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KD a little testy


License to Thrill
Aug 31, 2011
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We'll see how life goes for him once the "nice guy" label gets dropped and the media starts coming after him and questioning everything about his humanity.

thats the crap LeBron, Kobe and Howard have lived with their entire lives. KD has had it good, the media spoiled him.

Losing a lot of respect for him (not that it matters, but still) these past few years/months he is just becoming a smug, arrogant ass. He better start backing it up soon (a la Jordan) or else he's gonna have a shitstorm coming

LeBron brought the shit on himself. Embracing "The King" title before he won shit. Making a spectical out of his free agency like it was national signing day for CFB.

Kobe had r*pe accusations because he was going around fucking everything he could find.

Howard well thats tricky. He came out as a hard core christian Jesus freak and we all know how the media feels about that. Then he goes and has all that baby mamma drama and even went as far as having a paternity agreement that everytime his baby mamma, who was a reality TV star, mentioned his name in public she was fined $500. Like wtf?


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Anyone hating on Durant over this has just been waiting and looking for something for a long, long time. He's basically defending his coach is what started all of this, yeah terrible quality there.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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LeBron brought the shit on himself. Embracing "The King" title before he won shit. Making a spectical out of his free agency like it was national signing day for CFB.

Kobe had r*pe accusations because he was going around fucking everything he could find.

Howard well thats tricky. He came out as a hard core christian Jesus freak and we all know how the media feels about that. Then he goes and has all that baby mamma drama and even went as far as having a paternity agreement that everytime his baby mamma, who was a reality TV star, mentioned his name in public she was fined $500. Like wtf?

You know what though - Every one has an issue - Listen to what you said and notice how everyone has or had personal issues - They are human - What the players do when they are not on the court is their business. That's their personal lives and their business.


Nov 11, 2013
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I don't really have much of a problem with anything he said. Taken out of context of the questions being asked (which is always a problem with these stupid ESPN articles) some of the quotes sound pretty bad. In context, though, they really don't.

That being said, there is no doubt other NBA players would be getting absolutely crucified for giving some of those answers. KD, CP, and Derrick Rose are 3 guys that have been labeled as humble saints who do everything the right way and are so kind to grace us with their presence... I'm not sure why or how, but whatever.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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That's hilarious. Mike D'Antoni is just awful. Why New York and then LA signed him to coach their team is beyond me.

Offensively speaking, D'Antoni is a very good coach. When he has the right players, his offense is a thing of beauty. The problem is that he has never been able to mix in even an average defense with it.

It also doesn't work well with "ballstoppers" on the team. That's why, when he was with the Knicks, the offense looked really good when 'Melo was out, but fell apart when he came back. 'Melo wanted his iso's and those grind D'Antoni's offense to a stop.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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I don't really have much of a problem with anything he said. Taken out of context of the questions being asked (which is always a problem with these stupid ESPN articles) some of the quotes sound pretty bad. In context, though, they really don't.

That being said, there is no doubt other NBA players would be getting absolutely crucified for giving some of those answers. KD, CP, and Derrick Rose are 3 guys that have been labeled as humble saints who do everything the right way and are so kind to grace us with their presence... I'm not sure why or how, but whatever.


Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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Offensively speaking, D'Antoni is a very good coach. When he has the right players, his offense is a thing of beauty. The problem is that he has never been able to mix in even an average defense with it.

It also doesn't work well with "ballstoppers" on the team. That's why, when he was with the Knicks, the offense looked really good when 'Melo was out, but fell apart when he came back. 'Melo wanted his iso's and those grind D'Antoni's offense to a stop.

So, what you're describing to me is a one dimensional coach who can't adapt to his personnel. Doesn't sound like he's that good to me. When he was in Phoenix he had an insane amount of talent and still couldn't get over the hump. He had a prime Steve Nash, prime Amare (whom I believe was very good), prime Joe Johnson, prime Shawn Marion, and several shooters that could space the defense. I'm sorry, but I just never saw why he was pursued by New York and LA. When he was rumored to be coming to Chicago, I was praying we got someone else. I'm sure he's a great guy, but he's no good as a head coach. The only reason his offenses looked so good was because his philosophy was to shoot the ball in 7 seconds or less, giving both teams more possessions. There's a reason nobody significant runs that offense anymore.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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So, what you're describing to me is a one dimensional coach who can't adapt to his personnel. Doesn't sound like he's that good to me. When he was in Phoenix he had an insane amount of talent and still couldn't get over the hump. He had a prime Steve Nash, prime Amare (whom I believe was very good), prime Joe Johnson, prime Shawn Marion, and several shooters that could space the defense. I'm sorry, but I just never saw why he was pursued by New York and LA. When he was rumored to be coming to Chicago, I was praying we got someone else. I'm sure he's a great guy, but he's no good as a head coach. The only reason his offenses looked so good was because his philosophy was to shoot the ball in 7 seconds or less, giving both teams more possessions. There's a reason nobody significant runs that offense anymore.

Pretty much. He's kind of the coaching version of a player who is a "specialist." He's not the best player on your team, but you need what he brings.

If I were an NBA owner and wanted my team to play exciting, fast paced basketball on offense, I would hire him as an "offensive coordinator," but not as my head coach.

