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Lions would've got bashed for whoever they chose.


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Apr 18, 2013
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When has a GM told the truth? Their politcians. They lie for a reason.......Ask Mayhew if he still feels good about the 2011 draft and he will spin and lie to you again.......Awful draft, he's just another guy trying to protect his job.

Good lord, it's trying to teach a fly to fetch a stick, sometimes it becomes tedious.


Gang Member
Apr 18, 2013
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How many more threads do we need to try to convince people to like the Ebron pick? People like it or they don't. They'll come around if he produces. Fact remains, he was taken high for a TE. The wait and see approach is valid when you take a position that rarely gets drafted top 10.

Where is Swarm to merge all of these Fucking "here is why you have to love Ebron" threads?


Top Notch
Apr 19, 2013
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Nothing else to talk about. I'll shut up and go away soon.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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My take is still this: view him as a slot WR, not a TE.

He becomes a very interesting prospect in that regard, imo. He's huge, adequately fast, and, well, huge for a WR. Tough, tough match-up in the slot...


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Apr 19, 2013
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Trustme sure does complain alot....i complain alot when it comes to the lions BUT DAAAAAM...

Just for the record trustme.....who would you had drafted.....ONE guy.....just so we know for down the road....i always hear you saying how the lions could of had torey smith or lavonte david.....but i dont recall you saying draft them....so ONE player.....we will see if he does better than ebron over time.

I dont think there were many elite guys left for defense....the safeties would of been drafted too high, plus we have starters for next yr....donald? We got suh and fairley.....im sure when we need a DT next year....in the draft there will be a DT that everyone is saying is a beast or the next best thing....the defense should get the majority of the high picks next yeat.....

People act like we never draft defense in the 1st...only WR's.......ziggy, suh, fairley...

But i dont mind the pick....good TE's can put good offenses over the top. Ebron is like drafting the 3rd WR we needed but he will cause mis-matches lining up all over....he can play when were in 2WR sets....unlike a WR.

How do I end up in the middle of a thread I haven't even commented on?

as far as torrey smith and lavonte david. i wasn't calling to draft torrey smith until after Detroit had drafted Titus Young. i just said if they were going to draft a WR, why wouldn't they draft Torrey Smith over Young.

Lavonte David -- I loved him before the draft and counted the picks down in the 2nd round until it got to the Lions. I was convinced (as most Lion fans were with Van Noy this year), that David was going to be the pick, as he filled a need and fit the BPA mold.

with the 10th pick this year -- i wanted to see the Lions trade down and accumulate picks. I think the best player on the board when they picked was Aaron Donald. I thought if you put him next to Suh, they could be extremely disruptive in the middle of the DL. Seeing as the Lions used about 5 seconds of their allotted time to draft Ebron, I'm guessing they weren't expecting anyone to make an offer to trade up.

two other guys i really liked this year who went lower -- Ryan Shazier, who Pitt drafted I believe. I think he will be a lot like David. I also think Darqueze Dennard is going to be very good in Cincy.

as far as Ebron -- I know it is beating a dead horse now, but I just didn't like the pick. If he ran like Vernon Davis -- I could understand drafting him that high. If he was the size of guys like Graham and Gronk -- I could understand drafting him that high. If he was sure handed and caught everything thrown his way -- I could see spending a pick that high.

personally -- unless you are a Jimmy Graham clone -- 6'7" 270 lbs and run a 4.5 -- I would never spend a top 10 pick on the TE position. maybe Ebron will change my mind, as he will every opportunity to do so, as he will never have to worry about being double teamed on the Lions. I just don't see what was so special about him. 4.6 is pretty fast for a TE, but nothing crazy. 6'4" is on the short side for a TE. 32" inch vertical is pedestrian for a TE. The over 11% clip he dropped passes last year is alarming.

I really hope Ebron has a monster year and I am dead wrong on him. With Mayhew's track record with top picks in the 1st round -- There is a great chance I am wrong. In all honesty -- I think he will be a solid player, but I think he will be a 3rd or 4th option in the offense.
Mar 7, 2014
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If the Lions felt that Ebron was the best player on the board then he was the right pick. It's just collosally stupid to reach for players to fill a need in the draft. You pick the guy who you think will help the team the most. Next year we may be in a spot to get the true cover corner but if we took another corner in the first round this year, next year we would pass on that guy and the team would be worse off for it. It just makes ZERO sense to pass on a better player to try to fill a hole. Not to FILL a hole, to TRY to fill a hole.

And what in recent history suggests that Lions mgmt. knows what the hell they are doing. Sniffed the playoffs once and got demolished. Yup they're all world. I will say again that a handful of picks is not a reach. And huh? so if the Leos took a corner in the 1st this year it precludes them form doing that next year? On what planet? Weren't Suh and Fairley taken in back-to-back years 1st rd.? Don't they both play DT? Mayhew's mentor took a WR in how many straight years in the 1st?

Sure Ebron's the better player ....a TE that doesn't block and going by what he's shown in college will probably lead the team in drops. 'Cause the Leos need that.

And before anybody says he's gonna open up coverages for CJ ......please take your head out of your rear.... nobody else is gonna command a double team while CJ is on the field which means that he's opening up holes in coverage just like any other body would. Oh wait look there are already bodies on the team oh and look they drop passes too.


