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Kirk Cousins.....The elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about!


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Take a short scroll through the site and you'll find any number of threads focused on Robert Griffin III. Don't get me wrong, there was a lot to talk about, because any time there's mention of his name the reactions vary depending on the company that you find yourself in.

Something different happened On Monday August 31st this year when HC J. Gruden named Kirk Cousins our starting QB, stating it's "Kirk's team." Despite that pronouncement in the city where the the second most talked about job is Quarterback of the Washington football team, there seems to be virtual silence. Hell, even Colt McCoy has vowed to say nothing if Cousins is named starter over himself. So let me ask..............

WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?????.......

The silence is especially noticeable on sites like this one, where almost anything team related finds a most scrutinious audience. I'm not buying the we're all taking a wait and see stance, because that would apply to the unknown. KC is well known, and, has a track record to boot. So, what is going on here? Is this truly a circumstance where we dare not talk about the elephant in the room? I wonder why???

Sportster 72

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Not sure what elephant you see Sty. First more people would like to talk about whether Griffin is No. 2 or 3 on the depth chart. I made mention of this in another thread. The quiet you hear is more what football should be like. Focus on the team and not the QB. Kirk is quietly going about his job, no sound bites to address on a daily basis whether by former QB, HC or whoever else.

As far as a resume Kirk has 9 career starts. One game over half a season. Essentially he is a rookie in playing experience. I don't think that qualifies as a resume. Peyton Manning threw over 20 INTs his first year. Cousins will have tough games and will make mistakes from time to time. I think what matters is how he bounces back.

He has had a bit of a honeymoon based on his pre-season. His name will be mentioned a lot more beginning Sunday after the Dolphins game.

Seems kind of sad to me that we as fans miss the dysfunction of this ownership when things are quiet and we act like a normal franchise for a bit.

Darrell Green Fan

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Not sure what elephant you see Sty. First more people would like to talk about whether Griffin is No. 2 or 3 on the depth chart. I made mention of this in another thread. The quiet you hear is more what football should be like. Focus on the team and not the QB. Kirk is quietly going about his job, no sound bites to address on a daily basis whether by former QB, HC or whoever else.

As far as a resume Kirk has 9 career starts. One game over half a season. Essentially he is a rookie in playing experience. I don't think that qualifies as a resume. Peyton Manning threw over 20 INTs his first year. Cousins will have tough games and will make mistakes from time to time. I think what matters is how he bounces back.

He has had a bit of a honeymoon based on his pre-season. His name will be mentioned a lot more beginning Sunday after the Dolphins game.

Seems kind of sad to me that we as fans miss the dysfunction of this ownership when things are quiet and we act like a normal franchise for a bit.

Pretty much exactly what I was going to say.


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Jul 4, 2013
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OK I will also ask what elephant??

I mean how many of us that are actually fans of the team as apposed to the player are against this move?? Unless you are still clinging to the "upside" that RG3 is supposed to have, there is no logical reason to stick with him this year. Especially in light of the injury risk he poses.

Fact: Cousins moves the offense better.
Fact: The offense scores more points with Kirk under center.
Fact: Kirk is more of a risk to throw an INT.

Fact: The offense struggles more with Griffin under center
Fact: The offense only produces roughly half the amount of scores with Griffin under center
Fact: While Griffin has not thrown as many INTs, he takes twice as many sacks.

So at the end of the day, its a non issue right now as the coach made the best FOOTBALL decision for the team right now. At some point you have to realize that whats best for the player (in this case Griffin) might be the worst thing for the team. Now I admit it would be best for Griffin as a player for him to try and play through his issues and become the QB we hoped he would become. But going into his fourth year, and still showing major signs that this wont happen, with him still making poor decisions ( because lets face it, his last injury was again a result of his poor decision making), its time to move on.


ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
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What is there to talk about? We are going with a guy that is suspect, but has some skills and has shown the ability to produce in this offense. He has also shown the ability to implode. The only question is with more experience, will he learn to minimize those implosions? I have no grand expectations. From a win loss record, he may do no better than robert. But I do believe he gives us at least a chance to do better. Robert has proven, to me, that his flaws are insurmountable.


