very tough call here. one of my main reasons to stick with Bo was the fact that i just don't see who we are getting that's a huge step up. But with his antics, I think at this point, I'd take anyone who can be a decent face for the program.
I like the idea of James Franklin. I like the points HuskerinSECland makes. This guy knows the SEC and has recruited there, so hopefully with our lower eligibility requirements he can bring in some good guys. My main concern is that similar to Bo, he seems to lose big to good teams. Mizzoo 51-28, A&M 56-24, aren't scores i really want to see.
Tressel - I just don't know on this one. I think he's a big time wild card. How are players going to react to what he's done in the past? He's been out of the game, is that going to make him better or worse?
I'm trying to think of other candidates, but it's hard. Need to do some more research. I don't envy SE at all for having to make a call on this.
I understand. We have Bo Pelini, coached a Callahan recruited team to a bowl win, led (co-led) an Oklahoma defense to a BSC MCG to be unfortunately blown out, then led a LSU defense to a MCG to be a part of winning the 2008 BCS championship. These are all things that Osborne looked at when hiring the man that was hopefully going to return legendary Nebraska Huskers to dominance.
Fast Forward six years and you have a Nebraska Husker team no longer concerned with any mythical championship game, no not a conference championship and no not even a division championship.
This team is battling to be 9-3 instead of 8-4 in possibly the weakest AQ conference in BCS history.
And the result? Not only a 8-4 team defeated by 3 scores but also facing certain fines for the side line and post game antics of their head coach.
Yeah I am sure you are trying to think of other candidates and it is hard![]()
This is such a bullshit claim. Hell, the leaders division has tOSU and Whisky. Everyone else sucks ass. The legends has better depth.
Of course this has nothing to do with the discussion. Carry on.
Since you used teams we do not play and then debunked your own argument I really don't see what else I can say.
But if you want to use the conference as a whole to prop up our schedule/results then you must use the conference versus other conferences and then if you still don't see the foolishness of this argument then include these two teams we didn't even play and then please do explain how this is a bullshit claim.
Puhleez du!
So, do you experts fire Bo with no one in the wings, figuring (as I assume you do) that ANYBODY would be better than what we have right now?
Why do you assume there is no one in the wings? If SE fires Bo, I am sure he will have someone lined up. He didn't need to be here to understand that he definitely doesn't want to make Pedey's mistake if he expects to stick around long.
It is obvious to me that some on here have set their mind to one conclusion, regardless of how ridiculous it is, and will not be swayed from it. I did not come on here to argue with the sports board equivalent of a jehovas witness door knocker.
Why do you assume there is no one in the wings? If SE fires Bo, I am sure he will have someone lined up. He didn't need to be here to understand that he definitely doesn't want to make Pedey's mistake if he expects to stick around long.
to be honest ---thar is no College coach out thar --- that would even be interested in coachin the Huskers
the hole to fill is too large fer them ----FACT !!
to be honest ---thar is no College coach out thar --- that would even be interested in coachin the Huskers
the hole to fill is too large fer them ----FACT !!
There is one huge difference. You see if you want to take it to this realm, me and issis used to invite these JW knockers into our home to debate them. Soon, and it did not take long we were being visited by their elders. Then their elders became our regular visitors and they would bring with them someone who they wanted to show what the enemy looked like.
So I find it rather ironic that you make this analogy because you see, I don't only have my bible but I also have the New World Translation bible. I can not only tell yo where your translation of this argument went wrong, I also will tell you 1) where your translation went wrong, 2) where your agenda picks up and 3) where your agenda lost
If you want to make this a spiritual fucking war, let me tell you I am a spiritual Husker. I was born a fucking husker, grew up being fed fucking husker and have and will spend the remainder of my life being a husker until I die, and I can tell you this, the Husker bible supports fucking smash mouth hit them in the face fucking we won't back down football and no matter who you want to send to my door to present it I will not be fooled.
Proud of you Billy fucking Graham. I could care less about what bible you have, which version or if you know Jesus Christ liked one lump or two. Regardless of how much debating you did with them JW's, I am sure that you failed to change their minds. And THAT is what I was pointing out about fans like you.