One of the quotes from the media back in the day, "his relationship with ARod wasn't that great"
Come on now, everyone knows Alex was all about himself and never gave a damn about any team he played for.
I don't even believe the little weasel when he talks today on the Tv about how he should've stayed in Seattle, (speaking about AROD staying here)
I still believe it came down to his family and that is why he left
I agree 100% and when I watch a game his calls you can just hear him try to say the exact right words to try and please everyone because he is so desperate to be liked. Dislike the man severely.
Thats what he wants people to believe, but so little truth to it. He wanted to be such a family man he played way past his prime when he could have been home taking his kids to school like he says he wanted years earlier and Cincy, Chicago, and Seattle were never family friendly locations for a Florida dad. Not trying to convince you because we all have our take on it but I don't give the family angle a bit of truth as far as the move goes...I believe he obviously loved his family so though moving them to Florida away from him was odd.
Well I wish I would have seen this earlier when the documentary first aired. I've read all of the comments and at the end of the day I still believe it came down to his family and that is why he left.
Granted it did work out for the M's since his days in Cinny were not that Junior type.
It would've of been awesome if he had stayed and played his entire career here.
Now the one comment from you guys that has me a little "agitated "
One of the quotes from the media back in the day, "his relationship with ARod wasn't that great"
Come on now, everyone knows Alex was all about himself and never gave a damn about any team he played for.
I don't even believe the little weasel when he talks today on the Tv about how he should've stayed in Seattle, (speaking about AROD staying here)
At the end of the day ARod was jealous of the relationship fans and the media had with Junior and not him!
I believe I found it online, posted above this one. Have not had time to watch it yet.