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Let's discuss Texas defense


Sep 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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It's the coaching. They lost Muschamp, someone who was pivotal in the Texas D and more importantly their half time adjustments. Now with him being head coach at Florida you see the Gators with the big time adjustments after the half. This was one of the cool things about watching Texas, you knew that if we were with in a touchdown or two by half-time, 9 times out of ten we would end up winning the game.

Now with regard to last year, I think Muschamp still had a residual effect on the Texas D. They lacked the half-time adjustments but were still good enough to win. I just don't understand how they can be this bad though. Giving up 50 points to anyone should be an indication that your D has major problems. The thing that irks me the most is Mack Browns post game interview after Baylor, saying that after this game they should be able to shut up their harshest critics for a short time. Don't get me wrong, I am glad they can finally score points, something they lacked for two years, but I have never seen a Texas Defense this bad in a very long time.


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Aug 30, 2011
Austin, Texas
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It's the coaching. They lost Muschamp, someone who was pivotal in the Texas D and more importantly their half time adjustments. Now with him being head coach at Florida you see the Gators with the big time adjustments after the half. This was one of the cool things about watching Texas, you knew that if we were with in a touchdown or two by half-time, 9 times out of ten we would end up winning the game.

Now with regard to last year, I think Muschamp still had a residual effect on the Texas D. They lacked the half-time adjustments but were still good enough to win. I just don't understand how they can be this bad though. Giving up 50 points to anyone should be an indication that your D has major problems. The thing that irks me the most is Mack Browns post game interview after Baylor, saying that after this game they should be able to shut up their harshest critics for a short time. Don't get me wrong, I am glad they can finally score points, something they lacked for two years, but I have never seen a Texas Defense this bad in a very long time.

Yeah, his excuse was that "every" team in the conference can put up points, so your D is going to surrender points to someone. Yet we watched KSU and Texas Tech shut down WVU with inferior talent.

I know it's crazy, but I say we at least talk to Chizik after he's fired from Auburn. I also think it's clear they aren't going to fire Brown.......which is a huge problem in and of itself.


Sep 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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I doubt Gene Chizik comes back to Austin as a coordinator, since he has been a head coach of two different teams and winning a championship with one. When I think Gene Chizik, something about ego and pride spews out of him. I am not sure Texas would even want to bring Chizik back, given he would probably request to be the next head coach of Texas, once Mack steps aside. With the scandal that went down with Cam Newton, and Mack Brown's desire to keep Texas' image as a clean program, bringing in Gene will only tarnish that.


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Aug 6, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Here's what I'd suggest Texas do:

1. Chill. This is isn't UT's year. There were too many question marks and even though the QB play has improved dramatically there was still that "spark" missing this year. I've always said next year is the year Texas kicks ass and takes names. The spark will be back.

2. I thought UT would pull it together long enough to beat OU this year. But they didn't. They rolled over and stuck their ass in the air. That is NOT the players quitting. It's coaches not having them prepared and being able to scheme things. Mack isn't afraid to crawl all over someone behind the scenes to fix problem regardless of what he says in public.

3. UT needs to let Mack be Mack and recruit like a banshee. He'd be smart to fire Manny Diaz and go get a real DC but he won't do it.

4. The UT football program is sitting on a jillion dollars, has the type of facilities other schools can only dream about and has an alumni base that is beyond compare. The problems this year are fixable. The real problem is the lack of toughness on the team. There's no Earl Campbell/Tommy Nobis/Colt McCoy attitude at all on the team. Texas needs to develop some team leaders.

5. Mack should be given 1 more year to either turn it around or continue to stink up the joint. Either way, it's time for him to step aside. Doing it now would hurt the UT football program. After next year, win or lose, is the right timing.

6. Deloss Dodds needs to start looking for the next UT coach now. Pro or college.....whatever is the best fit. If that was kept secret (and civil) between him and Mack it would be an ideal situation for both of them. In the meantime, Dodds can look high and low for the best candidate and make preparations for writing the checks that move will require.

UT has had too many bad seasons in a row to ignore their real problem: it's time to turn over a new page and reboot the program for the next coach to come in and start winning big again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2011
Austin, Texas
Hoopla Cash
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Here's what I'd suggest Texas do:

1. Chill. This is isn't UT's year. There were too many question marks and even though the QB play has improved dramatically there was still that "spark" missing this year. I've always said next year is the year Texas kicks ass and takes names. The spark will be back.

2. I thought UT would pull it together long enough to beat OU this year. But they didn't. They rolled over and stuck their ass in the air. That is NOT the players quitting. It's coaches not having them prepared and being able to scheme things. Mack isn't afraid to crawl all over someone behind the scenes to fix problem regardless of what he says in public.

3. UT needs to let Mack be Mack and recruit like a banshee. He'd be smart to fire Manny Diaz and go get a real DC but he won't do it.

4. The UT football program is sitting on a jillion dollars, has the type of facilities other schools can only dream about and has an alumni base that is beyond compare. The problems this year are fixable. The real problem is the lack of toughness on the team. There's no Earl Campbell/Tommy Nobis/Colt McCoy attitude at all on the team. Texas needs to develop some team leaders.

5. Mack should be given 1 more year to either turn it around or continue to stink up the joint. Either way, it's time for him to step aside. Doing it now would hurt the UT football program. After next year, win or lose, is the right timing.

6. Deloss Dodds needs to start looking for the next UT coach now. Pro or college.....whatever is the best fit. If that was kept secret (and civil) between him and Mack it would be an ideal situation for both of them. In the meantime, Dodds can look high and low for the best candidate and make preparations for writing the checks that move will require.

UT has had too many bad seasons in a row to ignore their real problem: it's time to turn over a new page and reboot the program for the next coach to come in and start winning big again.

Can't disagree with most of this, but in the OU game, the players flat out QUIT.

The big money boosters have indeed tired of Mack, so we'll see if they force Deloss' hands.......