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If you can't trade down...


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
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Some of the same issues hindering a trade for Bradford are the same issues hurting our team as well....cap hit, inconsistent play, not living up to his alleged potential, etc. Bradford indeed has not character issues that I'm aware of. On the contrary, I've heard a few things that would indicate he's a stand-up guy. Personally, if I was looking for a role model, him and Tebow would be good examples to follow. Unfortunately, his good character doesn't transition to good performance on the field.

And I stand by my comment of "The blind leading the blind". At this point an offensive coordinator should know what the heck he's doing and not be experimenting. Reverting to a strong run first philosophy because you can't make your initial offensive system work is just another indication that Shottenheimer is clueless. Are you really going to tell me that he doesn't have the personnel to execute his 3 yard pass offense? It amazes me that people will continue to make excuses for this guy....just because he's on our team. As soon as he is gone, everybody will be disparaging him and rightly so, including the homers. Nobody anywhere is going to say, "Gee, we made a mistake getting rid of Shottenheimer and his great offensive mind" You can put lipstick and a nice dress on a pig, but ultimately it's still a pig. Shottenheimer is still an idiot.


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
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$ 190.91
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Hey BOSS. How you been. Good to see your insights again.


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Hey BOSS. How you been. Good to see your insights again.

Yeah, it's been pretty quiet on the board here until just recently. Guess everybody is tired of arguing about the same old things :lol: Like Retro said though, good to see you getting your post count up. About time you started participating more! :yahoo:


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
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$ 190.91
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Yeah, it's been pretty quiet on the board here until just recently. Guess everybody is tired of arguing about the same old things :lol: Like Retro said though, good to see you getting your post count up. About time you started participating more! :yahoo:
You know me I like to pick and chose. If I have something to say I do. Really not counting. :suds:


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
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$ 190.91
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I do enjoy your revolving avatars though. Very entertaining.
I must assume you mean Bloody Bill. Quite an interesting historical figure. Who mentored several other interesting historical figures. But in reality he was nothing more than a homicidal manic. Who, in the end got what was coming to him. He does hail from my neck of the woods and I heard he was great fun at parties.


the SoCo kid
Apr 29, 2013
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I must assume you mean Bloody Bill. Quite an interesting historical figure. Who mentored several other interesting historical figures. But in reality he was nothing more than a homicidal manic. Who, in the end got what was coming to him. He does hail from my neck of the woods and I heard he was great fun at parties.

Bloody Bill Anderson wasn't quite the hero like William Quantrill or the man whom my favorite whiskey is named for, Jesse James. He was at the top of the Bushwacker tree however, he mentored Jesse James who killed to avenge the death of Anderson. James mentored the Younger brothers (from which 1 of I'm a direct descendant) who helped burn Lawrence in retaliation for the hanging of Missouri men and truly sparked what historians refer to as "Bleeding kansas."

For those wondering, by no means am I pro Confederacy in any way, I just hate kansas and look fondly on the Missourians who fought them. Nothing drives jayhawkers mad like reminding them that John Brown was hanged by the US government.


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
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$ 190.91
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Bloody Bill Anderson wasn't quite the hero like William Quantrill or the man whom my favorite whiskey is named for, Jesse James. He was at the top of the Bushwacker tree however, he mentored Jesse James who killed to avenge the death of Anderson. James mentored the Younger brothers (from which 1 of I'm a direct descendant) who helped burn Lawrence in retaliation for the hanging of Missouri men and truly sparked what historians refer to as "Bleeding kansas."

For those wondering, by no means am I pro Confederacy in any way, I just hate kansas and look fondly on the Missourians who fought them. Nothing drives jayhawkers mad like reminding them that John Brown was hanged by the US government.
Too truly understand men like Bloody Bill and others you must be able to step outside of todays social norms and try an understand the time in which they lived. Bloody Bill and Jesse both witnessed close family members slaughtered for their beliefs or lack there of. Being young men or at any age this can seriously warp your thinking and view of the world. Bloody Bill was in my opinion insane. But there was cause.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Suh is being shopped, Blue, as a package deal to move up by the Lions. I think his contract we can't afford and his best days are behind him.
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Active Member
Dec 24, 2013
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Suh is being shopped, Blue, as a package deal to move up by the Lions. I think his contract we can't afford and his his best days are behind him.

