Just as happy to see the Hawks continue winning, they have pretty well locked up the Central Division this year. So they can keep sucking up all the points in the West. Then die in the first round of the playoffs.
I'm not so concerned with how their streak ends, as long as they don't win the Cup, and are bumped out of the playoffs unceremoniously via a violent dickstabbing, I'll be happy.
Not that I've seen many violent dickstabbings but I imagine they're anything but unceremonious
Go Avs!
He Gone!
Thank god. If the Flyers can't win, you can't have our unbeaten streak. Well, technically that was safe because lol shootout, but you know what I mean.
They still would have legitimately matched it or beat it because the Flyers were 25 wins and 10 ties. The Hawks shootout games would have just been ties back then.
Absolutely I agree, but like I said, lol shootout.
were all 3 losses in extra time in shootouts?
Jan 30th 2-3 Minn SO
Feb 1st 1-2 Van SO
Feb 12th 2-3 Ana SO
pretty freaking remarkable.