mfw reading SportsHoopla
If it makes you feel better, I didn't notice the arrow in the fedex logo until like a month or so ago.
LOL!!! No, I ujust told people to suck my black balls in the I'm Bored thread.
I am the whitest guy youll never meet.
I am the whitest guy youll never meet.
I thought my mind was going to get blown in this thread as well.
I think I see something, but the Penguin is blocking it.
Mind bender for 4706.
Can you find the hidden animal here:
with black balls.
LOL!!! No, I just told people to suck my black balls in the I'm Bored thread.
I am the whitest guy youll never meet.
Sorry, that was a difficult one. How about this one...
See, everyone's reaction when they think you're black is: "Wait, your black?"
You're too white
Funny, but I will confess I didnt see the stick and puck in there until years after the team and logo was created.
Funny, but I will confess I didnt see the stick and puck in there until years after the team and logo was created.
Funny, but I will confess I didnt see the stick and puck in there until years after the team and logo was created.
Funny, but I will confess I didnt see the stick and puck in there until years after the team and logo was created.