I'm not so sure about his best days being behind him. I think he instantly makes our defense better is worth trading for if the deal includes him their 1st a 3rd and swapping a second. Could even include a conditional pick for if he doesn't play well, but what I would rather is for them to pay half his contract this season. He is owed almost 12M this year but less then 4M next year (The final year of this contract). If we're only on the hook for 6M this year and ~4M next year, he improves our defense today! We fall down to #10

At #10 Jake Mathews may still be on the board (and Lewan should be too if we really wanted him, but we would wait for #13 for him), Barr should be around both safeties and all the top CBs should also be around, the 2nd WR, Mike Evans, could be around. It could work out better then staying at #2, but only if the contract issues are taking care of.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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We shall see Icefreeze. We seem to be bringing in players we should have or wanted to select in years past but didn't for whatever reason. First it was Jake Long and maybe now Suh will finally be a Ram.


the SoCo kid
Apr 29, 2013
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Too truly understand men like Bloody Bill and others you must be able to step outside of todays social norms and try an understand the time in which they lived. Bloody Bill and Jesse both witnessed close family members slaughtered for their beliefs or lack there of. Being young men or at any age this can seriously warp your thinking and view of the world. Bloody Bill was in my opinion insane. But there was cause.

Oh you're absolutely right about having to throw out modern norms. It was a different world then. I'm an 8th generation Missourian and simply have great hate for kansas. A Missouri flag hangs on my wall and will go with me where ever I end up in life. I was actually in KC this weekend and my sister suggested a place for lunch but I shot it down when I found out it was in kansas, I won't spend my good Missouri money in that awful territory, don't want to support their economy.

You're also right about Bloody Bill being insane but having a cause. I think that thought actually applies to a lot of those guys. The funny thing is that their cause was often something like "they're from kansas."


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
Hoopla Cash
$ 190.91
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Oh you're absolutely right about having to throw out modern norms. It was a different world then. I'm an 8th generation Missourian and simply have great hate for kansas. A Missouri flag hangs on my wall and will go with me where ever I end up in life. I was actually in KC this weekend and my sister suggested a place for lunch but I shot it down when I found out it was in kansas, I won't spend my good Missouri money in that awful territory, don't want to support their economy.

You're also right about Bloody Bill being insane but having a cause. I think that thought actually applies to a lot of those guys. The funny thing is that their cause was often something like "they're from kansas."
:lol:You are almost writing my life story as far a disliking anything "kansas". I have my reasons but will not go into them. Civil War and Western history has alway been a hobby of mine. I have lived in Missouri over 35 years but where I grew up was steeped in the history of the Civil war. Thats where I caught the bug. People like Bloody Bill were not accepted by either side because of their methods and rightfully so. But what most people don't understand is most southern soldiers couldn't give two flips about slavery. They could not have afforded them if they wanted. They were simply defending their families and homes from what they saw as an invasion from the north.


the SoCo kid
Apr 29, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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:lol:You are almost writing my life story as far a disliking anything "kansas". I have my reasons but will not go into them. Civil War and Western history has alway been a hobby of mine. I have lived in Missouri over 35 years but where I grew up was steeped in the history of the Civil war. Thats where I caught the bug. People like Bloody Bill were not accepted by either side because of their methods and rightfully so. But what most people don't understand is most southern soldiers couldn't give two flips about slavery. They could not have afforded them if they wanted. They were simply defending their families and homes from what they saw as an invasion from the north.

I grew up in St Louis so I was nearly as close to it where I grew up, but its always fascinated me. Its unlike anything else in American history.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Suh is a beast that eats QBs. I want my DTs to be hungry for blood personally. And I've never liked the leadership in Detroit. Fisher would get more out of Suh, but it's not going to happen.

We need offense and not to bite on the latest, greatest player that's gotten a lot of hype.

Stick to the guys that stuck it to the NCAA every Saturday and let's roll.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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I say don't trade down and get 2 beasts in the top 13.

Quit fuckin around