He doesn't post much here, but has been in the Husker league the past two years and is good.....
Him and bone would be good adds......oh, and someone convince our 2011 winner to come back....
Did we really try and make it Huskers only?
The first year we had at least 4 "Outsiders"......
I welcome anybody to join the league.......sorry if the title implied we only wanted Huskers........not at all what I was intending......I just put the Huskers on there to differentiate it from the MLB Fantasy Baseball thread so in the list of all threads section it would have a different name......
I wonder if there is confusion because of the Husker Bowl Mania challenge that RA set up that was restricted to Huskers?
I voted to allow others to play in that also, but understood why RA wanted that because he was providing a prize that only a Husker fan would want......
But no, there has never been a goal to make the fantasy baseball league only open to Huskers......I'm too cheap to provide any prizes......Hey wait, maybe I should buy myself a prize this year......
Irule or RA, please change the name to Huskers and Friends Fantasy Baseball
I really want at least two more teams.....but draft is scheduled to be in 8 hours......
Should we postpone until next Saturday?
With the expanded rosters I set up a 10 team league would play like a 12 team league in the batting categories.....
......or, we could go with our 8 and make it NL only......that could work.....I know Irule is an AL guy, but I think all the rest of us are NL fans.......
I've never done a league specific format and have done no prep for such, but I would be ok with trying it.......I just think a mixed league with 8 teams is way too shallow......
I'll only be waking up about an hour before the draft so let me know what y'all think.....
I can ask my nephew to join, but it will have to be postponed a week.....
I'll bug Bone to join back up.....
I've got a league on my other baseball board that we were going to try and get started, but looks like going nowhere so I'll ask if the couple folks that signed up would be interested here......but all that means we have to postpone a week.....
LOL.....I asked Louis who is the only other person logged into the draft if he cared if we postponed, and I didn't get any response there either......
.....I'm sure he just has the window minimized but funny anyways......if the commish doesn't show up soon, I may go ahead and make a command decision here........