Captain Spaulding
Ready for this? I was reading the PackPride board tonight and found this gem from one of their top posters:
Posted: Yesterday 11:38 PM
Re: INSIDE CAROLINA: Butch Davis Has Been Fired
"Was checking my inbox tonight and someone send me a P.M. They said that when the Swahili class is audited and it will be they will find that the paper that Macadoo turned in will not be the first time that this paper was turned in as an original work. Also was told that this particular class had quite a few BB players that took it as well. More than Hansblow and Will Graves."
Okay, let's piece this one out...
"...when the Swahili class is audited and IT WILL BE..."
"...they will find that the paper that Macadoo turned in will NOT THE FIRST TIME THAT THIS PAPER WAS TURNED IN AS AN ORIGINAL WORK."
"Also was told that THIS PARTICULAR CLASS HAD QUITE A FEW BB PLAYERS THAT TOOK IT AS WELL. More than Hansblow and Will Graves."
The firing of Butch Davis has not even come close to ending the pain in Chapel Hill. There is MUCH more to come!