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Klay thompson Improving His Game


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WHY give up Klay if you don't have to? Unless someone ponies up a better deal, why bother? They'll HAVE to cave if they want to move him. Klay should only be used to sweeten the pot if you are about to be outbid, which no one has done yet.


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
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WHY give up Klay if you don't have to? Unless someone ponies up a better deal, why bother? They'll HAVE to cave if they want to move him. Klay should only be used to sweeten the pot if you are about to be outbid, which no one has done yet.

WHY move Love if the best they can do is Klay Thompson and a late 1st rounder? Unless someone ponies up a better deal (which will happen) then they can just hang on to Love and put the pressure on the competition. The Warriors are the only team to have an offer out for Love? Cmon dude. There are like 10-15 teams after him, this rumor just leaked out so it's the only one we "know" about for sure. I promise you they'll do better than that originally proposed deal that leaked out with Lee, Thompson, Martin, Barea, etc.


#What is Hashtag?
Dec 13, 2013
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WHY move Love if the best they can do is Klay Thompson and a late 1st rounder? Unless someone ponies up a better deal (which will happen) then they can just hang on to Love and put the pressure on the competition. The Warriors are the only team to have an offer out for Love? Cmon dude. There are like 10-15 teams after him, this rumor just leaked out so it's the only one we "know" about for sure. I promise you they'll do better than that originally proposed deal that leaked out with Lee, Thompson, Martin, Barea, etc.

The wolves are getting greedy and unless another team offers multiple top 10 draft picks then I don't think they will get a better offer than the one the Warriors have.


Jul 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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WHY move Love if the best they can do is Klay Thompson and a late 1st rounder? Unless someone ponies up a better deal (which will happen) then they can just hang on to Love and put the pressure on the competition. The Warriors are the only team to have an offer out for Love? Cmon dude. There are like 10-15 teams after him, this rumor just leaked out so it's the only one we "know" about for sure. I promise you they'll do better than that originally proposed deal that leaked out with Lee, Thompson, Martin, Barea, etc.

Please list these teams offering up better assets that can actually retain his services? You don't seem to understand how much leverage the Warriors or Bulls have in a situation like this. And more importantly, any of these trades that include the 2015 first rounder cannot be made until the draft begins.


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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Please list these teams offering up better assets that can actually retain his services? You don't seem to understand how much leverage the Warriors or Bulls have in a situation like this. And more importantly, any of these trades that include the 2015 first rounder cannot be made until the draft begins.

Suns, Bulls, Nuggets & Kings can all offer better packages with higher/multiple picks. Whether or not he re-signs with those teams remains to be seen, but Minnesota won't care about that. They will accept the best offer.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Suns, Bulls, Nuggets & Kings can all offer better packages with higher/multiple picks. Whether or not he re-signs with those teams remains to be seen, but Minnesota won't care about that. They will accept the best offer.

Yep. Alot of people don't realize that the T-Wolves still control their own outcome. It really doesn't matter what Love wants at this juncture. The T-Wolves should go after what will help them in the long term (high draft picks). That should be Boston. But who knows at this point.


Jul 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Suns, Bulls, Nuggets & Kings can all offer better packages with higher/multiple picks. Whether or not he re-signs with those teams remains to be seen, but Minnesota won't care about that. They will accept the best offer.

Suns? Multiple picks? Oh man. Don't stop there. Let's also include Bledsoe too. We want a player out of this. Not just the ability to field a mediocre team on rookie contracts. Oh, he's a rFA this season and has to agree to the trade? Ugh. That might be hard. But you're willing to give us all that when Love probably isn't going to sign with you because you don't have a star to play with him? Are you sure you want to do this?

Bulls? Yeah they're not that serious about Love. They're going after Melo. Not to mention, their latest offer is a lot weaker than the Warriors offer.

Nuggets? Stop now. You're going to make me laugh... and it's a very lateral move for Love. No way he stays.

Kings? The 8th pick, McLemore... what else? That's not enough. Love won't extend there either. Why would the Kings do that. A core of Gay, Love, Cousins isn't getting it done.

The thing you seem to be unable to comprehend is most teams aren't going to give away their young talent or draft picks without some assurance they're going to retain Love. The only teams that have that ability are teams with legit stars that also happen to be playoff teams. There's only two teams in this discussion who fall under this category: the Warriors and the Bulls. The rest aren't going to give up their future for a season.


