James Neal is NOT a complimentary player no matter what his contract is. He's a legit goal scorer. Shero has done a very good job putting the team together. Granted the main pieces were already in place before he got the job. I don't think Jagr is worth 2 million. If another team gives him more then it's their mistake.
I'm losing hope that he's coming here. But seriously, he'd be enemy #1 in the Burgh if he goes somewhere else.
This has seriously become straight up ridiculous. The Pensblog may get into a lot of trouble. I'm sort of worried for them.
Man, Svoda angry with Jory Rand (another Pittsburgh sports caster). Hahahah, this is just ridiculous.
I don't think that they hurt anyone's chances. They might've gotten themselves in a lot of trouble. This day is just...wow.
I can't stop laughing about that, thoughThey shouldn't have done that, but DAMN was that funny
Of course, Jagr could be doing all this just to get more money from a team in the KHL...
Penguins GM Ray Shero told NHL.com in a text message late Wednesday that he had not yet heard from Jagr's camp, either.
"No word from them," he wrote. "We are working on signing our own players. (Craig) Adams and (Pascal) Dupuis are done. Working on (Tyler) Kennedy and (Arron) Asham."