they have to come to in order to keep the Rams. They cannot count on an extra 100 mil at this point(because of an illegal wink and nod)so their plan is 100mil short. Should they find a way to make up that extra 100 mil, yes then the Rams would stay.

But don't count on that extra money from the NFL. Stan will sue them for everything they have and guess what? he'd win. You know why? All these "rumors" are now in print. If the NFL actually goes ahead and does it, all hell will break loose...


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
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St. Louis can sue all they want. They know the terms they have to come to in order to keep the Rams. They cannot count on an extra 100 mil at this point(because of an illegal wink and nod)so their plan is 100mil short. Should they find a way to make up that extra 100 mil, yes then the Rams would stay.

But don't count on that extra money from the NFL. Stan will sue them for everything they have and guess what? he'd win. You know why? All these "rumors" are now in print. If the NFL actually goes ahead and does it, all hell will break loose...
It will be very interesting to see how all this plays out. Lots of movers and shakers involved. The NFL doesn't want the government to look to closely.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2013
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Rent free! Seems odd.

It's not rent free but probably the cheapest and best deal in the NFL. But Stan has it so bad here?? In a 25 year old building. it still isn't good enough for the greedy ass. Now we have a brand new stadium plan in place for the ass.


Apr 17, 2013
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that is the article?? i copied and pasted it. Retro I'm pretty sure Jim Thomas is a very respected source.
I think @Retroram52 is dead spot on with this one Coug

Thomas has something that's askew.
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