So this guy I work with and I take turns driving to work each day so we save on gas. It was his turn today, so he picks me up and I see this letter just inside the front door. I grab it and open it..........and see the dreaded words......Eviction Notice.
Me damn heart sank instantly. I started reading more and it said my electricity would be shut off by the end of the day and that possessions may be repossessed and all this shit. Furthermore it was going into detail about all these loans that I was late for payments on.....which it all seemed legit to me and it made sense, even though I seriously didn't realize I was late on any payments.
I called my parents and shit, freaking the hell out. Had all sorts of people on the phone trying to figure out what was going on. But I couldn't take off work so I sat there at work all day worrying my ass off.
4pm.......I come car is gone. I fucking started to cry a little at this point.
I walk inside.........electricity is off. What an unbelievable situation to be in. And I was still so fucking confused. Now by this point I was seriously cryin' like a little bitch.......started thinkin' this is all my fault because all I do is party all the time and don't take responsibility for all my shit.
6:39 phone rings. My friend Tyler wants to go out to eat. I said I can't.........he said no it's important we need to talk. I was like "ohhh fucking perfect.....I'll find out some more great news or some shit."
So I'm sitting there waiting for him to come over, and I had locked the door when I got home from work. All of a sudden the door just opens up and he walks in. I said "how in the hell did you just walk through that door? What did they do, change my locks to be ineffective or somethin?"
He bursts out laughing. Fucker had my 2nd copy of my key. He took it this weekend planning this all out. He also knew where the copy of my car key was..........which was hidden in a magnetic box underneath the car. My car was parked 3 blocks away from my house the entire time. Oh, and he went and flipped the electricity back on too......something I could have done the entire time had I known that you could shut off and turn back on your own electricity.
I would have really been impressed had he done this all on his own. But he had help. There is more to this story but I can't even gather myself right now.....Christ almighty
This was payback I guess for the time I unscrewed the eyehole out of his door in the dorms and used a guitar string to rope the door handle and broke into his room........then proceeded to cook catfish bait in his microwave.