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Interesting stats on Bradford


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Jul 12, 2013
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I know some of you (SJ) are going to skin me alive for posting this but I couldn't pass it up.

http://www.turfshowtimes.com/2014/2/4/5 ... -weeks-1-4

http://www.turfshowtimes.com/2014/2/4/5 ... s-week-5-7

Interesting stuff.

Weeks 1-4

Sam completed 33/47 passes to the right side of the field, which is a completion percentage of 70.2%

Of those 47 throws, 35 of them were accurate throws. That's an even more impressive 74.4% accuracy.

Over the middle of the field, we see the largest sample size of Bradford's throwing attempts. Bradford completed 51/78 throws, which is good enough for 65.4%.

However, he was accurate on 66 of those throws, bringing his accuracy to a whopping 84.6%.

On the left side of the field, Bradford completed 21/37 attempts, resulting in a completion percentage of 56.8%.

He threw accurately on 23 of those attempts, resulting in 62.2% accuracy.

From the 1-10 yd range is where Sam makes his money. Sam completed 66/90 passes, resulting in a 73.3% completion rating.

He threw 78 of those passes accurately, which makes him 86.7% accurate.

The 10-20 yd range his accuracy began to drop a bit, which can be expected. Bradford completed 16/36 throws, for a 44.4% completion rating.

He was accurate on 21 of those throws, making him 58.3% accurate. This statistic was impacted greatly by throws to the left sideline around 15 yards, which he was only 1/6 on.

In throws over 20 yards, Bradford completed 4/12 throws. That's a 33.3% completion rating.

He was accurate on 5 of those throws, making him 41.7% accurate.


Weeks 5-7

To the right side of the field:

He threw accurately on 26/30 of those throws, making him an accurate passer on 86.7% of his throws. That's up by 12.3% from weeks 1-4!

However, Bradford's accuracy over the middle didn't change much. In weeks 1-4, he threw accurately on 84.6% of passes over the middle. In weeks 5-7, he accurately threw on 22/25 throws, which is 88%.

More struggles with the left side of the field (probably the most difficult, especially the down the side line passes.

The left side of the field was Bradford's biggest area of struggles in weeks 1-4, and continued to be so in weeks 5-7. He completed 11/21 passes for a completion percentage of 52.4%.

However, his accuracy to the left side jumped by 14%! He was only accurate 62.2% of the time in weeks 1-4, but threw accurately 16/21 times in weeks 5-7, which comes out to 76.2%.

In weeks 1-4, Bradford completed only 44.4% of his throws from 10-20 yards down the field. In weeks 5-7, that number was up to 66.7%! Bradford completed 6 out of 9 of such throws.

Even more astonishing, Bradford threw accurately on 8 of those 9 throws, which is a brilliant 88.9%.

I'll let you all read more in depth for yourselves, but the point is, when Bradford has an established run game going with Stacy, he improved in almost every facet of the game from the QB position. Amazing what happens to your deep ball accuracy with a run threat.

Those numbers don't even account the called back TD (Austin) or dropped (Quick).

You get him Watkins and beef up the running game and yea, I think we get into that 24-26 pt range necessary for the playoffs.
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Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
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And his accuracy in playoff games is.... Sorry couldn't help myself. Bad, Bad ozark.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That's good stuff jacobarch!


I'm set with Sam this year, as well as Snead and Fisher.

A few more pieces and who the hell knows?

Here's to Year 3's!



Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
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And his accuracy in playoff games is.... Sorry couldn't help myself. Bad, Bad ozark.

Where is the stats when the Rams are still in the game, instead of being down 82-0 and the other team has already left the building. Sorry, I can't get the image of Bradford overthrowing a wide open receiver in the SF game out of my head. Garbage time = great Bradford. Pressure, game undecided = Sit down to pee Bradford.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Vita I think it's year 4 bro.

And those stats are all fine and good, but my question is: how many of those game were blowouts and the D was in prevent?

No doubt he's pretty good on his right side and under 10 yards. But shouldn't any starting RH QB in the NFL be solid in those categories? And if the Defense was in prevent for some of those blowouts, wouldn't that make those dinks/dunks even easier?

I remember many of those early games being down big early in the game.