As for the Lakers and Knicks hiring him, I can't speak to the Knicks, but the Lakers wanted him because Dr. Buss wanted a return to Showtime era style basketball. D'Antoni's offense is as close as it gets. Kurt Rambis was brought in to run the defense. No idea how things may have turned out because the Lakers were decimated by injuries in D'Antoni's only full season, but that was the logic behind hiring him.

Also, his philosophy isn't really 7 seconds or less, that was the talent that he had in Phoenix. His offense is about player and ball movement. If you watched what the Spurs did to the Heat in the finals, that was what D'Antoni's offense looks like when it's run correctly and you pair it with good defense.

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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Pretty much. He's kind of the coaching version of a player who is a "specialist." He's not the best player on your team, but you need what he brings.

If I were an NBA owner and wanted my team to play exciting, fast paced basketball on offense, I would hire him as an "offensive coordinator," but not as my head coach.

As for the Lakers and Knicks hiring him, I can't speak to the Knicks, but the Lakers wanted him because Dr. Buss wanted a return to Showtime era style basketball. D'Antoni's offense is as close as it gets. Kurt Rambis was brought in to run the defense. No idea how things may have turned out because the Lakers were decimated by injuries in D'Antoni's only full season, but that was the logic behind hiring him.

Also, his philosophy isn't really 7 seconds or less, that was the talent that he had in Phoenix. His offense is about player and ball movement. If you watched what the Spurs did to the Heat in the finals, that was what D'Antoni's offense looks like when it's run correctly and you pair it with good defense.

I agree with everything but the bolded. D'Antoni's offense was based on creating quick shots while the defense is still getting in position. It was also about taking the first open shot. The Spurs offense was about making extra passing and finding the best shot. The Spurs were more of a half court grind it out style offense. D'Antoni was almost the complete opposite.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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I agree with everything but the bolded. D'Antoni's offense was based on creating quick shots while the defense is still getting in position. It was also about taking the first open shot. The Spurs offense was about making extra passing and finding the best shot. The Spurs were more of a half court grind it out style offense. D'Antoni was almost the complete opposite.

That's what his offense was based on in Phoenix because those were the players he had. That team was too small to play a slower version, so he sped it up to take advantage of their strengths. That's why they tended to struggle with and lose to bigger teams in the playoffs when the game slows and becomes more physical. They really couldn't play any other way.

When he first came to L.A., he was asked how "7 seconds or less" was going to work with the Lakers roster. He joked and said, "Well, it'll have to be 14 seconds or less." After that, he went on to explain that his offense isn't really about 7 seconds or less, it's about player and ball movement, which is what the Spurs did so well vs. the Heat.

It's kind of like the hurry up offense that Oregon runs in college football. It's really a basic offense and not all that different from what a lot of teams in cfb run, it's just run at a different pace.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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So, what you're describing to me is a one dimensional coach who can't adapt to his personnel. Doesn't sound like he's that good to me. When he was in Phoenix he had an insane amount of talent and still couldn't get over the hump. He had a prime Steve Nash, prime Amare (whom I believe was very good), prime Joe Johnson, prime Shawn Marion, and several shooters that could space the defense. I'm sorry, but I just never saw why he was pursued by New York and LA. When he was rumored to be coming to Chicago, I was praying we got someone else. I'm sure he's a great guy, but he's no good as a head coach. The only reason his offenses looked so good was because his philosophy was to shoot the ball in 7 seconds or less, giving both teams more possessions. There's a reason nobody significant runs that offense anymore.

Extremely so because he even said once that his system worked because he had Steve Nash and that without him it simply wouldn't work. He just had an extremely lucky situation with Nash because without Nash - he simply wasn't good enough to be an NBA coach period


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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:lol: @the media. They're all whining and crying because KD put them on blast. I think every media person I've heard over the last couple of days has had some version of:

"But, but, we voted you MVP last year and said how great your speech was." :bawling:


Go Local Sports Team
Jun 28, 2014
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Anyone hating on Durant over this has just been waiting and looking for something for a long, long time. He's basically defending his coach is what started all of this, yeah terrible quality there.

There are many who think he's been treated with kid gloves for his whole career, so you may be right. I personally like this side of KD as long as it doesn't completely take over.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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There are many who think he's been treated with kid gloves for his whole career, so you may be right. I personally like this side of KD as long as it doesn't completely take over.

It's just the cycle of how these things work for the best in the game. MJ, Shaq, Kobe, Lebron, etc. have all been questioned about winning titles until they got one. Heck, back in the 60's and until he finally won in 1972, Jerry West used to get skewered for not being able to get past the Celtics.

Any time a player is considered to be the best or one of the best, they are going to get questioned about it until they win one or the media moves on to the next guy.

Lebron got his, so now, since he's widely considered the 2nd best in the game, KD gets questioned. If Steph Curry and the Brow continue on their career arcs, they will eventually face the same thing.


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Dec 17, 2013
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KD said a lot of good things today talking about this.


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KD might be the most real guy in the league, he was not lying.


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Apr 16, 2013
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KD might be the most real guy in the league, he was not lying.

He shitted on the media for 2 straight days. He said what exactly he meant which is fine.

Cracks me up that he kills the media for being able to vote on MVP and other awards when they're probably able to see more games/teams than any player. The media voted him as MVP last year and he critcizes them for being able to vote on awards?


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Dec 17, 2013
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The whole think is about them coming after his coach and teammates.