Active Member
since I'm mocking the pissing and moaning you do when someone does exactly the same troll routine to you
do you know what "projecting" means?
This thread Cashmans...
I'm going to go and do some work.. I've got dashboard to update...
Goats will eat the chain-link fence out back if you don't pay enough attention to them. I watched one eat a license plate... not even kidding (no pun intended).
Nobody says "Bahston"
Deal with it.
dude it's easy, "paw" like "pawsox"........but with a B
bawston is how it's pronounced
i hate mollusks...'s the PAHHHHsox
Smart people in kansas city know better....
Well, I wouldn't get a pig that is native to north America because they all suck and like to wallow in their own feces. And I wouldn't get one that got bigger than 15-20 pounds or so. I don't know what you got, but it is obviously a hamburger waiting to happen.
First place...
I find it hilarious that you're so afraid to answer the same simple question I keep asking you: Why the troll routine if you're so concerned about "rational" conversation?
its actually doshboard
"paw" and "pah" are the same fucking thing
Fuck you
yeah i wish....once you pump em full of pet drugs you dont really want to eat them....but yea fuck that cocksucker sideways.....sometimes my wife can be a stupid cuntbag....the rabbit and the pig are 2 of her biggest moments of stupidity.
I find it hilarious that after weeks of bashing sox fans for humping the fact they're in first place in late april and early may, the first thing you decided you needed to do when the Yanks took first? Was to advertise in your avatar...