Calamity, you sure hold a grudge. I hate to be on your bad side.
lol, and i'm such a laid back nice guy. I try not to, but it's a combination of everything. Niner nation waited 10 yrs for a return to the playoffs. 14 Years about since an actual NFC title game.
Prior to the season, the most common sensed fan would say nearly impossible to make it to the SB, new HC in the Pros, Alex @ QB, struggling offense, maybe a tired defense, shortened season, tough schedule.... yet we're playing in OT in the title game lol....
In a game where i expected the offense to betray us and disappoint, it really didn't do so, other than failing the 3rd down rate and WR production, the offense only hindered but did not cause the loss. The defense, vs another uppier tier offense in the playoffs did nothing but overpowered and beat the crap out the nyg on good starting field position.
One guy fucks it up 2x to lead to 2 scores. One idiot... grrrrrrrrrrr