Jul 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yep. Alot of people don't realize that the T-Wolves still control their own outcome. It really doesn't matter what Love wants at this juncture. The T-Wolves should go after what will help them in the long term (high draft picks). That should be Boston. But who knows at this point.

Why do people keep insisting that the Celtics even have a solid offer? It's complete shit. A bunch of mid to late first round picks and some backups? Puhlease.

Sure the Wolves decide whether they trade him or not... but Love indirectly has leverage on where he goes because most GMs are smart enough to see the writing on the wall. If they weren't a contender before this trade, they won't be enough to keep Love and he's off to UFA land.


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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Suns? Multiple picks? Oh man. Don't stop there. Let's also include Bledsoe too. We want a player out of this. Not just the ability to field a mediocre team on rookie contracts. Oh, he's a rFA this season and has to agree to the trade? Ugh. That might be hard. But you're willing to give us all that when Love probably isn't going to sign with you because you don't have a star to play with him? Are you sure you want to do this?

Bulls? Yeah they're not that serious about Love. They're going after Melo. Not to mention, their latest offer is a lot weaker than the Warriors offer.

Nuggets? Stop now. You're going to make me laugh... and it's a very lateral move for Love. No way he stays.

Kings? The 8th pick, McLemore... what else? That's not enough. Love won't extend there either. Why would the Kings do that. A core of Gay, Love, Cousins isn't getting it done.

The thing you seem to be unable to comprehend is most teams aren't going to give away their young talent or draft picks without some assurance they're going to retain Love. The only teams that have that ability are teams with legit stars that also happen to be playoff teams. There's only two teams in this discussion who fall under this category: the Warriors and the Bulls. The rest aren't going to give up their future for a season.

Warriors? Oh yeah let's take a on couple role players without getting any high draft picks in return for one of the best players in the game. That's really gonna help us rebuild. See? I can do it too.


Jul 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Warriors? Oh yeah let's take a on couple role players without getting any high draft picks in return for one of the best players in the game. That's really gonna help us rebuild. See? I can do it too.

Klay Thompson is a solid two way guard. He is the best player they're going to get in any deal or draft pick that isn't in the top 3. No one in the top 3 is trading for Love. I seriously think you have blinders on.

No one is giving them these low draft picks you are talking about because none of those teams are of interest to Love. No one is giving up a top five pick for a rental.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Yep. Alot of people don't realize that the T-Wolves still control their own outcome. It really doesn't matter what Love wants at this juncture. The T-Wolves should go after what will help them in the long term (high draft picks). That should be Boston. But who knows at this point.

Disagree. It matters very much what Love wants. Why would a team trade for him without a sign and trade or at least some kind of assurance from Love that he will re-sign with them? Everyone saw what Dwight did in Orlando and with the Lakers and won't want to risk the same thing happening to them.

Also, while I agree that Minny SHOULD try to collect as many draft picks as possible to build for the future, reports are that they are hellbent on making the playoffs this coming season, so they are looking to get players who can help them now.


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Love is the one calling the shots here. That should be very obvious.

And until I hear a better deal, GS has the best on the table. I haven't seen or heard rumors of anything better. It's a waiting game right now; Minny is waiting to see if someone else steps up to the table. But if someone does, and GS wants him bad enough, they'll offer up Thompson as well. I personally think they can get it done without him.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Love is the one calling the shots here. That should be very obvious.

And until I hear a better deal, GS has the best on the table. I haven't seen or heard rumors of anything better. It's a waiting game right now; Minny is waiting to see if someone else steps up to the table. But if someone does, and GS wants him bad enough, they'll offer up Thompson as well. I personally think they can get it done without him.

Agree. Also, Love needs to be careful re: what the team he goes to gives up or he risks having what happened to 'Melo with the Knicks. He gets to his new team, only to find out that much of what them attractive was traded away to get him.


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Sep 26, 2011
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Love is the one calling the shots here. That should be very obvious.

And until I hear a better deal, GS has the best on the table. I haven't seen or heard rumors of anything better. It's a waiting game right now; Minny is waiting to see if someone else steps up to the table. But if someone does, and GS wants him bad enough, they'll offer up Thompson as well. I personally think they can get it done without him.

Chad ford was on the BS report today and said this.

"Says the Love/Martin and Lee/Klay parts have been agreed to. Issues are pick protection and whether or not Barnes and Barea are added.

