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lol locking threads?


Active Member
Oct 13, 2010
New Orleans, LA
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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I only got pissed because it was locked... then earlier today it was unlocked... then locked again... There was nothing in that post that merited locking it.... Cup didnt say anything wrong other than YOU disagreeing with him about what or how he said it... Too much power hungry indeed. That is what message boards are for... you can post what you feel about the team good or bad.... we are not gonna shut up and drink the cool aid while there are glaring problems with this team... but some here only want positive posts... well this isnt a world of rainbows and kittens.... so yes, people can get mad and vent... that is what the internet is for.... dont shut down a thread because you dont like it or was offended by it... my god arnt we adults here?


NJ Devils: Sweden West
Aug 28, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
my god arnt we adults here?

It has nothing to do with me being offended. In fact, I agree that Elias hasn't been the goal scorer he needs to be this season. The thread wasn't closed because of an opinion, it's the way you or any other poster wants to express yourselves. Is it that much to ask people to post coherent statements and not spam on here? I don't think it is.

Also, I have no idea how it unlocked a MOD from another forum must have done it. As far as I know, myself and Devs30rko are the only mods that actually post on here.