Going forward, our division is crazy physical and the pocket is going to collapse. Sam isn't going to have a lot of time. Unless he changes - makes quicker decisions and gets tougher, he's going have problems and defenses are going to eat his ass for lunch. Where Sooner4life? Lol. He will tell ya.

Stats just can't tell the entire story.. I know the season is over and we all are looking for positives, but we have to keep it real. That defensive pressure is going to rattle Sam. It always has.

Maybe he flips the switch? But I highly doubt it.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Boss you beat me to it/ read my mind.

And I'm not going to lie Boss, sometimes when I'm drunk and can't find the light, I just gotta sit down. :yahoo:
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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Vita I think it's year 4 bro.

Hell, this will be his FIFTH year!

You missed what I was saying.

Year 3's are considered the make or break year for new Leadership. In this case Fisher, Snead, Shotts, Williams and Bradford. It certainly will be the make or break year for Sam but for now we have built pieces around this leadership group so maybe it will be a good Year 3 for Fisher and company!.

And those stats are all fine and good, but my question is: how many of those game were blowouts and the D was in prevent?
You said this.....

And then this? :noidea:

I remember many of those early games being down big early in the game.
What other choices did he have? He did what he had the opportunity to do.

Going forward, our division is crazy physical and the pocket is going to collapse. Sam isn't going to have a lot of time. Unless he changes - makes quicker decisions and gets tougher, he's going have problems and defenses are going to eat his ass for lunch.
:agree: This is Sam's biggest weakness, if he can improve here, along with a running game, I'm guessing we have some good success.

Stats just can't tell the entire story.. I know the season is over and we all are looking for positives, but we have to keep it real. That defensive pressure is going to rattle Sam. It always has
Hey I just thought it was good stuff, I knew you and a few others would be here soon enough to tell the rest of the story. As far as the rattle thing goes, I can see how you can say that but for me only time will tell, it's really too bad he got hurt. I think a lot of this would have been put to bed one way or the other.

Maybe he flips the switch? But I highly doubt it
This is where we differ, I have a lower level of doubt. I still see the opportunity in staying put with these leaders to a man and you don't.


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
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Is Bradford as bad as many think? Probably not. Will he ever be what we all wanted him to be? Probably not. I hope as some have said the light finally comes on. The last thing the Rams need is a 70 million dollar mistake. Oops maybe to late. In any case the Rams should be looking for a replacement now. Someone worth the time an effort to bring along slowly. Seems to me just to be the prudent thing to do. Even Montana had Young breathing down his neck. Alittle competition at QB wouldn't hurt a thing.


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Jul 11, 2013
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I dont completely dislike Bradford

In Sams defense.......
So we did start the season out bad as a team, not establishing a run game. Too many stupid penalties, Our o line was being shuffled around (Saffold injury). Poor pass protection. Our offense as a whole stunk the 1st- 7 games. Sure this wasnt all on Sam. Then we finally figured out that Saffold is a better guard than tackle and all along we had a pretty good RB in Stacy that was never given a chance early on. End result... our run game started clicking just after Sam gets carried off on a strecther. I'm still not sure if this was because of Saffold paving the way or is Stacy just that good, or a little of both. To me this proves that the middle of our o line is crucial to having a decent run game. Sam didnt have much to rely on while he was playing...and IMO if we dont resign Saffold this could easily happen again in 2014. For now I guess we will never know how Sam would have played with a run game.

I also like the fact that Sam doesnt turn the ball over that much. But when he does, it usually is ugly or a pick 6.

Alright here we go:
What I dont like about Sam is I think he takes way too much time focusing on 1 guy, he doesnt scan the field like other great qbs. This gets him into trouble. All the defender has to do is look to see where he is looking. He should look away, then turn back to where he wants to throw. He telegraphs his passes. Sure he has a great arm. But he is too predictable. He also holds onto the ball instead of running when no one is open. There are times when he could probably gain a 1st down by running, but he decides to wait to see if someone will get open. Then BAM, pocket collapses and he gets sacked. This seams like an easy fix.

Last but not least, have you ever heard me complain about his pay?? enough said.....


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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You watch. After back surgery and recovery, Brady Quinn will come out of nowhere and be the undisputed starter day one of the season. Ooops, I just woke up! Lol.


