Harbor Center
I wish I was kidding (and I know you were just mucking about Boss, not like I was on your lawn or anything).
I was in the middle of a poker tourney where I was doing well and had to switch computers, download software, etc. 7,500 people and still finished around 50th -had aces get cracked by K-Q off suit. Brutal way to go out.
I was actually going to do a YouTube video for the awards presentation, but not sure if I'll be able to now with the laptop powerless and alone.
Gonna be a tough call - retail charger for $70 or Ebay retread that might catch on fire for $20. They really whore you with the factory stuff, especially with a Mac.
Anyhow, yeah, Boss, you can unsticky both Hookies threads. I'm gonna post new threads for the nominees and awards so everything is on the original post there (instead of being on page 4.5). Besides, if it takes an extra day or two b/c of the power situation, it might save an angry mob to have these drop to page 2.
Wow that sucks. Not a poker player myself but that doesn't sound good. Also that seems steep for a charger but what ya gonna do they got you by the short hair.
Thanks for doing this poll eloco good job.