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I'm getting excited


9er hater
Jul 11, 2013
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From the coaches mouth...
Fisher: Sam Bradford will be ready for Rams opener - NFL.com

Maybe it's just my usual mid summer undeserved unrealistic fanatical expectations for the Rams up coming season but I really think the Rams will give us a season to be proud of this year. I'm a big defense guy and on paper the Rams must be scaring the crap out of every NFL OC that will face them this season. :nod:


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
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I too am getting excited about football. But most have us not doing so well. The best I have seen is 10 and 6 with no playoff. Most quite abit worse even under 500. Not to throw a wet blanket or anything. :lol:


Creedence Fanatic
Jul 2, 2013
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Yep, this is the time of year where hope springs eternal. The only draw back is that after football season starts, it seems like it is over in a heartbeat.


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I too am getting excited about football. But most have us not doing so well. The best I have seen is 10 and 6 with no playoff. Most quite abit worse even under 500. Not to throw a wet blanket or anything. :lol:


no reason at 10-6 we shouldn't get in


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I used to get excited this time of year, but not as much anymore. I guess the consecutive non winning season streak has finally taken the excitement out of me. Time and time again us fans thought we were in for a successful season, but come to find out the team underachieves. Yes, we look great on paper, but can we perform on the field? Answer is pretty easy for me, I see a 6-10 or 7-9 finish and another disappointing year in Ram land. :L


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Apr 20, 2013
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TEB11, I understand what you are saying. That is basically how I feel. The Rams have not had a winning season since 2004 when we won our last playoff game. I'm worn out and exhausted which is why I haven't been around. It will take a winning season to get me motivated again to return to this website. I've been reading what others have been saying the past few months, I've just never logged in and responded. I will still be here for the preseason and the regular season but as soon as we miss the playoffs, I'm gone. I am a huge Rams fan, for life so don't think of me as a fair weather fan. Many here are from the original CBS boards and we've had many great discussions and those know I am a true fan. I'm just sick and tired of losing. Hope the front office and coaching staff can back their talk this season.


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Jul 14, 2013
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I have tried to temper my enthusiasm for years, but can't seem to keep in touch with the reality of how bad this team has been since the mid 90s...I have that same silly feeling that this year will be different...Even though on paper this is probably the best team they will put on the field in quite a few years years,it seems they always find away to disappoint...Again, I hope that this is closer to '99 than anything since the days of being competitive...I usually have a feel for it after about 3 games or so...I really hope this is it...At any rate, the start of the season can't come soon enough for me...GO RAMS !!!!!


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I refuse to get excited anymore. After the draft last year I was very optimistic only to see the team come out of the gate slowly. AGAIN!!!!! I'll watch the games and go to the games but will take the wait and see approach. If they end up being really good I’ll get excited. I’ve grown tired of hoping for a good season only to be let down year after year. I’ll just assume they will finish 4th in the division again this year and if they don’t I will be pleasantly surprised.


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
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Have to agree with you guys. I'm sure the Rams will be improved from last year....but it might not be noticeable in the toughest division in football. In any case, the smash mouth style of offense we seem to be leaning to and the great defense will carry them far....but unfortunately without a quality QB not far enough I'm afraid. The QB position will continue to be the Achilles heel of this team, with the WR position next. The good thing is that after this season there will be no more excuses or doubt about Bradford, and then we can finally move on and attempt to improve the most important position on any NFL team.


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Jul 12, 2013
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Have to agree with you guys. I'm sure the Rams will be improved from last year....but it might not be noticeable in the toughest division in football. In any case, the smash mouth style of offense we seem to be leaning to and the great defense will carry them far....but unfortunately without a quality QB not far enough I'm afraid. The QB position will continue to be the Achilles heel of this team, with the WR position next. The good thing is that after this season there will be no more excuses or doubt about Bradford, and then we can finally move on and attempt to improve the most important position on any NFL team.




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Apr 17, 2013
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I used to get excited this time of year, but not as much anymore. I guess the consecutive non winning season streak has finally taken the excitement out of me. Time and time again us fans thought we were in for a successful season, but come to find out the team underachieves. Yes, we look great on paper, but can we perform on the field? Answer is pretty easy for me, I see a 6-10 or 7-9 finish and another disappointing year in Ram land. :L

I agree. I like the strength of the Defense and the running game looks decent, but my optimism ends when I remember who the QB is. Boy, would I love to be proven wrong.


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On paper, on paper, everything looks good on paper. I'm getting tired of sports columnist say that over and over; paper is only good for being recycled in the sports world. Question mark at WR, TE, an impressive OG at the #2 pick, no good safeties, shitty DB play, mush for brains OC and a HC and GM who gets a woody at every ex titan player that gets cut. No excitement here until i see some Ws in the win column other than madden 2015.:noidea: Oh well at least I have clash of clans.
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Apr 17, 2013
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On paper, on paper, everything looks good on paper. I'm getting tired of sports columnist say that over and over; paper is only good for being recycled in the sports world. Question mark at WR, TE, an impressive OG at the #2 pick, no good safeties, shitty DB play, mush for brains OC and a HC and GM who gets a woody at every ex titan player that gets cut. No excitement here until i see some Ws in the win column other than madden 2015.:noidea: Oh well at least I have clash of clans.
Hey Jermaine! If you ever make it down to LA again brudah you gotta let me know.

