Hahahahaaaa. ctc only proves how completely moronic some of you are.
you are the moron. have been for a long time. why do you think so many people constantly goof on you and correct your idiocy?
Hahahahaaaa. ctc only proves how completely moronic some of you are.
you are the moron. have been for a long time. why do you think so many people constantly goof on you and correct your idiocy?
you are the moron. have been for a long time. why do you think so many people constantly goof on you and correct your idiocy?
Oh and unless you were banned and came back on March 12. 2015 your claim shows how silly it is to even argue with someone who barely joined a year ago and just decided to respond to my posts.
Only sexist morons who think like that South African Raymond Moore believe that women should bend on their knees and pray for Federer and Nadal for equal pay when since 2012 their ratings have been even better than the men's at GS finals. I am sure the men players are exempt from your contemptible take that they have to bend and pray for Federer and Nadal.
You're off your meds again aren't you.
Moore didn't say women should get on their knees for Federer and nadal for equal pay.
"If I was a lady player, I'd go down every night on my knees and thank God that Roger Federer and Rafa Nadal were born because they have carried this sport. They really have." Read more from: Caple: Not even Moore could ruin special moment for Azarenka, Serena
GTFOHYou're off your meds again aren't you.
Moore didn't say women should get on their knees for Federer and nadal for equal pay.
And women's rating have been better than mens GS finals in only 3 of the last 13. Hardly something to get excited about, unless you're easily excitable.
Been around since 2011 you twit. Plus I remember your moronic shit from another site before this one. Your stupidity grows like a weed.
Reading comprehension is important.
If You think he said they should pray for Federer and Nadal you probably need your ears cleaned as well
Reading comprehension? I put up the video and you can listen to that you clueless one. Now take your time and listen carefully.
"If I was a lady player, I'd go down every night on my knees and thank God that Roger Federer and Rafa Nadal were born because they have carried this sport. They really have."
Very good!!!!!!
And that is nothing near what you claimed he said is it.
That is because you are an idiot who doesn't know a 'B" from a bull's foot.
You misquote him, mischaracterize him and i'm an idiot.![]()
You misquote him, mischaracterize him and i'm an idiot.![]()
Of course you are an idiot thinking I misquoted that Raymond Moore clown that women should bend down every night in prayer thanking the almighty God for Roger Federer and Nadal.
Only sexist morons who think like that South African Raymond Moore believe that women should bend on their knees and pray for Federer and Nadal for equal pay
"If I was a lady player, I'd go down every night on my knees and thank God that Roger Federer and Rafa Nadal were born because they have carried this sport. They really have."
Actually you are clueless since you think like the ctc clown that 3 out of 500 is actually meaningful. Just go through and see how many times he has posted in this forum. He just came here to validate the nonsensical sexist claim made by Ryan Moore who has apologized and resigned.
You dimwit clown, where do you remember me on another site? There is an error claiming that you joined SportsHoopla March 12, 2015, you sniveling egghead.
One of these is not like the other
What you said...
What Moore said...