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What is there to talk about? We are going with a guy that is suspect, but has some skills and has shown the ability to produce in this offense. He has also shown the ability to implode. The only question is with more experience, will he learn to minimize those implosions? I have no grand expectations. From a win loss record, he may do no better than robert. But I do believe he gives us at least a chance to do better. Robert has proven, to me, that his flaws are insurmountable.

Agree. If nothing else this move (& possible subsequent moves this season if Cousins fails) will make it clear that the Redskins will have to find a other QB next season (which I expected coming into this year barring a miracle).

I am not sure why any Redskins fan would not actually welcome the quiet given the soap opera atmosphere that has existed for some time. I am so happy that we will now primarily be talking about on-the-field play moving forward (even if it is mainly bad).



ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
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I think it's a safe bet that we will be drafting a QB next year. I think the best we can hope for is that he can hold down the fort (ala Andy dalton) for a few years while our drafted QB can learn and develop.


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The elephant in the room is the QB position in DC no matter what name that happens to be. Fact is gentlemen, KC is now the starting QB of this team. History shows us that no other position is more talked about or more scrutinized than this one, on this team, and that's going all the way back to Sammy Baugh. Where are the reports coming out of practice? You know......"Kirk performed well today, the team really seemed to have embraced him.....etc...etc...etc." It doesn't have to be negative, but geez, something!
What about you guys? I've been on these sites for some years now, and in all of that time few if any had problems expressing optimism, pessimism or whatever your particular bend happened to be on whatever subject. Now, some are saying that this silence is a wonderful thing, there's nothing to talk about, he's virtually a rookie, let's take a wait and see approach, blah, blah, blah.....well, I guess there's a first time for everything.


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The elephant in the room is the QB position in DC no matter what name that happens to be. Fact is gentlemen, KC is now the starting QB of this team. History shows us that no other position is more talked about or more scrutinized than this one, on this team, and that's going all the way back to Sammy Baugh. Where are the reports coming out of practice? You know......"Kirk performed well today, the team really seemed to have embraced him.....etc...etc...etc." It doesn't have to be negative, but geez, something!
What about you guys? I've been on these sites for some years now, and in all of that time few if any had problems expressing optimism, pessimism or whatever your particular bend happened to be on whatever subject. Now, some are saying that this silence is a wonderful thing, there's nothing to talk about, he's virtually a rookie, let's take a wait and see approach, blah, blah, blah.....well, I guess there's a first time for everything.

Well - all that you have to do is wait till Sunday then this place will be filled with tons of posts about Cousins and the rest of the team. That is as it should be. I really hate the fact that ESPN (and similar) have screwed up the coverage of sports to the pt where they almost talk about everything except what happens on the field.

What counts are the results & the play on the field - go Redskins.

Sportster 72

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Well - all that you have to do is wait till Sunday then this place will be filled with tons of posts about Cousins and the rest of the team. That is as it should be. I really hate the fact that ESPN (and similar) have screwed up the coverage of sports to the pt where they almost talk about everything except what happens on the field.

What counts are the results & the play on the field - go Redskins.

I couldn't agree more. Too much talk about off the field stuff and not what happens on the field. To be sure the media leads the charge when it comes to Griffin and I feel sorry for him about that but at the same time he fed into it. We have heard very little from Cousins and I like it that way. I am old school, let your play do your talking.

One way or the other the elephant will be romping come Sunday evening good or bad.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
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Here's the elephant talking about his game plan...



US ARMY retired /mod.
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elephant in the room ? KC is the starter . he has a chance to be good , or even really good , or he can flop as he did before

most likely the truth is in the middles somewhere

what i can say is 3 cant play qb at a pro level in the pocket without the read option play and a dumbing down of the offense

2012 is gone . the NFL caught up with it and 3 cant make the next move

KC will be exposed for what he is on the field good or bad

for all those bashing colt remember this , if he had the arm of either 3 or KC he would be dominating in this offense

Darrell Green Fan

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I don't understand how QB discussions, QB controversies etc are somehow thought to be unique to Washington. They are having the same conversations in Cleveland, Buffalo and a host of other NFL cities.

Will they draft a QB next year? That all depends on how this season plays out. If he shows pretty well they will have a pretty tough decision to make as this is his contract year.


