so, if true.... do we burn Carnes' shirt?

LOL @ me getting voicemails....
"Can you check this out, is this true" I"m fucking steve sipple.......
HH; I know you have a lot of contacts (direct or indirect) inside the football program and outside of the program as well... so let me ask a few other questions that are important to me....
What's the poop on my pizza order, can you fill me in?
How much will the US dollar be worth Aug 2nd, 2011, at 5:59 PM?
so, if true.... do we burn Carnes' shirt?
This whole fucking scenario is bizzare...I can't believe what I'm seeing...
Nebraska lost plain and simple. Sure there were a couple of bad calls, the roughing the passer being the major one giving A&M the first down and field goal position. The pass interference non-call wasn't so bad. If a Nebraska player would have made that play and interference were called I would have been livid.
Nebraska is not NC material. They've got a NC defense but they don't have a NC offense. If it weren't for our stellar defense some of the wins would have been 37-10types of losses.
They need to get their feet back on the ground in Lincoln, quit making excuses, identify why the offense is so inept and get it corrected for 2011.
Expectations are always high at Nebraska. Primarily because we've been to the Top 5 times and played for the top more times than I can count on both hands. As the leader Bo needs to act like one and stop with the embarrasing public blow ups. Recruits and parents of recruits are watching this. Do you think they want their kid to be verbally abused on national tv? If he's not up to expectations you tell him to grab some wood. I would never act like that in front of my family or in public for that matter. You can still have fire in your belly without acting like a raging lunatic.
That being said FAAA-Q WATSON!!!!
Yea I hear ya BRS.........I just feel like our fanbase is dumbing down. Now days everyone wants star athletes on the their team and they think that is how you win championships.
Tom Osborne won championships through hard work and getting his team to play with 100% effort every Saturday.
That team during the 90s proved it could win even with the Turmanator in there............I don't care what anyone says, if your team completely relies on 1 player to win games, then there are some MAJOR coaching issues.
I think we have a possible coaching issue with Watson, but I'm not throwing him under the bus just yet.........with that said, we should be able to win out the rest of the way with Cody or Zac if we are truly a team that plays with heart.
We need a leader at QB. If taylor was calling his dad during a game he is not that and should just quit.
I'm not a parent..... but as a former player- i completely disagree with your opinion on said matter......
Yelling at me shows me you care......
Acting indifferent- or telling me- "you'll get it next time chap" tells me that you couldn't really care less.....