Oh, me and boyz here are trying to see the Rams at an SF or Zona roadie but will be at the Chargers v Rams for sure if any of you mugs want to meet us there.

As for the other two, as Retro says...'Stay tuned!'

Now on to my reply to your post. I think it's more than just whats 'on paper' and by the way not everything looks good on paper.

Did you ever see our 53 man roster 'on paper' in 2011? :lol:

Or hows about our coaching staff and front office leadership 'on paper' from 2006 to 2011? :lol:

It's sad when you really start thinking about it. :bawling:

Here's the deal and why we should have some excitement for the up coming season. In terms of our 53 man roster and leadership, we were absolutely better as a team in 2012 than we were in 2011 in three areas:

  1. On paper.
  2. Our performance & talent on the field.
  3. And our final record.
Next in 2013, we were nearly at or better than 2012 in those same three areas:

  1. On paper.
  2. Our performance & talent on the field. (Although we had to 'find' ourselves and play through some major injuries)
  3. And our record of course was near the same. (Considering those injuries, that alone was an accomplishment)
You see, the trend is working in our favor! Under Snisher we are getting better! We still need to add depth, learn to work the talent we do have and avoid injuries however this year....
We have the most talented 90 man roster to pair down to 53 probably since 2001.
Consider all those factors and add these in for good measure....

  • We have added one of the better DC's in the league to our coaching staff!
  • Our young roster of last year now has some experience to bring to the field!
  • Our OL is probably in the best shape it's been in since 2001!
  • We've bolstered one of the best DL's in the league!
  • Everyone guns for the Champs so history says it could be a tough road for the Hawks this year.
  • Kaep's contract limits the 9ers so their window could be closing.
And for that I gotta believe things are looking up!

Oh and last, trust me when I say this...
'If it doesn't at least look good on paper, it won't look good at all!'
So there you go! :suds:
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ill drink to that:suds:


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
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Why all the worry about the QB now? Draft is over. Wasn't a worry then. Oh that's right next year. :scratch: :laugh3:


Unofficial board GM
May 9, 2013
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Bottom line is the roster is MUCH MUCH better than last year... I will temper excitement until I see something on the field (even preseason)..


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Jul 12, 2013
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Bottom line is the roster is MUCH MUCH better than last year... I will temper excitement until I see something on the field (even preseason)..

I can't get excited about pre-season. The Rams went 4-0 under spags in his second year. They looked great during pre-season. We all know what happened shortly thereafter


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
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It might be beating a dead horse Jacob, but until it is remedied it will still be the elephant in the room and ignoring it won't cure the problem. Guess we all have our pet peeves about the team. Bradford is obviously mine.


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It might be beating a dead horse Jacob, but until it is remedied it will still be the elephant in the room and ignoring it won't cure the problem. Guess we all have our pet peeves about the team. Bradford is obviously mine.

Well I think he's a good QB on a really really bad team. Of course the Team has improved over last years. However, the Rams are waiting on soooo many things.

For instance:

Brian Quick: Will he ever come along? The rams spent a high 2nd pick on this fella and he's yet to show his "potential". We've all seen small flashes of what he could/can do but his biggest issue is consistency. Until he can give 100% on every play he'll be just another guy.

Isaiah Pead: Another high 2nd round pick that has done absolutely nothing. He will go down in history as being on of the Rams worst draft picks in history.

Chris Givens: After having a big season his rookie year he literally fell off the map. He was simply awful last year. Bone headed drops and giving up on plays wont get him far in the NFL.

Tavon Austin/Brian Schott: I'm actually not worried about tavon at all. he's gonna be a complete stud. Only thing that will hold him back is Brian Schott.

Jared Cook: Had a huge first game. Then struggled then came back on towards the end of the year. Had the most drops in NFL for a TE. Unacceptable!

Rams had most drops in NFL: Need I say more? When someone is getting you the ball simple solution is catch the damn ball. Can you blame that on SB? No, you can't.

Point is the Rams are waiting on all of these players/coach to live up to their potential. And it's beginning to look like they're heading towards that "bust" category. Which isn't good for the Rams. Quarterbacks depend on these type of draft picks to succeed in the league. Take a look at Tom Brady. We can easily say he's a top 5 QB in the league possibly one of the best QB's in NFL history. But remember last year when his security Blanket went down? He was left with "rams" type of receivers and he stunk. Plain and simple the Pats had guys on the field that didn't compliment their offense and it showed. I am on board with this being the year for Sam. He has to start where he left off last year. If he does that then I wont be worried about the QB situation.