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
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We all know that the window of opportunity is very narrow for most teams in the NFL with a few---SF, NE, Pittsburgh, and Baltimore being the exceptions. Those cities seem to field a competitive team every year. The Rams have never in their history been run with such efficiency as these teams, or even as well as some others for that matter. My biggest fear is that we accumulate talent elsewhere on this team, and because of Fisher's stubbornness or man love infatuation with Bradford, whatever you choose to define it as....that we fritter away our window of opportunity. As players age, or move on through free agency, or whatever, that we will eventually get to the level of being "pretty good" but never really reaching the elite level. In other words, Fisher will get us to the "Pretender" level every year, and Bradford will continue to have just enough support, and continue to do just enough on the field that people will say, "just give him another year, just give him more time with the same OC, just give him a better OL, just give him better receivers, just give him a running game, etc. ad nauseam!! I am so strongly convinced (yes, I'll say it before anybody else does...what the #@#% do I know) that Bradford is not the answer that I'd be happy if the Rams just released him outright with no compensation. At least we could then move on.


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Jul 12, 2013
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The whole point of this thread is to show that Bradford does his job and he does it pretty well. Is he perfect? No. Can he be better? Yes. However I think the most important thing is that he has a tenancy to get better as the season goes on. Which is what you want from any QB. Like others have pointed out when he was in we had absolutely no running game and our Oline was pretty bad. Unfortunately for Bradford the Oline (saffold) started to gel after week 8 and we started Stacy because everyone else was injured and suddenly we have ourselves a more efficient offense. Not to mention he was playing his butt off in the Carolina game against one of the leagues best defenses. We all know of Quicks whiff for the easy TD that might have changed the outcome of the game not to mention Bradford might have finished the season on both legs. But should have-would have-could have....I think we're only a couple of pieces away from being a very good offense.
A true #1 WR (we have plenty of #2's) someone that requires double coverage.
A Nasty RG, and resign Saffold to play along Jake Long @ Left Guard.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Boss, there is one point of clarification you might want to be aware of and that is there was a time when the Rams were run like the Niners presently are and the Niners were run like us today. That was back in the 70's where GM Don Klosterman and Carroll Rosenbloom fielded championship quality teams every year and we took 7 or 8 consecutive NFC west titles and we were always picking at the end of the draft order in the days when they had 14 rounds and 14-game seasons.

We fielded championship teams because Klosterman used the BPA strategy in the draft and we always were three deep at nearly every position. He seldom had players that did not want to play for the Rams and we used the Saints and the Niners as whippin' boys every year.

Somewhere when that freakin Queen Idiot Front and Rearie took over, the franchise lost all assemblance of football acumen and what is left is the sort of pretender status we now have and somewhat mismanagement of the cap. Granted, back-in-the-day they didn't have the salary cap but we were much more adroit at obtaining appropriate talent and keeping it then we are now.

All that to state there was a time when this franchise was run like a well-oiled Ferrari!!


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Jul 12, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Boss, there is one point of clarification you might want to be aware of and that is there was a time when the Rams were run like the Niners presently are and the Niners were run like us today. That was back in the 70's where GM Don Klosterman and Carroll Rosenbloom fielded championship quality teams every year and we took 7 or 8 consecutive NFC west titles and we were always picking at the end of the draft order in the days when they had 14 rounds and 14-game seasons.

We fielded championship teams because Klosterman used the BPA strategy in the draft and we always were three deep at nearly every position. He seldom had players that did not want to play for the Rams and we used the Saints and the Niners as whippin' boys every year.

Somewhere when that freakin Queen Idiot Front and Rearie took over, the franchise lost all assemblance of football acumen and what is left is the sort of pretender status we now have and somewhat mismanagement of the cap. Granted, back-in-the-day they didn't have the salary cap but we were much more adroit at obtaining appropriate talent and keeping it then we are now.

All that to state there was a time when this franchise was run like a well-oiled Ferrari!!

:10: here here! :suds:

Don't remind me of those days, I get depressed.


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Boss, there is one point of clarification you might want to be aware of and that is there was a time when the Rams were run like the Niners presently are and the Niners were run like us today. That was back in the 70's where GM Don Klosterman and Carroll Rosenbloom fielded championship quality teams every year and we took 7 or 8 consecutive NFC west titles and we were always picking at the end of the draft order in the days when they had 14 rounds and 14-game seasons.

