Vietnam Veteran
Nice to see Mitch connect.
Is Tepesch that good or is Astros that bad?
Tep is about to enter the dreaded "third time through the order" next inning....can he conquer it for once?
yes, I gave him a telepathic order, works every time....and by that, I mean... it rarely works.
Geez, is Altuve that small guys? MM looks a giant next to him
We represent the lollipop guild, the lollipop guild, ...
I am not use to one of these games. Usually I am on edge with every pitch.
lol, well played.
Is that you swinging in your pic? pretty decent follow-thru you have there
right with ya, but we need to see Nick get through this order another time, always something to be worried about.
It's me. Most people say it's a pretty piss poor follow through.
3rd time through... Just doesn't make any sense.
Nah...I've seen piss-poor, that ain't it.
Leonys .297 ba.