Says Love wants to go to GS and agent is pushing for it"


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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Klay Thompson is a solid two way guard. He is the best player they're going to get in any deal or draft pick that isn't in the top 3. No one in the top 3 is trading for Love. I seriously think you have blinders on.

No one is giving them these low draft picks you are talking about because none of those teams are of interest to Love. No one is giving up a top five pick for a rental.

When did I say anything about a top 3 pick? Do you having reading comprehension issues?

Anyways, you're completely missing my point. I was down-playing Golden State's assets like you were doing to the other teams I brought up, you act like GS is the ONLY landing spot for Love. It's not that I don't think Golden State will land him (I think they have a decent chance) but for you to say that's the best offer out there is naive. Are you in the Front Office yourself? Just because one rumors leaked out doesn't mean it's the only (or best) offer out there.

Going back to my original post, if Golden State is really putting this on hold because of their desire to keep Thompson then they are morons. Plain and simple. A core of Curry, Love, Iggy, Bogut, Green/Barnes is definitely a contender and better than what they currently have in place.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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When did I say anything about a top 3 pick? Do you having reading comprehension issues?

Anyways, you're completely missing my point. I was down-playing Golden State's assets like you were doing to the other teams I brought up, you act like GS is the ONLY landing spot for Love. It's not that I don't think Golden State will land him (I think they have a decent chance) but for you to say that's the best offer out there is naive. Are you in the Front Office yourself? Just because one rumors leaked out doesn't mean it's the only (or best) offer out there.

Going back to my original post, if Golden State is really putting this on hold because of their desire to keep Thompson then they are morons. Plain and simple. A core of Curry, Love, Iggy, Bogut, Green/Barnes is definitely a contender and better than what they currently have in place.

:agree: I love Klay Thompson's game and am hopeful that somehow he lands with the Lakers (although I think that ship has sailed). But they are only going to go so far with guards as their best players. If GSW truly wants to take the next step, then they are likely going to have to give up Thompson to get there.

May as well do it now rather than losing him as an FA when some team pays him more than GSW is willing to.


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Austin, Texas
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When did I say anything about a top 3 pick? Do you having reading comprehension issues?

Anyways, you're completely missing my point. I was down-playing Golden State's assets like you were doing to the other teams I brought up, you act like GS is the ONLY landing spot for Love. It's not that I don't think Golden State will land him (I think they have a decent chance) but for you to say that's the best offer out there is naive. Are you in the Front Office yourself? Just because one rumors leaked out doesn't mean it's the only (or best) offer out there.

Going back to my original post, if Golden State is really putting this on hold because of their desire to keep Thompson then they are morons. Plain and simple. A core of Curry, Love, Iggy, Bogut, Green/Barnes is definitely a contender and better than what they currently have in place.

This is where we disagree.

It's brilliant. They KNOW that's the piece Minny wants. So far as we know, they have the best offer on the table without him. Minny only has so much time to decide......they can pull this off WITHOUT offering up Thompson.

Now say someone comes in with a better offer......THEN they can sweeten the pot with Thompson. WHY would they play all their cards upfront?

I think if you believe not offering everything upfront makes them morons, you don't understand negotiations at a very basic level. Get all you can for as LITTLE as you have to sacrifice.


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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This is where we disagree.

It's brilliant. They KNOW that's the piece Minny wants. So far as we know, they have the best offer on the table without him. Minny only has so much time to decide......they can pull this off WITHOUT offering up Thompson.

Now say someone comes in with a better offer......THEN they can sweeten the pot with Thompson. WHY would they play all their cards upfront?

I think if you believe not offering everything upfront makes them morons, you don't understand negotiations at a very basic level. Get all you can for as LITTLE as you have to sacrifice.

I would agree, except Minnesota doesn't have to trade Love during the offseason. They can wait and put more pressure on teams desperate to make a move and end up with the best package possible. But from what I've heard it's Golden State that is second-guessing their initial offer because of them being reluctant to deal Thompson... in which case, yes, they'd be morons.


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Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I would agree, except Minnesota doesn't have to trade Love during the offseason. They can wait and put more pressure on teams desperate to make a move and end up with the best package possible. But from what I've heard it's Golden State that is second-guessing their initial offer because of them being reluctant to deal Thompson... in which case, yes, they'd be morons.
GS also doesn't want Kevin Martin as part of a possible deal.

"The Warriors have zero desire to take back expensive, no-defense shooting guard Kevin Martin in the deal"

He's scheduled to make close to 21mil over the next 3yrs.