Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
the 3 lost. 
Krystle Campbell, Martin Richard and Lu (Dorothy) Lingzi.

Krystle Campbell, Martin Richard and Lu (Dorothy) Lingzi.
Definitely domestic. The 'big guys' would of made claim already
the one thing about this that strikes me is that the bomb used was not really designed to kill or killing was just a bonus to these fucks. the way it was designed it was made to maim and mutilate which it did to its core. its sick humans are sick someone will be caught for this I believe it cameras are everywhere they will see who dropped that and get something.
Just on CNN: pressure cooker lid found on top of a building. Any of u see that pic going around Facebook showing a guy walking on the roof? Bingo...
Yeah, except the lid was found on the roof of a different building.
Finding a lid mostly intact is a surprising and extremely valuable find.
Looks like it was the building next to the one where the bomb went off. Walk from rooftop to rooftop is easy
Without getting into this idiotic conspiracy, what exactly does this character on the roof and a lid have to do with anything? What exactly would he accomplish with only the lid? On a different building? I'm not saying this "theory" is completely idiotic, but it's completely idiotic.
Sometimes the mere appearance of impropriety is enough.
There are also pictures of people "in uniform" running. Some have purported that since they are in uniform and running it means they got caught planting the bomb and are trying to get away. No context on where the ic was taken, when which way they are running or if it was even in Boston. But some call it "proof" of a "false flag".
The "Uniform" is khaki pants and windbreakers. Soooo. Best Buy?
I'm sure they did their homework (combined a bunch of things including evidence from the cooker lid they found, etc. -- that all probably pointed to the same dude) and if they are in fact ready to ID a suspect, it's probably the right guy.
Or perhaps Jake from State Farm.
The story on the Saudi that was a suspect, then a person of interest, and (apparently) now just a guy was pretty much the same. The news stories said he was tackled while running from the scene. Hmmm...a bomb goes off and it's suspicious that a guy was seen running away from it? Makes perfect sense![]()
Just remember the media, and specifically CNN are the ones using terms like ID and Suspect. The authorities may know who they are looking for, doesn't mean they *know* who it is.
Yeah, that whole story bugs me.
That tackling person is a grade-a jackass.
Same with the people on that plane who forced it back to the terminal because two people were speaking all foreign like.