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[QUOTE="Darrell Green Fan[/QUOTE]Will they draft a QB next year? That all depends on how this season plays out. If he shows pretty well they will have a pretty tough decision to make as this is his contract year.[/QUOTE]

If Cuz shows pretty well this year. Why would they have a tough decision to make far as a QB goes?


US ARMY retired /mod.
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I don't understand how QB discussions, QB controversies etc are somehow thought to be unique to Washington. They are having the same conversations in Cleveland, Buffalo and a host of other NFL cities.

Will they draft a QB next year? That all depends on how this season plays out. If he shows pretty well they will have a pretty tough decision to make as this is his contract year.

we will most likely draft a qb . the question is when ? and maybe how ?

if KC can be a tannehill type he should be a keeper then you are looking for a decent qb to groom


i know you don't like to hear the truth, but...
Jul 2, 2013
Sunny and 75
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WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?????.......

The silence is especially noticeable on sites like this one, where almost anything team related finds a most scrutinious audience. I'm not buying the we're all taking a wait and see stance, because that would apply to the unknown. KC is well known, and, has a track record to boot. So, what is going on here? Is this truly a circumstance where we dare not talk about the elephant in the room? I wonder why???[/QUOTE]

Jesus Stymie...you need to find a quiet place, maybe read/share some scripture with RG3 and get some inner peace bro.

Does KC have a "track record" as the starting QB of the Washington Redskins? Your kidding right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this is the first season KC has won the starting QB job for the Washington football team?

There will be plenty of negative conversation about Washington's starting QB this season. It's part of the territory...I'm just hoping for 8,9 or maybe 10 weeks of good discussions following game day.

HTTR my brothers and sisters, it's good to be a REDSKINS fan!


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WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?????.......

The silence is especially noticeable on sites like this one, where almost anything team related finds a most scrutinious audience. I'm not buying the we're all taking a wait and see stance, because that would apply to the unknown. KC is well known, and, has a track record to boot. So, what is going on here? Is this truly a circumstance where we dare not talk about the elephant in the room? I wonder why???

Jesus Stymie...you need to find a quiet place, maybe read/share some scripture with RG3 and get some inner peace bro.

Does KC have a "track record" as the starting QB of the Washington Redskins? Your kidding right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this is the first season KC has won the starting QB job for the Washington football team?

There will be plenty of negative conversation about Washington's starting QB this season. It's part of the territory...I'm just hoping for 8,9 or maybe 10 weeks of good discussions following game day.

HTTR my brothers and sisters, it's good to be a REDSKINS fan!

First, let me assure you that I don't believe in fairy tales, so that eliminates the whole scripture BS.
More important.........YOU ARE WRONG......KC became the starter in several games prior to this season, whether he won the job or not depends on how you want to look at it. Some say it was Griffin's to lose and he did exactly that. I get it, people want to take a wait and see approach, my apprehension comes from what we've already seen of him, which I firmly believe the wait and see approach is built upon.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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i have noticed a lot of people on this board dont believe in scripture . the football team has done that to you ?


i know you don't like to hear the truth, but...
Jul 2, 2013
Sunny and 75
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Stymie, of course KC has started games. And in every single game it was as a backup for Roberts team, but never as the #1 QB of this team going into a season...HUGE difference.


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Does KC have a "track record" as the starting QB of the Washington Redskins? Your kidding right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this is the first season KC has won the starting QB job for the Washington football team?

There will be plenty of negative conversation about Washington's starting QB this season. It's part of the territory...I'm just hoping for 8,9 or maybe 10 weeks of good discussions following game day.

HTTR my brothers and sisters, it's good to be a REDSKINS fan!

First of all - who cares about the negative conversations. Those are going to happen regardless especially when it comes to the Redskins name, Snyder, RG3, etc. Heck - the Patriots just won the SB & they are the subject of a lot of negative conversation.

Anyhow - it is pretty simple regarding Cousins. If he is even a slightly above average QB by midseason yet keeps turnovers to a minimum he will be viewed favorably by just about all Redskins fans (at least the true ones). However - that is a huge if, and Cousins has yet to show that he can avoid mistakes for any period of time.

Oh well - at least for now - I am looking forward to the next several games since even a hint of success will feel good since the media is doing everything possible to badmouth absolutely everything about the Redskins. To hell with them.