We fielded championship teams because Klosterman used the BPA strategy in the draft and we always were three deep at nearly every position. He seldom had players that did not want to play for the Rams and we used the Saints and the Niners as whippin' boys every year.

Somewhere when that freakin Queen Idiot Front and Rearie took over, the franchise lost all assemblance of football acumen and what is left is the sort of pretender status we now have and somewhat mismanagement of the cap. Granted, back-in-the-day they didn't have the salary cap but we were much more adroit at obtaining appropriate talent and keeping it then we are now.

All that to state there was a time when this franchise was run like a well-oiled Ferrari!!

The Rams did have some good teams back in the 60s from what I've read. To clarify I meant from what I've seen. I only started watching/participating in football in the very early 70s. We had some good years in the mid 70s as well. But when I look at the Steelers for example, they've been competitive from the early 70s and on. Is it no wonder they've won 6 SBs.

Jacob, all of us on this board just keep rehashing the same thing....Is Bradford good enough. I would beg to differ with you once again. I don't believe Bradford is even "pretty good" I think he is mediocre at best. And please don't come back with yet more stats because they don't mean crap....I'd have decent stats when playing a prevent defense and I can just dump the ball. Bradford continually fails when the game is still competitive. He has NEVER won a single important game since he's been in the NFL. If Bradford ever does eventually live up to all the hype he's been given since he entered the league, I'll be the first to admit I was the fool and eat humble pie. But I think I can rest easy in the security that Bradford will continue to display the same qualities he has in the past.....no mentality for the NFL game.


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Jul 12, 2013
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The Rams did have some good teams back in the 60s from what I've read. To clarify I meant from what I've seen. I only started watching/participating in football in the very early 70s. We had some good years in the mid 70s as well. But when I look at the Steelers for example, they've been competitive from the early 70s and on. Is it no wonder they've won 6 SBs.

Jacob, all of us on this board just keep rehashing the same thing....Is Bradford good enough. I would beg to differ with you once again. I don't believe Bradford is even "pretty good" I think he is mediocre at best. And please don't come back with yet more stats because they don't mean crap....I'd have decent stats when playing a prevent defense and I can just dump the ball. Bradford continually fails when the game is still competitive. He has NEVER won a single important game since he's been in the NFL. If Bradford ever does eventually live up to all the hype he's been given since he entered the league, I'll be the first to admit I was the fool and eat humble pie. But I think I can rest easy in the security that Bradford will continue to display the same qualities he has in the past.....no mentality for the NFL game.

when you put it like that..........if the stats don't mean crap then either does your opinion.
you could be right, but hopefully you're not. At this point all we can do is wait and see how next season plays out. Because it's a make or break season for him.


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
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when you put it like that..........if the stats don't mean crap then either does your opinion.
you could be right, but hopefully you're not. At this point all we can do is wait and see how next season plays out. Because it's a make or break season for him.

You're right. My opinion doesn't mean crap and it won't change the outcome of anything. But don't be deluded that your opinion means any more than mine, so your right there in the crapper with me. As far as make or break season for Bradford. Are you kidding me? There will always be homers like yourself that will manufacture excuses for this guy even if he burns down an orphanage. The only time he'll stop getting more chances and more excuses is when he's out of the league. The distinction of being the first pick in the draft carries a lot of weight, even if you haven't done anything to live up to it.


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Jul 12, 2013
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You're right. My opinion doesn't mean crap and it won't change the outcome of anything. But don't be deluded that your opinion means any more than mine, so your right there in the crapper with me. As far as make or break season for Bradford. Are you kidding me? There will always be homers like yourself that will manufacture excuses for this guy even if he burns down an orphanage. The only time he'll stop getting more chances and more excuses is when he's out of the league. The distinction of being the first pick in the draft carries a lot of weight, even if you haven't done anything to live up to it.

well don't get ahead of yourself. I just said this is a make or break season for him, in other words I'm agreeing that if he doesn't have a good to great season I will get out my pitch fork. I don't understand how it makes me a homer just because I have a different opinion than you do. :lame:

I agree both of our opinions mean nothing. Other than e-points


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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May be he has a touch of Ryan Leaf there Boss!
Good grief!

I thought there was not suppose to be any trolling going on around here retro!:lol: