(>',')> Laser_Mike_89
nice, im gonna hit that shit forsure, the leafs board on espn was so shitty
Preds board on ESPN is probably worse.

nice, im gonna hit that shit forsure, the leafs board on espn was so shitty
I think I speak for everyone when I say that Rapslife4 would be a good and responsible mod. I'm fairly sure that everyone would be okay with that.
i dont even know what a mods job is, i think raps should have it, but if he doesnt want it ill take it
I should warn whoever gets mod duty that I will call them Little Ozzy for the rest of eternity.
Juicey P is going to use his mod powers to barter on getting back to the top of the fantasy league. DON'T TRUST THE JUICE :P
and whomever is elected mods will need to change their profile pic to that Little Ozzy Big boss man pic
i hate this blue head band thing the league is doing. just dumb.
What is that for again?