Lions Homer
Jul 20, 2013
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two other guys i really liked this year who went lower -- Ryan Shazier, who Pitt drafted I believe. I think he will be a lot like David. I also think Darqueze Dennard is going to be very good in Cincy.



Top Notch
Apr 19, 2013
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And what in recent history suggests that Lions mgmt. knows what the hell they are doing. Sniffed the playoffs once and got demolished. Yup they're all world. I will say again that a handful of picks is not a reach. And huh? so if the Leos took a corner in the 1st this year it precludes them form doing that next year? On what planet? Weren't Suh and Fairley taken in back-to-back years 1st rd.? Don't they both play DT? Mayhew's mentor took a WR in how many straight years in the 1st?

Sure Ebron's the better player ....a TE that doesn't block and going by what he's shown in college will probably lead the team in drops. 'Cause the Leos need that.

And before anybody says he's gonna open up coverages for CJ ......please take your head out of your rear.... nobody else is gonna command a double team while CJ is on the field which means that he's opening up holes in coverage just like any other body would. Oh wait look there are already bodies on the team oh and look they drop passes too.

Lets not act as if Ebron only dropped some balls in college. If his play is any indication of what the team is getting, it looks as if he can be spectacular at times, accelerate damn good for a big guy, get separation, run routes and stuff. Dont forget those things.


Top Notch
Apr 19, 2013
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CJ can continue to be tripled and doubled.

Thats an ideal situation for the offense now. Getting everyone else in one on one match-ups is what they want Tate and Ebron in. Defenses will have to decide how they want to defend them. Of course....Ebron will have to prove he can beat the defense consistently, but he should be fine. Im sure we will see plenty of him on Monday night.


Gang Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Nothing else to talk about. I'll shut up and go away soon.

Wasn't trying to be a dick but you aren't going to convince these people. Based on who was left, the Lions grabbed their top prospect. Hopefully they're right about him.


Top Notch
Apr 19, 2013
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Wasn't trying to be a dick but you aren't going to convince these people. Based on who was left, the Lions grabbed their top prospect. Hopefully they're right about him.

Not really trying to convince them, just stating that its not all bad.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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I didnt get anybody that I wanted in the draft and you dont hear me complaining.

:laugh3: (ok, maybe just a little bit of complaining)


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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I didnt get anybody that I wanted in the draft and you dont hear me complaining.

:laugh3: (ok, maybe just a little bit of complaining)

Are we talking just draft or Mayhew?



The One And Only!!!
Apr 21, 2013
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And what in recent history suggests that Lions mgmt. knows what the hell they are doing. Sniffed the playoffs once and got demolished. Yup they're all world. I will say again that a handful of picks is not a reach. And huh? so if the Leos took a corner in the 1st this year it precludes them form doing that next year? On what planet? Weren't Suh and Fairley taken in back-to-back years 1st rd.? Don't they both play DT? Mayhew's mentor took a WR in how many straight years in the 1st?

Sure Ebron's the better player ....a TE that doesn't block and going by what he's shown in college will probably lead the team in drops. 'Cause the Leos need that.

And before anybody says he's gonna open up coverages for CJ ......please take your head out of your rear.... nobody else is gonna command a double team while CJ is on the field which means that he's opening up holes in coverage just like any other body would. Oh wait look there are already bodies on the team oh and look they drop passes too.

I didn't say word one about the Lions management knowing what they are doing. What I said was if they feel that Ebron was the best player on the board then it was the right pick. They took a CB early in the second last year. If they come back this year and take another corner in the first then next year comes and they take another corner you'll be calling Mayhew the Millen of corners. And its only your opinion that it was a hand full of spots to the next corner on their board. They might not have had a corner slotted until in the 20s and you certainly don't reach 10 slots.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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Are we talking just draft or Mayhew?


Oh no no no no no, the draft is one thing but Millenhew himself is a whole nother issue. There is nothing that will stop me from raging on and on over his incompetence.

Soon enough those who have tried to support him will see just how truly overmatched he is in the world of NFL GM's.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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Oh no no no no no, the draft is one thing but Millenhew himself is a whole nother issue. There is nothing that will stop me from raging on and on over his incompetence.

Soon enough those who have tried to support him will see just how truly overmatched he is in the world of NFL GM's.

Not many support, I don't!

I see people support or defend his draft picks. I actually can't remember anyone support the GM skillset other than picks.

IMO the incompetence is the Ford family to let it happen, or keep happening.

IMO the other incompetence is us fans who keep supporting the Ford family and lack of showing us they want our hard earned money on Sundays. As long as you keep a competive team on the field it will fill the stadium. Filling Pontiac for years proved that.

Gulf of Brazil

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:finger2: Mayhew, all the way around.... minus drafting Suh, and a wait and see in another 3 years on Ansah and Warford.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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:finger2: Mayhew, all the way around.... minus drafting Suh, and a wait and see in another 3 years on Ansah and Warford.

"You're my boy Blue!"

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Gulf of Brazil

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^^^ Damn Straight... u know exactly where I stand on that topic.. ain't gonna change if the mo fo hits 100% on his draft picks for the next 3 years, either. 2009 Stafford, Levy and Petti left, 2010 Suh, 2011 Fat-Lazy-Ass, LeShoure ? enough said, IMO